- Go to http://www.minecraft.net, and click on the login button on the top-right of the screen. (Pic 1.0)
Pic 1.0
Click on the login link
STEP 3: Check out your profile
- Verify you are logged in by the top of the screen, and then click on the Profile link.(Pic 3.0)
Pic 3.0
Type in the information and click Sign In.
STEP 4: Check out your profile
- Verify you are logged in by the top of the screen, and then click on the Profile link.(Pic 4.0)
Pic 4.0
Verify that it is you logged in, and click on profile on the left of it.
STEP 5: Select your skin.
- Under Change my Skin, click on the browse selection. A window will pop up. Select your skin file (mine is shown as skin.png) and click open. (Pic 5.0, 5.1)
Pic 5.0, 5.1
Profile page.
Picture selection prompt.
STEP 6: Upload and confirm
- Once you select your .png file, click upload. If your .png file is the correct dimensions, you will receive a confirmation message. Restart your minecraft.exe if you haven't already, and you have your new skin! (Pic 6.0, 6.1)