Minecraft Username: IamKarnii
Brief Description: Lost items in my inventory when the server re loaded
Instructions: I simply got disconnected to the hub server once server went down for maintenance, when i returned it brought me to the tutorial section. I then warped to spawn and had nothing in my intentory or hotbar.
How many times did you recreate this bug?: This has happened only once
Result: Lost 1 maxed diamond pick, 2 stacks of torches and 54 baked potatos. (only care about the pick)
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Shows here you were banned:
The wipes were done during the maintenance.
If someone un-banned you then that's out of my hands.
All those who LWC Looted just had their inventories wiped during this maintenance however. I cannot retrieve it for you.
Don't break rules and get banned please.
You can contact @Physicistsmom for further help if you feel this was incorrect, and see if she generates some of the lost stuff for you.-
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I have contacted here, but seriously,
If i was unbanned that surerly takes me off the list of people to wipe? expecially if i was unbanned because it was not a fair ban.-
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I did LWC Looting bans, and just cleared inventories during this maintenance.
To avoid these issues in the future, don't get banned.-
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