OMG, not the Builder Swarms! We might as well give up now to the mass of White nametags. I mean like, who isn't afraid of those guys; constantly asking for food, armor, and random jobs/donations. *shiver*
This has happened before.. Builders standing on a line and saying stuff together causing massive spam..
Builders can't make/join clans plus they just don't have the money to supply their army with weapons and armour to try to defeat us rich presidents, tycoons, ext.
ok... so will this happen? Or has it already been done in a distant parell unknown universe... Anyway, we must prepare for the incoming war!
But they have an infite amount of builders and they can recruit people in real life to join ECC and rebel...
Where is this infinite number of builders. I only see about 7 billion people in the world, MAYBE half of them have computers, only about 15 million of them have Minecraft. Where is this 'infinite' amount of builders you're talking about?