You stated the he said "Builders don't know any better". That's what you should have complained about.
Harassing other users is against the rules. As I said, take it to a complaint. Anyway, I think you and I are getting a little far away from the main subject here. All i'm pointing out is that there is what is known as "Rankism" in the server. As I stated, it does deal with all ranks, including EcoLeaders and Tycoons. Builders are, as I have already said, put to the top of rankism because of the fact that they are new users who lack experience of the server. Also, as I have once again for the millionth time, I have never heard of a single person on the server who just completely disgraces Builders. The time that _TANSTAAFL had done that to you does not make him a person that disgraces builders. Just my point, and I leave it at that.
builders arnt mistreated, i was treated jsut fine and managed to save up money fora plot and becam a resident
when i was builder boy it was so harsh but to be honest it was the best thing i've ever done in ecc. It taught me about how to be independant and hard working. Also it taught me how to be patient and i had a friend - xlq8- he was ahead of me and he got resident before me which allowed me to work harder. I was never treated unfairly by the ecc community and all the mods including former ones were helpful. This is why i say that builders are treated fairly. Some people might not treat certain people fair since they heard complaints about them. This doesnt mean that these people HATE builders it's just that they dont know them well like their friends.
There is no being "mistreated" by other users for Builders. There is no being "mistreated" by other users for Residents. There is no being "mistreated" by other users for Mayors. There is no being "mistreated" by other users for Presidents. There is no being "mistreated" by other users for Tycoons. There is no being "mistreated" by other users for EcoLeaders. There are simply bad people in the world. The main focus that this should be trying to make, is not that the rank Builder as a whole is being treated poorly, it's that obviously there are bad people on the server who need to be punished for they have done to the Builders. I assume you feel this way because someone did this to you as a Builder. And for that, I am truly sorry. But the community as a whole is not the main problem, and neither are you. It was whoever harassed you who has the problem. And anyone who feels like this is a correct post in saying they are mistreated, they aren't. There are just bad people who want to treat them that way.