In Game Name: SubmergedCakeHave you changed your Minecraft username since being banned/muted? If so, what is your previous name: NoWhich of ECC's services are you banned/muted on: ECC main serverReason of Ban/Mute: Alt accountRule Violated: Main server Section 5 Clause 4 - An individual person playing on multiple accounts is allowed as long as no financial benefits arise from doing so, and no accounts belonging to that player are banned.Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means: Alt accounts are only allowed under certain conditions, such as if the main account isn't banned. Because my main account was banned, I broke this rule by using an alt account to evade that ban.Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned/un-muted: Aside from having come to understand the consequences of what I did to get banned originally on my main account, my main account has been unbanned for about half a year now. I'd like to be able to use this alt account now that the original ban reason of evading my main ban no longer applies.