Minecraft Username: JayJay255
Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name?:no
Which of ECC's services are you banned on? [Main Server/Teamspeak/Shoutbox - delete as appropriate]: main server
Reason of Ban: griefing
Rule violated: Clause 1-Griefing
Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: To break thats not urs
Reason you feel you think you should be unbanned: Why i love to play ECC. Best economy.Awesome SG. Why i got banned i didn't replant 1/4 of cocoa.One reason i didn't replant was my friend was bugging me to play Sg 2. I was to lazy to do it. 3. who cares if i didn't replant like 190 wow that's going kill some body its just a game.This is going to be the LAST TIME I GET BANNED.Here me say that one more
time LAST TIME I GET BANNED. 3. Methods to not grief 1.Keep a friend with me at all times to keep me from griefing. 2.Stay in the same town. 3.Don't go in the wild so i don't go near other towns. Plz forgive me ECC.