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  1. Tethers Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Minecraft Username: Tethers

    Reason of Ban: Attempting to kill a player in the mining world. (I broke blocks underneath a player, thankfully no one was harmed)

    Rule violated: Clause 3, subsection 3: "Attempting to kill other players in any non-PvP zone also constitutes as harassment, and succeeding in killing other players in non-PvP areas is a very severe offence that will result in a ban." Also, less officially, losing my cool and being a jerk.

    Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: Do not take actions which may cause a player's death unless in a specifically PvP area, no matter the situation or context. Importantly in my case, that breaking a block underneath a player is considered an attempt to kill, even if that had not been your intent.

    Reason you feel you think you should be unbanned: I understand now that even in areas where griefing is not entirely against the rules (the wild), that breaking a block underneath someone is taboo, and considered PvP attempt and harassment. I (most importantly I think) understand that the fact that griefing is not prohibited in the wild is meant to cover people breaking up found bases and similar things, and not actual harassment, and is not meant to be used in any conflict-based or harassing manner. In short, I have a better grasp of the rules than I did previously. I thank those who replied to me or contacted me privately, to explain these things. And I apologize for being upset and a jerk at the time. I deeply appreciate your patience, and your extremely forgiving invitation to appeal ban in the future.

    I'll not make the same mistake again. And there are some utterly amazing people here who have said they are willing to help me and give advice and make sure I learn the environment and rules of the server in a supported manner. I hope you will commute my ban to a temporary ban, so that I can live up to the positive comments I've received and continue to enjoy and participate in your community.

    I'm not asking to be unbanned completely, because I understand now that I did in fact violate the spirit of the rules, and so I deserve to be held accountable for that. I do hope that the ban will be temporary in nature.

    Thank-you for your time.

    Philip (Tethers)
  2. SoftlyPsychotic ♡ † Queen of Builders † ♡
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 22, 2012
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    Hello Tethers. I am very happy to see you returning, and on my last post was only trying to help you by clarifying the rules. Seeing as this is only your first offense, you will be given a 1 Day tempban.

    Locked, user given a 1 Day tempban.
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