Minecraft Username: Nate1450
Brief Description: I had someone with the towncontrol feature change my town's interact flag to deny, to protect the animals I had within it. After he changed the flag, I was no longer allowed to access any of my doors, chests, signs, etc. My old town had this flag (on the archive server), and I was able to access my belongings.
1. Change town flag to interact: deny
2. Attempt to open chests, doors, etc.
3. Not be able to access them
How many times did you recreate this?:
Multiple times.
Be able to open and take things out of chests, open doors, etc.
Expected Result:
Not be able to open and take things out of chests, open doors, etc.
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cheese_ball_3 Çhêê§ê lðrÐBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
There's something for interact deny for non-owners. It's like interact deny for members and outsiders. Try removing yourself from the member's list and only have urself for the owner.
Also, i see that it only says interact:deny not interact deny non-owners or non-members.-
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By default if you set interact deny, it won't let anyone use chests or doors. This is how it's supposed to work.
If you only want people who aren't in the towns to have interact deny, you have to specify that in the flag.
PM me when you're on and I can fix it.-
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IIRC the proper syntax is /rg flag interact -g nonmembers deny, as this will not affect member/owner permissions.
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The proper syntax is actually /rg flag -g nonmembers [town] interact deny
EDIT: Nevermind, just did some experimenting and the -g nonmembers can go anywhere after /rg flag, so pi's version is still correct-
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Thanks for helping out guys :)
Perhaps the wiki should have these "more complicated" use cases listed somewhere.
I'll leave that up to the wiki team to decide.
@TITLE-02 Wiki Team
@TITLE-03 Wiki Team Leader-
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