Saying that Builders are treated poorly is vague. Plus, the whole idea of this topic is harsh. You act as of though that EVERY other rank, mainly Mayors+, are treating the Builders poorly. Not once have I ever been rich. I have only had over 100k once, and that was for only about a week. This topic, in my opinion, seems to be more of your opinion. YOU believe that Builders are being treated poorly, but I see many Builders that are content with their current lives on ECC. And their may be a few Builders who have similar thoughts, but we are not going to benefit them just because they are Builders. In fact, they are meant to do hard labor because of the fact that they start off with nothing.
I think I would like to point out he is no longer a builder, so I don't think he can really be part of the builder's union
I both agree and disagree with you Tehpwn. I'd like to say your're doing a good job at striving to make ECC a better place for yourself as well as others. I'm a firm believer that if you don't like the situation you're in, you can lift yourself out of it. Now, I agree with the fact that some builders are treated unfairly and I have a couple theories regarding this. Neither of these theories are going to come as a surprise to anyone, as they've been stated over and over, but they're worth posting on this thread. - The rank [Builder] has long been associated with scamming, trolling, as well as severe spamming. Reasons that some builders are treated unfairly may stem from connotations revolving around previous characters whom have displayed such behavior. That being said, I don't think you should stick up for people who give the rank such a notorious name. The best thing to do is to keep an eye on your fellow builders and make sure everyone knows that you're all here to play the same game, to be friends, and to communicate with others in a polite manner. - [Builder] is just another way to say "I'm new here." I think that some users provide as a type of social conflict for these new users. It's conflict like this is essential if you want these new users to become accustomed to the play style and how they'll need to interact in the cut-throat world of ECC. I personally know users who aren't rude to builders yet they still treat them as regulars, charging them full prices for plots and items, speaking in ECC relative terms, ect.... Builders being treated in a type of "tough love" way might actually help them in the long run. I don't want what I said here to have a negative effect on what you're doing. I appreciate how much time you've taken to address this ongoing occurrence but it's also just as important to take in other opinions in order to shape your cause. I see you, Tehpwn, as being one of the great advocates for equal builder rights. Good luck and I hope to see you often. Thanks for reading, Mard
Most people are nice to builders. The only rude/mean thing people have done to builders is flame them for whatever they do in the lottery...
Buuummmppp Trying to make a good profit out of my fishing table peir selling frods and buying xp with people who use it, but it just doesnt make that much money. Its hard to make money off of builders without taking advantage of them (like those 2k/hour jobs).
We dont mistreat you but I can see how you would think that but tycoons, presidents, and ecoleaders might brag but I dont think that that mean harm. I never thought i was mistreated when I was a builder. I just had to make money and not cry about not making money.
I honestly think it depends on how builders in general rub off on certain people. I see some builders beg and ask repeated times for things and sometimes that will get people angry. Usually those poeple end up mistreating builders but, when in some cases a builder shows that there willing to work more then is needed and will do any job they will get alot of money or get liked enough for someone to give them money to res. So honestly give each builder itself a chance. If one makes you angry then just ignore that builder but give others a chance.
Sometimes paying builders per hour is not a good idea. Some would just do very little and make up excuses on why they did so less. Also, paying for doing a specific task and completing it would be easier for you as you will know how much they did.
The only reason that builders are looked down apon is mostly because some builders have trolled, scammed, spammed, griefed, etc. When I was a builder, I didn't care about this "segregation", I just earned my money! I'm not trying to demote this, but I think that builders should just earn their money! These donations aren't really fair. At one point, my brother was a builder with 20k! Now people, don't get all mad at me and hate me, but most builders should just work, and earn it.
New builders tend to beg for money, but once they learn how to make money and buy a plot, they should stop. In my opinion, builders tend not to read the rules until they first make a forum account which for most people, is when they apply for resident.
I joined the server 3 days ago and have made over 35k eco dollars without donating real-life money. I was a builder. You are just over-reacting. Making money is not hard. The only thing I got for free was a pickaxe I asked a Mayor for so I can start making money myself. After that I have made every dollar myself.
I think that it would be nice to just start over again, being president, tycoon or ecoleader sounds fun but sometimes can get kind of boring. I enjoyed becoming one, making money with farming, selling my buildings and making lots of friends on the road to higher ranks. My time as builder was great, took me about 4 months to become a resident though didn't know you could rank.
No, builders are not treated bad. Most presidents that I know look for builders to help with little jobs that don't pay bad. It just takes actual work that the builder has to do!!
Yes this is just plain necro'ing a thread, you are just plain repeating already stated points to this argument
Builders have "built" a reputation for themselves as most of them are banned daily, griefing, or something entirely inappropriate.