Christmas Giveaway [1 Million ECD's & 50 USD's]

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Falconaire, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1. Polluxz

    Polluxz Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 23, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Polluxz
    Rank(s): Mayor
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: I have built a town with a fellow member called Maco20047 specifically for helping builders and helping them get resident. I am also consistenly helping people in global chat whenever I can.
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: I expect much better people to submit applications than me so I am hoping for the Diamond prize as I believe I am more than a normal ECC'er and instead someone who helps a lot and contributes to the server and is always willing to give a helping hand.
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: Go into funding our town Soaring Heights.
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: Cardinal3 He has helped me a lot and also helped me get a better grasp of ECC by teaching me things and being extremely helpful.
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: Yes, I would wish to qualify for the award.
    Other: Everyone who has submitted an application is an exceptional player and wish you all the best of luck on winning whatever prize you wish for.
  2. Maco20047

    Maco20047 |-《□》-The Medievalist-《□》-|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 29, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Here we go fine sir!

    : Maco20047
    : Mayor
    : [$$$$]
    : Survivor
    : Pilot
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?:
    I try to be genuinely nice as I can. Sometimes I have my moments, but don't we all? I've tried helping who I can when I can. My second ECC tutorial is in the making, so get ready! I'm currently working on a Builder town that will be used to mentor builders and get them resident in a week's time. If I do win USD, I will put it towards my ExtCommands+ fund, as I'm tired of having to ask you, clou, chargers, Gogo, etc for e-repairs. xD When I see people asking for help, I will try to help them myself, and if I can't, I'll help steer them in the right direction. If I can give them materials, tools, armor,or even just some friendly advise, I'll do it.
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?:
    To be honest, I'm shooting blindly, not aiming. I don't expect to win a prize, but it's fun filling my applications out. I would definitely enjoy the Nether Stars Prize, but it doesn't matter if I win or not. I would however, really like the Apprenticeship, b/c you're awesome! :D But again, really anything would suffice, I'm not a greedy person.
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?:
    Well, depending on the monetary value of the prize, I will do stuff for my towns. I would finally have enough for Colhen's portal, and maybe a chat if I get enough. I would also like to put some towards my President fund, as I feel I've been a Mayor long enough. I've got an area outlined for my next town (needs name) in the Asterion Nation. Preston is almost ready for building!
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?:
    Since I can't choose you to receive your own reward, I would like to nominate xpurexcorex. He was my first friend on ECC and truly has been awesome. He trusts me to be a Co-Mayor of America, and trusts me enough to run one of the America Towns. He is great as a Moderator and is always willing to help people out. I try my best to help him with America, but being a poor fellow, I can't really do much, so I feel this is the best I can do for a while.
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?:
    I believe there is no comment needed on this one, as I believe you know the answer. :)
    Keep up the good work on Aquila, continue Falcon Punching baddies, and continue doing what you're doing, you're an inspiration to all.
    P.S. f I don't win the Apprenticeship, will you be MY Apprentice? xD
    (Working on graphics for my application)​
    #82 Maco20047, Dec 6, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  3. fordboy33

    fordboy33 -$ Mayor -$- Money Makes The World Go Round
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Aug 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: fordboy33
    Rank(s): Mayor [$$]
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: I give free apartments to new builders so the dont have to worry about starting and just make money. I give them tips on how to make money and help them anyway i can.
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: I would like one of the top prizes like netherstar or emerald but any prize will help!
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: I would save some and put some to make my town better! I would buy tp if i won the nether star prize.
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: I would chose thomasku11 to win a award because he helps me if I ever need help. He has giving me lots of e-repairs and helped me if i need a donation feature done.
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: Yes, it would be a previlage too.
    Other: You are great for doing all of these giveaways!:)
  4. Mysticgoli123

    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐⭐ X ⭐⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Mysticgoli
    Rank(s): Mayor
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: some players i have gone and accompanied in the mining world to help with boredom, i have done free water placements and often offload unwanted items at spawn
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: any at all. i have never really been lucky win much at all
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: put it toward a melon sword or buy features
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: mcg1 or omnicrafter
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: no

    ATWINKIE Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Aug 14, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Rank(s): Resident, Survivor, [$]
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: I believe that I improve others' gaming experience by being kind and helpful to others. I believe I have around five friends that I have given permission to the chest to use my Eff7. Most of them are going through tough times on Ecc, whether losing a lot of money to lotto, or star tools. So, I just let them use my Eff7 so they can gain back the money they lost.
    Secondly, I am kind to everyone I see. I try to liven up people's days, instead of making them worse. I will answer pretty much everyone's questions when I'm not doing my hardcore mining, which I am known for :p. Also, I am a very trusted player. If you ask people, I always back back loans and do payment plans, in order so people don't get mad at me for not doing such.
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: I honestly don't have a specific prize I want to get. Any prize reward would be a lot and would help me out on the server very much.
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: I will definitely use it wisely. It all depends on what reward I get, to be able to fully know what I will get. If I do receive money or gift cards, it will be a spur of the moment type of thing. If the reward I happen to get is a few gift cards, I will probably get pyro or water+. This will help me when mining, so I don't die.
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: I believe that Original_Jackson should receive an award. He is constantly seen helping others on this server, and is also very kind. If you just check in global, you will see him helping builders to ecolegends. Never at any time do you see him in a sour mood, or trying to ruin someone's day in a malicious fashion.
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: Yes, I would definitely love to qualify for this award. You are truly one of the nicest people I've ever met on this server for even thinking to giveaway this much money and USD. It would be an honor to be known as your apprentice.
    Other: I know I have said this for every giveaway you have done, and I will say it again. You are truly a very nice person for giving away money. I know that this comes from the goodness in your heart, and everyone on ECC appreciates it. You will always be known through the ECC community for the good deeds you have done. :)
    #85 ATWINKIE, Dec 6, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
  6. KMaxwell

    KMaxwell Crazy Cat Lady that Crochets
    EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 24, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: KMaxwell
    Rank(s): GameAdmin, President, Survivor, Pilot
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: With Freecycle I offer new players some enchanted tools to give them a bit of a boost in getting started. With oYsTeR-MAX I offer a non-profit, no fee, saving account where people can tuck away money and save it from lotto disaster. I have supply opportunities for my marketplace shop to ensure I have stock of everything as often as I can, and everyone makes a little money on the arrangement.
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: The Netherstar prize.
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: I would put it towards a new town in Rising so that the KMax Empire can provide all its famous services in all corners of ECC.
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: Lady_Frost. She's been my most loyal, and productive, minion, in addition to being my best friend IRL.
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: No, thank you.
    Other: All the best to everyone this holiday season.
  7. minecraftninja05

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Aug 16, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    rank(s):mayor($), survivor
    what do you do to improe othe players' gaming experience: I help a lot of buildersz/residents with help. I have gave out some free homes in my town 2 new members and help them start out and see all what the has to offer. Whenever I see a question pop up from anyone I always try to help.
    Which giveaway prize are you shooting for?: any prize would be great I would appreciate any so if I would just be happy to be picked.
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: Any kod deserves this award, they have been very helpful every time I, or someone else needed it. They have inspired me to stick with this server and it is my favorite, most played server on minecraft.
    Do you want to apply for "Falcons Apprentice" Award?: sure that would be great thank you
    Other?:good luck to everyone that applies, thanks falconaire for being so generous and of course merry Christmas
  8. Joshy2019187

    Joshy2019187 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Dec 3, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Rank(s):President, Survivor, Donator[$$$]
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?:Maybe help 'builders' out more than others. :p I think I need to start giving away things
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?:Netherstar Winner
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?:I will use it to improve my town and the $30 for extcreations+ or sg kits
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?:I'll say 12345shane
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: LOL YEAH
    Other: I hope I win this :3
  9. ReDnAx1991

    ReDnAx1991 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 27, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    #89 ReDnAx1991, Dec 6, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
  10. bluecody12

    bluecody12 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 7, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Rank(s):builder 3k away from resident
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?:encourage them to go out and build awesome building and houses .
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?:netherstar
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?:get ranks and buy a melon sword and give some money to the poor so they can become resident to.
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?:I think it should be Cardinal3 she helped me an answered mosr of my question i asked. she has been a big of help encouraging me to make money and helping me discover the awesome things about ecocitycraft so this i s why you should pick cardinal3 for the netherstar nomination so if u dont pick me please pick her.
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?:yes!!
  11. MasterOPuppets

    MasterOPuppets Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 8, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Shaneman702
    Rank(s): Resident, Survivor
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: I like to give them as much help as I can. I always try to be nicest even when people are cursing at me(You would be surprised how much it happens.)
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: I would take any of them, I need as much money as I can get to buy stars for a melon sword.
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: Like I stated above all money would go to my nether star sign.
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: I would choose zedoker, we have been friends since the he was resident, he's always helpful and nice and plain out amazing!
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: Yes, I bought a house in aquila just because you were very cool, kind, and generous.
    Other:Thank you for hosting these giveaways you are amazing!
  12. autumn18chance9

    autumn18chance9 Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: autumn18chance9
    Rank(s): Mayor, Survivor and pilot
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: I want to get another town for myself which i will need president. This will help people get more plots to be their wonderful builds on and make it the funnest place possible for then. I come on everyday therefor it makes us a better place for users to know that they have just that little more help and support everyday
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: I would like the nether star prize and the advent calendar therefor i can use the money for president
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: I will use both money to go towards president because i struggle to get money and have always wanted this rank. Ive been a mayor for a long time now and wish i could rank up to president. I have a goal to get president before christmas but the goal isn't looking so good so far and i need so money to help bring my spirits for president back. This giveaway would make my christmas and be the first ecc christmas gift on my first ecc christmas. President will help me a lot through ecc and continue to help the community in all ways i think.
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: As always I'm going to go with trevalynfar because he has helped me massively through ecc and i have known him since i was a builder he knows me very well and whats going on and just is a massive help to me. He also helps the server by being the super modertrator that he is and helping people who need help within the game.
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: I would love to qualify for this award to because i think i would be a great help to you falcon and I'm a very helpful guy i guess!
    Other: Thanks again falcon for doing these awesome giveaways!
  13. Vintage_Gamer

    Vintage_Gamer Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Vintage_Gamer
    Rank(s): President, Survivor, Captain and [$$$]
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: I simply just help others to the best of my ability, whether it be just a simple question being asked or helping a builder on his road to residential life. I like to be there at spawn to meet, greet and make new members feel welcome.
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: 1st Place obviously lol but any prize is better than no prize i guess.
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: I will probably keep working on my town for new player ie. builders to come and live there untill they are ready to move on. And put some in to my EFF7 savings.
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: SnDxCH4RG3R hes awesome!
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: I dont see why not :D
    Other: NA
  14. trevalynfar

    trevalynfar Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Sep 22, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: trevalynfar

    Rank(s): President, Pilot, Survivor, Supermod

    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: I like to think my very prescence here enhances the gaming experience. But seriously its part of what I am to do when I am on the server. Help those with problems and offer advice to those who need it.

    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: nether, emerald, diamond and any other one that I could potentially win, I'm not fussy.

    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: At this stage into building materials so that I can continue my city building project

    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: autumn18chance9

    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: I think there are others out there who could use the oportunity better than I could.

    Other: I can't say I have anything else that is significant that needs adding into this application
  15. Dccciz

    Dccciz Nicememer55
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 8, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Dccciz

    Rank(s): Mayor, Survivor and $

    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: I improve other players gaming experience by answering their questions if they have any, and being kind and friendly towards new, and other existing players.

    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: Falcon's Apprentice and Diamond Level

    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: Use it to finish off the last portion of ext creations , and buy a spawnshop!

    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: SolaceDevotio, she has helped me throughout my ECC career, and she deserves to get something in return.

    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: Why would someone say no? - YES

    Other: Thanks for holding this giveaway and have a happy holiday season.
    #95 Dccciz, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  16. eben48

    eben48 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 25, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: eben48
    Rank(s): Ecoleader, Survivor, Pilot,VIP
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: I provide players,new and experienced, with services, amenities, and an overall happy safe place to play ecocitycraft. I have provided jobs to countless builders some of which without that beginning opportunity would not have stayed on this server.
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: Netherstar winner
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: I plan on using the space i have cleared out under ragland for a free farm for builders to use who are just starting up. If i won the money would go towards materials and to hire some of the builders who would be using it.
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: lavajok
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: no
    #96 eben48, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  17. monkeyBUTT244

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 6, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: monkeyBUTT244
    Rank(s): Tycoon, Survivor, and Pilot.
    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: I love talking to anyone and everyone I can. I try to cheer up people and help brighten their day! If you say "Hi" to me, I will always say Hi back- I am always willing to start up a conversation!
    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: I don't care - whatever you think qualifies me!
    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: Most likely help sponsor my ECC Gossip magazine, which requires lots of books and ink, or help host my Christmas party celebration. It will be a fun time with happiness for all! :D
    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: xLegend_Killer - he has been always a great friend and helped me come back to ECC and play here again!
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: Sure :)
    Other: N/A, Happy Holidays!!!
  18. AdmiralD

    AdmiralD IsleTradingCo
    EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ V ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 26, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Beautiful Christmas Tree!!
    You win for creativity.
  19. greg45865734

    greg45865734 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 1, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    My name isGreg45865734

    I am the rank of Mayor

    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?:
    Some of the things that I do to help people enjoy their time on this great server are:
    • I give advice/tips to players who want them (mostly builders and residents).
    • I also supply plots and public farms in my town to users.(again mostly builders and residents).
    • I often chat and befriend users on ECC.
    • I also comment my opinion on suggestions to help this server.

    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?:
    I am not shooting for any award specifically. I will be happy to receive any prize.

    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?
    If I win a prize I will use the money from the prize to work on my town. Some of the things I will work on are:
    • A town portal
    • A better public farm
    • Placements for my second town (an addition to my first town)
    • I will also use this money from a prize to work on my cocoa farm (I plan to one day acheive my goal of creating the biggest and best semi automatic cocoa bean farm in ECC.)

    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?:
    To choose one player to win an award I would choose Hiccabup. He is a great friend of mine and he has helped me and many others a lot of this server.
    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?:
    I would love to qualify for the Falcon's Apprentice award.

    I would like to thank you Falconaire for all the good you have done for this server.
  20. Calevmir

    Calevmir Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 21, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Calevmir.

    Rank(s): President, Survivor.

    What do you do to improve other players' gaming experience?: Any time a player shows that they need help, regardless of rank or in-game prestige, I'm willing to lend a hand. This is exceptionally true when it comes to my treatment of builders - if a builder is in need of learning the mechanics of the server, I try to teach them and get them up to residents so that they can really start contributing to the ECC economy and community. My loan program, which closely screens possible loan-recievers, gives players of all rank the ability to pursue whatever they wish to do on the server (as long as it's relatively reasonable).

    Which Giveaway Prizes are you shooting for?: I'd love to win any of the prizes, but specifically the Nether-star, Emerald, and Diamond prizes would make my day.

    If you win a Prize, what will you do with it?: It would depend on the quantity/prize I won. If it were, for example, the Nether-Star prize (First of all, I'd be excited!) I would use the USD to purchase my first donation on the server, and I'd use the ECD to expand my loan project and also to help with my future bid of a town where I can exhibit my design skills more than I already do and build some amazing structures.

    If you could choose one other player to win an award, who would it be?: Probably someone who wasn't involved in lotto. I'd have to say TheKDShowz_Kevin.

    Do you want to qualify for the "Falcon's Apprentice" Award?: Yes.

    Other: For the Apprentice award, I am truly a good builder/designer and think that me and you could work together to create some rather amazing things.

    Thank You, And Merry Christmas!
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