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Brief Description:
when talking an item out of a /cdonation ed chest or shulker the item wont quickmove and will not go into the chest
left click item, place in chest/shulker
How many times did you recreate this?:
a few times, same thing happened on all times
results in the item trying to be transferred between player or chest to not move where its supposed to be
Expected Result:
item to go right into the inventory/chest or shulker
(sorry about the bad quality) as you can see when i move my hoe between my inventory and the shulker occasionally it bugs out and doesnt go into the shulker. Sometimes when i think it goes it it ends up on the floor and i get scared because the magic hoe might disappear. again this shulker box has /cdisplay on it and I am /cmodified to the shulker.
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@Speed42jh Are you using a vanilla client? and not using any inventory tweak mods such as MouseWheelie?
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I believe i am using a vanilla client, i use forge and no inventory tweak mods. Maybe the thing is that its a shulker and its not /cdonation’d to my name and it’s to another players name? When i get online i can see if i can help you guys recreate it. -
As well with a /cdonation in another players name, once you put the object in, you wouldn't be able to take it out. -
So I was able to replicate this on a fully vanilla 1.16.3 and 1.15.2 install of Minecraft, this issue is only present on item containers (shulkers/chests/barrels) that are locked as /cdonation or /cdisplay. You must not be the LWC owner of these locks, for the issue to occur, the LWC owner must /cmodify you to the lock. Steps for reproduction are as follows.
1. On your main account, place down a chest or any other item container, for this example we will use a shulker.
2. On your main account lock the shulker as a /cdonation or /cdisplay. For this example we will use /cdonation.
3. On your main account, /cmodify your alt account to the shulker.
4. On your alt account, put an item in the shulker, then take it out, even if you do this slowly, and use the click and drag method, you will get the behaviour that is similar to anvils, when you click on an item, then drag, then click to place it into your inventory, it will not always settle in the inventory slot you clicked, instead, it remains in the drag state.
I really do not see this being a huge issue since it only happens about 10% of the time, and it ONLY affects cdonation and cdisplay containers that you have been modified too, since it is pretty clear that the item is not in your inventory when this issue occurs, I honestly can't see it being a huge deal. -
Thanks for looking into this so in-depth.
I'm going to be letting this one go as it's really not a major issue it seems and it's far too pointless to spend time pursuing.-
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