I've been looking over my ECC goals, and figured I should cross a few more off the list before I revamp what I'm after for 2018. Looking for: Star Rod Star Rocket Eff7 I'm still willing to buy these items along with selling donations. Donations will be at a rate of 12.5k:$1. Given that I am forking out real money in this exchange, the in-game value of the star items offered towards a donation is going to be lowered by up to half when used as payment. Donation Budget Available: $0 Next Allotment: Feb 8th Feel free to post here or forum PM me if you wish to make a deal.
I do still have star boots available. Not sure what you are looking to pay on them but I would be willing to take ecd or gift cards as payment.
Sorry, but I was approached last night with a boots/elytra combination offer for a donation. It is only the other listed star tools I'm interested in now, or in just selling donations on their own.
Updated sought star items, though all will be considered. Listed donation price with, and without, a star item included.