Minecraft Username: pokeashpoke Reason:Vulgar language in chat after multiple warnings and Breach of Contract (Essidi)
Counter-Reason: I am extremely sorry for what i did, I know i have kinda a lot
at this point, I don't expect you to accept this ban appeal. First i will explain why i
spammed vulgar language in chat. I did it because I knew it would be impossible to repay
my 109k loan so i thought if i banned myself for a smaller reason i would not be perm
banned. Apparently i was wrong that is the only reason i did that. Now I am very sorry
for not repaying my loan. i don't want to make an excuse or anything, but i just couldn't
repay my loan. If i even will be unbanned i will try to pay the user as fast and best as I
can. Or i can do a job but know one does jobs anymore :( anyhow hope this Ban appeal
works cause' i spent like an hour making it perfect. For one last time I am as sorry and
hope to never be in this position agian. Goodbye
Evidence: Ummm. I am sowwy?
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TheBluePickle BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
I would like you and Essidi to come to an agreement, either on this thread, or by contract, on when your loan will be repaid by. This agreement is a condition of your unbanning, and it MUST be kept to.
TheBluePickle BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
Essidi umm If i had to guess 2 weeks? I'll make no transactions this time... or play lotto.
Alright, 109k two weeks after your Vulgar Language ban is lifted. Could a mod provide the exact date?
Also, I'm a little curious...
Did you seriously use that money on lotto?
Because that's kind of funny lol... -
TheBluePickle BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
I may have used 90k in lotto... and lost...
14 days it is, to repay 109k. For the Breach of Contract, and the language, I will reduce your ban to a 3 day temp.
That will push the pay by date of this debt to 11/20/13.
If for any reason you cannot do this, I would hope you and Essidi can make some kind of arrangement before it gets to the point of a formal complaint and possible additional ban. Thank you both for coming to an agreement so fast.
3 day temp ban issued. Debt to be repaid by 11/20/13.
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