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  1. TheBluePickle Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 15, 2013
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    In Game Name:
    Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name:
    Which of ECC's services are you banned on:
    The main server.
    Reason of Ban:
    Bypassing Tempban TheTableTurner and use of a modified/hacked client
    Rule Violated:
    Clause 2 - Multiple Accounts
    Multiple accounts used by different people on the same internet connection/IP are allowed. (Contact staff to inform them first to avoid any problems)
    An individual person playing on multiple accounts is allowed as long as no financial benefits arise from doing so, and no account belonging to that player are banned.
    There must be absolutely no financial interaction between multiple accounts that you own if they are for the sole purpose of funding an "alt" account.
    Your "main" account is the account that has been used on EcoCityCraft for the longest period of time, and that you are mostly known for. If you do not understand this part of the rule, it's best to simply avoid any interactions between accounts. This rule is enforced completely at staff's discretion.
    Direct or indirect transactions (via /pay, trade signs, etc) are not allowed if they are financially benefiting your alt account.
    If you have another account you wish to play on, and make money with, it cannot be used to fund other accounts.
    Minor things such as paying an alt account for a rank upgrade through your main account is allowed.
    Paying for absolutely anything on your main account with money from an alt account however is NOT allowed.
    If any account owned by a player is banned, all the other accounts owned by that player will not be able to appeal until the account banned first has successfully appealed.
    Exceptions may be made to this in certain scenarios such as inappropriate username bans.
    If there are multiple accounts on the same internet connection/IP, either used by you or others, you must contact a member of staff immediately to inform them to avoid issues.
    Users may be questioned for being on the same internet connection, or, in cases of suspicious activity and bans, immediately banned regardless of the reason for the same connection, to be appealed with an explanation.


    Clause 1 - Hacking and Hacked Clients
    Fly, speed, air build, teleport hacking, or any other types of hacks, are not tolerated. This includes x-ray hacking and x-ray texture packs. Using any unfair means (including glitches, bugs, and exploits) to get into server buildings is also not allowed and is unfair to other users.
    Using any clients, specifically hacked clients, which may allow you to gain unfair advantages as deemed by ECC staff is strictly prohibited.
    Users caught using any client deemed to be a "hacked client", as defined by and at the discretion of the staff, will be banned. There is no excuse for using a hacked client on EcoCityCraft whatsoever.
    Discussion of hacked clients is not allowed - we do not allow them, and therefore we do not discuss them.
    Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means:
    I shall only explain the rules I have separated from the others, for it would take far too long to make a summary of them, let alone an elaborate and detailed description of them.

    "If any account owned by a player is banned, all the other accounts owned by that player will not be able to appeal until the account banned first has successfully appealed." This is the most important rule in my opinion. It seems to fit my ban reason more than any of the rules above or below it. This rule states that if one player's account happens to obtain the banned status on Eco-City-Craft, then all the other accounts owned by the aforementioned player will be temporarily suspended from appealing until the account originally banned becomes unbanned.

    This rule is in place to prevent Eco-City-Craft becoming a playpen for trolls and users who only want to incur harm upon the server. It is here to stop banned users from logging back onto the server like nothing ever happened. If Eco-City-Craft was destitute of this rule, then it would become a toxic and chaotic environment where trolls and immature ten-year-olds would keep getting more and more alternate accounts, never caring about their punishment.

    "Exceptions may be made to this in certain scenarios such as inappropriate username bans." Of course, this rule is present because if a user owned two accounts, one with an inappropriate username and one with a generic username, then he would be immediately banned when attempting to log into Eco-City-Craft because of his username. His other account, however, would be free to join the server as it has done nothing wrong.

    "If there are multiple accounts on the same internet connection/IP, either used by you or others, you must contact a member of staff immediately to inform them to avoid issues." This rule concisely states that if there is to be more than one account on the same connection/IP on Eco-City-Craft, owned by you or another, then you must inform a member of the staff team immediately. This is more of a warning rather than a rule, but I have explained in nevertheless.

    "Users may be questioned for being on the same internet connection, or, in cases of suspicious activity and bans, immediately banned regardless of the reason for the same connection, to be appealed with an explanation." This rule states that a user can be subjected to questioning by staff if they find two accounts playing on the same internet connection. In extreme cases, though, a user might just be simply banned.

    (Got the previous from this: )

    It is now time to move on to the last and final rule that I may be accused of. This rule is ubiquitous across almost all respected Minecraft server, and the punishment for breaking it is usually severe. Fortunately, I have not broken or intend to break the rule, not only because of the severe punishments, but also because of its intrinsic immorality.

    A general definition of hacking may be any non-vanilla client that gives one an unfair advantage over other players not using the client. Some servers with more strict rules say that any and all non-vanilla clients and mods are disallowed and are punishable by ban. This is overly restrictive, though, as it bans perfectly fine mods like Optifine.

    One example of hacking is the infamous kill aura hack. This hack allows you to gain an unfair advantage over other players by automatically attacking other players who are in your range. Some versions of kill aura also make your head instantly snap to them and attack them. All versions of kill aura, however, are banned from Eco-City-Craft.

    Another example of hacking would be a fly hack. This hack can be easily covered with most anti-cheat plugins, but many hacked clients can eventually develop bypasses to the hack, rendering the current anti-cheat version powerless to stop this hack. Even so, it is ridiculously easy to catch a fly hacker, which is why no one ever fly hacks even if there is a bypass (and according to a quick check of articles regarding hacked clients on other Minecraft forums, there is no current fly bypass in NoCheat+) (NoCheat+ is the leading anti-cheat).

    I could go on, but I think you get the idea of what a hacked client is and what hacking is. Now that I have thoroughly explained all of the rules, I shall now go on to what is no doubt the most important section: the reason you think you should be unbanned section.

    (Got that from this: ) (That ban appeal was by me by the way, just on my alt.)
    Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned:
    After my first ban appeal on my main account, TheBluePickle, I was given a timely response back from staff. They said to me that I would have to appeal on the account I was originally banned on. After a long study of the rules that I broke on this account, I headed back over to the appeal section to show my deep remorse for my actions a second time. As with my first ban appeal, I would like to apologize before engaging in my main semi-prosaic argument. I am deeply sorry for my actions. I feel horrible that the kind, patient, and remorseful staff team had to deal with an idiot like me. Specifically, I would like to apologize to @MadMonster_ and @bobman3355 for giving me so many warnings before finally doing the right thing and banning me (Actually, I'm not sure exactly who banned me, but I know that bobman and MadMonster were very patient with me).

    Fair warning before I start: this ban appeal will likely be very similar to the one on my other account, TheBluePickle.

    A couple of weeks ago, I purchased another Minecraft account from the Minecraft website (funny story: I went to instead of because I forgot the exact URL.). I decided that I wanted an "OG" account like the one I have now. An OG account is an account with no numbers or spammy characters (spammy characters would be something like xxx at the beginning and ending of a name). I made the account, TheTableTurner because it not only has no numbers or spammy characters but also has a nice ring to it.

    This account eventually logged onto Eco-City-Craft, an amazing server which I greatly enjoy playing on. I found that in my first hour of playing alone, I already made the assertion that playing as a random builder was much more enjoyable than playing than a mayor. There was currently very little incentive to keep playing the economy server was a mayor as you basically grind it out to purchase new things from there. But as a builder, you have a smorgasbord of things to do.

    I continued to play as a builder on this account, having much fun in survival games and mining to get resident. I found that with the understand of the server I have from my other account and the incentive to keep playing that comes with being a random builder creates a wonderful playing environment, that can only be made better by the type of community that can be found on this server.

    Now I will start a topic that is slightly different from Minecraft. As we all know, school has started for most of us. I am in eighth grade now and am receiving copious amounts of homework, much more than any amount I got last year. As an A student, I had to complete all of it, which severely drains me on some days. This feeling that sometimes came upon me made me destitute of any energy and positivity. On this day, I joined Eco-City-Craft.

    I played survival games a few times before fallaciously realizing that there was nothing to do on Eco-City-Craft, and decided that I should probably just troll for fun. I spammed chat profusely and made several comments in global that caused staff members to warn me. I also received a plethora of complaints towards me because I also committed transgressions in private chat.

    This behavior was continued until the point of me being banned for three hours. Undeterred, I did few other things to tame my boredom while waiting for my temporary ban to expire. This eventually did happen, and I joined back. A few cold welcomes and "oh no's" were exchanged before I got back to doing what I was doing before: trolling.

    This trolling was possibly even more severe. I not only started a riot in chat and cussed at people but also did even more trolling and vulgarities in private chat. This escalated more when I came upon the fact that no staff members were on, and I began to troll relentlessly. I swore and spammed the chat, and even did a troll auction.

    The user @bobman3355 joined the game, and I left soon after due to not wanting to get caught breaking the rules. About an hour later, I attempted to join back to the server, only to realize that I was banned. The next day, I realized how heinous and horrific my crimes were, and vowed to never do anything of the sort again. I took some time to ruminate over my actions before making a ban appeal on my main account.

    I shall now address the possible hacking accusations I might be getting from people due to the reconnect and auto reconnect buttons in my logging in screen. These buttons are the result of a simple personal mod I have installed. I did not make it by myself but still have them nevertheless. They are most useful for servers where one must continuously reconnect in order to advance in a possible queue.

    I have never hacked on Eco-City-Craft and do not intend to ever hack on this server. As I mentioned in the section above, I do not hack not only because of the harsh punishments but also because of the intrinsic immorality of hacking. We all come here to play a game, and when a hacker joins, he ruins everyone's experience. I have reported many hackers on other servers, whether it be on this account or on my other one.

    In conclusion to my entire why I should be unbanned argument, I would like to state that I am incredibly remorseful and apologetic for my actions. It was just a horrible off day I had. In the future, if I am having an off day, I will simply not join Eco-City-Craft for the risk of incurring harm to the server. I hope that you can find in you the sincerity to allow me a second chance. I bid you a good day,


    (That's from my alt TheTableTurner and the appeal can be found at )


    As a preliminary remark before engaging in the writing of my main argument, I would like to apologize to the staff team and Eco-City-Craft for my idiotic and callous actions. What I did should not have been tolerated and should have been handled with a swift ban, as it was. I intend to never do anything of this caliber or sort and only behave with maturity. It is only sometimes my inner archetypal 13-year-old nature gets called from within me, and I promise to suppress this if I am to be allowed back on the server.

    A few weeks ago I bought an alternate Minecraft account to be used for various things. I didn't buy the Minecraft account with the intention of being a troll; this was just a side effect of the invulnerability one feels when there is no apparent threat of being banned on one's main account. I logged on to Eco-City-Craft with my main account because I wanted to play the server without most of the major accomplishments already belonging to me. The major accomplishments on Eco-City-Craft are, in my opinion, the following: getting resident, making a forum account, getting mayor and making a nice town, true understanding of the economy, getting your first good tools, and getting your first star tool. There are others, but those are the main ones in my opinion. After this, the game becomes a banal and trite grind to obtain the highest rank.

    After joining Eco-City-Craft with my alternate Minecraft account, TheTableTurner, with the intentions of replaying the game, I did just that. I played survival games most of the time for my prime source of income and occasionally went mining. As an experienced user on Eco-City-Craft from my other account TheBluePickle, I knew that doing builder jobs was not a good way to make money. So for about a week on Eco-City-Craft I played with TheTableTurner having much fun as an unknown and random builder. I enjoyed the fact that people didn't think too much me as they might have done with my other account.

    Alas, there are things I did that I regret. After the week expired, I began to realize that things were already beginning to get trite and that it would bring me more pleasure to start trolling people in chat. This assertion is completely unfounded, however, and I was just feeling particularly out of the game that day. This feeling was most likely linked to the fact that I had a very large amount of homework that day, combined with the fact that I had gotten very little sleep the night before.

    Today, as I am writing this ban appeal, I can easily see the wrongness of my actions, which can be deemed as transgressions. Eco-City-Craft is not a place for trolls, whether it is on your main account or your alternate account. This server is also not a place where one can be allowed to bypass a ban or punishment that has been rightfully given to them. If this was allowed, then Eco-City-Craft would become a chaotic and toxic environment in which nobody would want to play on. There is a fundamental and intrinsic code where one must be optimistic and positive here, not acrimonious and negative. I was being the latter when I began to troll here on Eco-City-Craft.

    If I am granted the sincerity of but a second chance, I promise to bring only the best of me to Eco-City-Craft. If I feel like I am having an off day, then I will simply not join the server for risk of incurring harm to the server and its players. I would do my very best to help new players out and be a selfless and compassionate member of the community. If you decide that someone who has committed severe crimes against this server as I gave cannot be allowed back in, then please accept my apology. I have thought a long time about my actions, which is why it took me a few days to write this appeal.

    Your friend here on Eco-City-Craft,


    (That's from my main account TheBluePickle)

    Seriously please unban me this is my 4th appeal.

    Edit: If a staff member deems this inadequate, then can you please tell me why rather than just denying it?

    Edit 2: Why all the potato ratings? Seriously, I'm genuinely confused. I took so much time to write these appeals, and I get this hate? I don't get it.
    • Potato x 17
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    #1 TheBluePickle, Aug 25, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
  2. JamieSinn Retired Lead Administrator/Developer
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Be honest about using a hacked client and we will consider you being unbanned. There is no mod on its own that provides the feature.
    • Winner x 3
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  3. TheBluePickle Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 15, 2013
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    So sorry for the late reply; I took a road trip to Reno with the family. Anyway, check out this video: -snip- Alright, I have a new video without any servers other than ECC, here it is:

    As you can see, I am not hacking.

    Edit: Well, I guess I kind of am hacking in a way, but not in a way that is unfair. In addition, I only use this hack to get on servers with a queue. I won't mention them because, well, you know, that would be advertising.
    #3 TheBluePickle, Aug 27, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
  4. goblizz The One and Only
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 25, 2013
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    Note to the handler of this appeal: Edited out the video due to a portion of it showing other servers. Check edit history to view.
  5. kukelekuuk C͕̹̲̽ͪ͐ͩ̔L̜̦̝͈ͦ̿̾̿ḘA̻̗̤̳̐ͭ̆̿̃̑ͭN̊̓͑̇ͯ
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 25, 2011
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    show the autoreconnect.json file, in the video. Then I'll believe you. Also tell people where to find the mod.
    #5 kukelekuuk, Aug 27, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
  6. BrokeMel broke
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 26, 2013
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    #6 BrokeMel, Aug 27, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
  7. TheBluePickle Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Anyone want to take away their potato ratings now that I've proven my innocence? There's no reason at this point to rate me this other than trying to bait me.
    #7 TheBluePickle, Aug 27, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
  8. TheBluePickle Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 15, 2013
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    There's more zip files. You can see it in the video if you even bothered to watch it. I'll even tell you what they're called: "forge-1.9.4- (1)" and "Block-Breaker-Assets-V-4 (2)" and "Laser-Defender-Assets"
  9. MadMonster_ Retired GameAdmin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Please keep all irrelevant posts off this complaint until it is handled.
  10. TheBluePickle Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Seems like nobody wants me to be on this server. I'll accept their requests and will retract this appeal then.

    Just deny this appeal or lock it or do whatever, but don't accept it. By ECC.
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  11. dgam02 ♫ Shitposting Ex-SA ♫
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 10, 2012
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