In Game Name:
Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name:
nope, i didn't change.
Which of ECC's services are you banned on:
main server
Reason of Ban:
Rule Violated:
Clause 4 - Automation
· The use of any means to earn money without doing any work is prohibited.
· This includes, but is not limited to, macromod scripts, autofisher mods, fully automated farms, and physical means to hold a button down while away from your computer.
Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means:
Rules are against automations for preventing to earn money without doing any work. And i used a mod to break that rule.
Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned:
Well, i'm not exactly sure that i should be un-banned. It is obviously cheating and i was always against all kind of cheating things, actually i still am.
But i can tell you why i used it. Because a star fishing rod costs about a million and in my opinion there is no way you can earn enough to pay it off by fishing manually. So i thought it was said "against the rules" but somehow was intented and designed to be used in this way.
I saw autofishing is a reason to stay idle and online, just like to leave your character around a farm to keep crops growing.
right or wrong, this is reason.
i spent some good time around together, for that.. thank you.