Minecraft Username: Ochinimo Brief Description: This bug is for Vanilla Minerun. If you try breaking a Grass Pathway Block in a village it will say "Use '/sell hand' to add rare items to your booklet." Also if you try creating one by right clicking on a grass block with a shovel it will also say that. So far I have found the only possible way to break the Grass Pathway is through explosions. Instructions: Find a Grass Pathway Block, try to break it, boom it doesn't break. Now when you try to create one you take a shovel, right click a grass block, and it doesn't do anything. How many times did you recreate this bug?: Several times over, it can be done over and over. Result: There are certain unbreakable blocks, also there are blocks which can't be created for VMR booklet. Expected Result: The result is always the same as I have seen so far. Evidence: http://prntscr.com/hvacu2 You can't break it http://prntscr.com/hvad84 You can't place on it http://prntscr.com/hvadj3 You can't create it
Wasn’t is supposed to be this way so players who bought a crate wouldn’t be dumb and place it (like me lol)? But anyway, I don’t think this is that big of a problem as this world is not really one for decorative builds
Ok thanks, I remember the reason why I posted this is because I was at a village during the emerald VMR week, and I couldn't break the pathway to make space in the village. Its not difficult to get around though, either break it with explosions or don't break it and move somewhere else.