Minecraft Username: Enegek
Brief Description: I'm trying to extend one of my plots downwards, and I've already done "//expand 24", but when I try to use "/rg update name" it says I don't have permission.
Instructions: Set a plot with town control. Then use the //expand command, and try to update the selected region.
How many times did you recreate this?: 3
Result: You do not have permission
Expected Result: Region successfully expanded
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Why are you expecting to have access to this?
That would let you expand any region on the server, towns included-
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You can only use //expand before setting a plot region. You'll have to delete the region and remake it.
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That command isn't part of the TownControlPlus package, it is correct that you don't have permission for it.
You need to define your plot first using the //expand commands if you wish, then set it. If you are resizing a plot, you must delete it first then reset it in your new dimensions. -
As mentioned above, this is not a command offered to players, nor will it be.
To change the size of your plot, first delete it, then re-create it with the correct size.