Welcome to ECC! Congratulations on your desire to rank up to Resident. Make sure to remind me when you apply for Resident so that I am able to meet you in town and transfer you the funds.
Hey ww2, it is possible that there is some miscommunication with our program. You have to earn the funds yourself by working (mining or farming are good ways) and have that 15k before you apply. Your fee is reimbursed after you receive your promotion. Here is to your success!
Oh, Im so sorry I thought you gave me the 15k for the application My bad, I'll have the thread edited, thank you
1. What is your In-Game-Name?: _SilverWarrior 2. What is your server rank (Builder only)?: Builder. 3. You have a forum account that matches your IGN?: Yes I do 4. You confirm this is NOT an ALT account?: I can, this is not an alt in any means. 5. You have read and understand The_Builder's_Getting_Started_Guide on the ECC Wiki?: Yes I have read it and understand everything. 6. You have read and understand Collecting_Proper_Evidence?: Screenshots, screenshots, screenshots my friend. 7. You understand that you must apply for Resident when you have the funds and that you will be compensated the $15k application fee when you are ranked Resident?: Yes I understand this. 8. You understand that once your application is processed by staff, you will need to notify me here or in game and then meet with me in game and I will transfer your $15k compensation to you?: Yes I understand PSA: Great what you guys are doing, really brings friendliness to the community which I'm already enjoying. I love this, keep it up guys, one day when I've got this kind of money I'll be giving back just like you.
Welcome to ECC Silver! We are glad you finding our community friendly and that you are enjoying yourself. Our goal of this program is to help new players succeed - and the fact that you are looking forward to giving back to the community shows that you are already a success. Please let me know when you have the 15k and have applied for resident and I will be glad to reimburse you in game when you are promoted.
Application: 1. What is your In-Game-Name? Tails_Prower_24 2. What is your server rank (Builder only)? Builder 3. You have a forum account that matches your IGN? Yes 4. You confirm this is NOT an ALT account. Yes 5. You have read and understand The_Builder's_Getting_Started_Guide on the ECC Wiki? Yes 6. You have read and understand Collecting_Proper_Evidence? Yes 7. You understand that you must apply for Resident when you have the funds and that you will be compensated the $15k application fee when you are ranked Resident . Yes 8. You understand that once your application is processed by staff, you will need to notify me here or in game and then meet with me in game and I will transfer your $15k compensation to you?[/QUOTE] Yes Thank you.
Yes Thank you.[/QUOTE] Welcome to ECC Tails and applying for the bonus. Please let me know when you have the funds and have applied for the rank of resident so that I will be able to meet with you in game and reimburse your funds after your promotion.
Welcome to ECC Padfoot and congratulations on your becoming a Resident! I will be looking forward to meeting you in game to refund your application fees.
1. What is your In-Game-Name? lordbean8 2. What is your server rank (Builder only)? I was a builder yesterday night when drowninginpizza told me about this, I read it over and wasn't completely clear on it, but my resident app was accepted soon after, so I'm not sure if I can still get this. 3. You have a forum account that matches your IGN? Arr... (Yeah) 4. You confirm this is NOT an ALT account. Yes 5. You have read and understand The_Builder's_Getting_Started_Guide on the ECC Wiki? Yes 6. You have read and understand Collecting_Proper_Evidence? Yes 7. You understand that you must apply for Resident when you have the funds and that you will be compensated the $15k application fee when you are ranked Resident . Kinda, back to question 2... 8. You understand that once your application is processed by staff, you will need to notify me here or in game and then meet with me in game and I will transfer your $15k compensation to you? Yeah
Welcome to ECC - and congratulations on attaining the rank of Resident! Your application is accepted and I will transfer the funds to you as soon as we can meet in game.
Like 'Pizza stated, your in game name needs to be the same as your forum account. If you have not actually been on the server, you would not be qualified in that there would have been no way for you to earn the funds for Resident Application. Wishing you the best of success!
1. What is your In-Game-Name? dagamerman 2. What is your server rank (Builder or Resident - please provide link to your approved application within 3 days)? Builder (just applied for resident) 3. You have a forum account that matches your IGN? YES 4. You confirm this is NOT an ALT account. Confirmed 5. You have read and understand The_Builder's_Getting_Started_Guide on the ECC Wiki? Read 6. You have read and understand Collecting_Proper_Evidence? Read 7. You understand that you must apply for Resident when you have the funds and that you will be compensated the $15k application fee when you are ranked Resident . I understand 8. You understand that once your application is processed by staff, you will need to notify me here or in game and then meet with me in game and I will transfer your $15k compensation to you? Yes i understand RESIDENT LINK: http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/resident-application-dagamerman.139148/
Welcome to ECC ! Please make sure to remind me when you are approved for Resident by the staff and I will meet you in game to transfer your bonus to you.