Some people just don't have the computer power, but hey, if you want to lose residents because your town is too laggy, that's your business.
Unrelated; the first day we had nether star voting, I crafted a beacon and tried to place it in my spawn shop. what a waste. I was thinking i would have a searchlight to attract customers just like actual businesses sometimes do.
Well if this went through of course you would only be able to place them in your protected towns. But if you owned a town next to spawn...hmm...
Guys, they are not disabled because of lag... They're disabled because they can make it so you can insta-break melons, among other things.
And why, pray tell would that be the point? I you had read the suggestion it clearly states that these beacons would be nullified and were only for aesthetics, as I am a designer and build a lot of things.
Although, this would be true, beacons would still be a great item to have placed and would look great; but you would not want a whole town filled with cheap beacons, right? So, with the high price, a town would get very few beacons and still be able to use them as a decoration.
a high price, yes but 200k is a bit overdoing it, i mean i need 180k just for president, i know i would not pay 200k, more than it cost for pres, to get a block placed!
Andrew barely thinks about the middle class or lower class people when making decisions. Yes, i said it... he looks at the rich players and sees if they could abuse this in any way and get even richer or lag the server. Like with farming, it maxes out at a certain amount with each crop, so rich players do not get too much money and ruin our Hardcore economy. Poorer players really cannot ruin the economy until they get rich, so they have the resources to do so.
Hows about an increasing price? 50k for the first one in a town, 100k for the second one in the same town, and so forth with, lets say, a cap of 200k, where each and every beacon is 200k after that? that would be a reasonable way to keep down beacons without the price being too much for just a single beacon per town.
What is not understood on ECC is that the Capitalism will ALWAYS work to REDUCE profit. The market force will always abuse a specific industry by means of production to the point of market saturation. It is an illogical argument to assume that the rich have the ability to prevent saturation and sustain high demand in the wake of excessive supply. Adding Beacons would only cause a reduction in the amount of money created into the economy, AND would promote new innovative industries.