This is my suggestion for Cash Loan. This suggestion could income for some players and the demands of others and only Residents or higher rank. This could be a command where Person Apple needs a loan and Person Banana will do it. Apple need $40000 to become a mayor. Banana decides to do 1.25% interest rate ($50000) and payments would be every Saturday and auto-takes $1000 which would be taken care of within 50 weeks. If Apple knows he won't be on for the next week, he decide to do his payment early and the auto take goes to the next week. If Apple fails to pay on any Saturday, then that player will go into the negative while still giving Banana the $1000 and Apple would lose Mayor rank for that week until the money is paid. If Apple continuously fails to make the payments then Banana receives whatever cash he did the loan for, not 50k the 40k. If its past the amount then nothing is needed to be done and Apple loses all towns, ranks, and becomes a builder.
Commands to implement: /loan <username> <amount> <interestrate> /loanaccept /loandeny /loanpay --- They shouldn't lose any rank period, until the end of the fourth week - where they will permanently be reverted to Builder, losing their privileges to give loans, and anything else (this sort of scare would be a sure way that no one would try to back out of a transaction, especially those who own towns, etc.) Failure to pay Week 1: Added X interest rate on top of initial interest rate Failure to pay Week 2: Added Y interest rate on top of X on top of initial interest rate. Failure to pay Week 3: Added Z interest rate on top of Y on top of X on top of intial interest rate Failure to pay Week 4: Loss of all ranks. -- If the user fails to do /loanpay - They money will be automatically deducted out of the balance, if possible. -- If not that, here's a plugin - acting as a possible foundation for this, where the Admin (andrewkm, in this case) - regulates the interest rate: ... 878/page-4
I would also like this. The only problem is that I think some people might just start lending to people who won't pay the money back and then the people who loaned the money will just get angry. Besides that I agree with this although I would never receive a loan due to my time playing minecraft is very random and not very clean cut so I would probably miss a payment or two.
... no. No completely if ranks are lost. There are plenty of times where something comes up IRL and users can't get on. Life can be dandy, you take out a loan from someone, then a couple days later life hits you with something and you vanish. Coming back a month later and being a Builder again would really, REALLY suck, and be unfair. Having the ability to do easy loans, though, with commands, would be great. Users should not be so severely punished if they can't pay in a month, though. Whether that is meant to be realistic or not, it's way too much. :/ I'd rather see the money be forcefully taken out of their balance, even if they go into the negatives.
I think i'll bring a point that i though someone would bring up, but no one has so here it goes. This easily can be abused. User 1, User 2 and user 3 are friends, User 2 asks User 1 for a 100k loan user one accepts, User 2 ( who was never actually going to play) Pays user 3 the 100k. User 2 leaves the server. In the end 3 people make like 200k without doing anything.
...Three people make 200k? One person makes 100k >.> It's just moving money in the economy around; the only way it would generate money is if someone had a negative balance for not being able to pay it off. There could easily be other solutions.
This is what i was saying, the 3 people were friends. One person who made the loan left the server to go do other stuff, and the other 2 make money. And i meant 2 people not 3 :3 sorry lol
One of them lost money, then got it back. They made nothing. Anyway, I understand. That's why I am saying there could be another solution other than going into negatives.
Do you mean that all in all they made no money at all? Or do you mean only that one person made no money? Because if you mean the first user made no money then you are correct. But if you mean none of them made money, they actually made 100k give or take. But yeah there could and should be another solution other than going into negatives if this gets implemented.
Lets put it this way; If user 1 has 100k, user 2 has 0k, and user 3 has 0k, then when user 1 loans user 2 100k, then user two has 100k, and when he pays user three 100k, user three then has it. user two will lose 100k, putting him in negatives, and user 1 will get that 100k. user 1 and user 3 now have 100k each. Since user 1 already had 100k from the start, only user 3 gained money. In other words, one of them made 100k, not all of them made 200k. lol
Yeah thats what I said if you look at my last message. They made 100k all together. This is correct and it was what I was going for.
Wouldn't Andrew or other Supermods get a message of this and when he looks on it and he would question user 3 and ask him why he got the money, then he'll ask user 1 for what the purpose of the loan was for or vice versa. Then Andrew or other Supermod would either do of the four depending on the situation. A.) Give back User 1's money back from user 3, no interest money added to user 1. User 2 loses all ranks. B.) Allow user 3 to keep the money and user 1 get nothing since's it was basically user 1 giving money to user 3. User 2 loses all ranks. C.) Remove the 100k entirely and remove the ranks from user 2 for failing to pay the loan. D.)Temporary Ban for all three plus ranks removed from user 2 since he failed to pay the loan. Also we can limit the cash that it can only be used for applications for ranks, towns, portals, hospitals, etc. Not for 1000 diamonds or etc.
Its a fun idea in theory but with all the chance for exploitation or issues that would cause andrew to step in to handle or question things it sounds like a mountain of paperwork. Also judging from all the signs I see at build spawns selling things for outrageous prices or trying to trick new players into buying dirt for stupid prices I could see people spamming trade offering loans to new players to make resident. Considering no one can leave trade, this sounds very unpleasant. Also the number of new players that would take a loan, app for resident, then decide paying it back feels like to much work or like a part time job on a game meant for fun and then never come back would be staggering.
Forgot to TOTALLY MENTION THIS. LOANING WILL BE FOR RESIDENTS+ ONLY. Reason being: As Wally has stated before, people can join the server, take loans and leave -- Residents +- That way they would have to actually lose a rank and all the progress it took to surmount them to the rank they are currently.
I like this idea, there should be a default interest rate like +15% I also think that residents should NOT be able to ask for loans as it takes 15k... to get their That's way tooooo small. (It takes 3 hours to make that much as a nub) As for mayors they have had to make 100k even though that is small I believe they should be able to get a loan but have a limitation
Even at resident only I think you are looking at alot of potential headaches. To mitigate that I would say you cap the loan amount at say 15-25k, and only allow a user to have one loan at a time. Also make it where if the person that loaned it out does not get their money back, its on them, be careful who you loan it to, that would save alot of paperwork and situations from going to mods or andrew.