I'm not sure what the plugin is, but i've seen this around on a bunch of servers a while back, and it may have been discontinued idk. It's where there's an arena with 2 castles, one red and one blue. These two castles will have teams of equivalent size and power. On entrance into the game, each player is able to select a class of warrior i.e. medic, warrior, tank etc... and then they are spawned into the game with the items from each class. Each player only has one life and the goal is to capture the opponent's obsidian. Once a team has lost their obsidian, they can try to kill the player with it and safeguard it. The game has a time limit and once the time is up, the team with the most kills wins. If the obsidian is captured, the team who lost it loses.... lol. There should be an entrance fee and winners will receive double what they paid. Idk if this is right for the server so i'd like some feedback =)
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