Brief Description:
1.20.6 clients fail to decode auction messages that contain the tooltip of a 1.21 music disc.
Use a 1.20.6 client.
Anyone on the server auctions a 1.21 music disc.
Client disconnects whenever the auction broadcasts a message.
How many times did you recreate this?:
Twice with the "Creator" disc (auctioned by Jdawger), once with the "Creator (Music Box)" disc (auctioned by myself.
@RealRichNixon and I both disconnected as soon as our clients received those auction messages, we were both using 1.20.6.
Players on 1.21 were apparently not affected.
My bot (Pivillean) was connected with 1.12.2 at the time and properly decoded the message without disconnecting. This might indicate that not all versions lower than 1.21 are affected?