Ban appeal? O.o

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal Archive' started by antcubing, Sep 16, 2011.

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  1. antcubing

    antcubing Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 19, 2011
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    I think the system glitched out, because when i was banned it said:
    The ban hammer has spoken!

    But when i tried to log in it said Temp banned for 10 minutes...
    Its been over 30 minutes and i still can't get on. I think that i was temp banned for 10 minutes but it permabanned me by
    accident... o.o

    The reason I was temp banned was because i sold plots that were supposed to transfer to the new map then decided not to...
    Andy asked if i would refund them and i said i would. After that he said something like "You can refund them when you
    get back on" And banned me :C

    I really hope to get on the server soon


  2. Sios

    Sios Builder
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    Jul 19, 2011
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    For all those who keep commenting, Stop - It doesn't put him in any better of a situation than he is now.

    You all likely weren't on when this occurred and the reason why he was banned was for MANY reasons, this being a major offense.

    He scammed A LOT of new players by offering them a "storage room" for EcoDollars then ends up not transferring the town of all these plots over. A lot of newbies wanted to be refunded back and Antcubing said it wasn't guaranteed.

    So I'd advise the lot of you - That before you start commenting on a Ban Appeal "vouching" for a friend, that you should get some back story behind his ban appeal. He didn't even acknowledge his wrong doings either in this ban appeal, which is all the more repulsive.

    All comments from this point forward that has NOTHING to do with his Ban Appeal - Will only be deleted, unless you can add some insightful information about the backstory behind this.

    Thank you - And sorry for waiting so long to respond. I didn't think people would actually comment on a user's ban appeal with nothing useful of information.
  3. antcubing

    antcubing Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Actually Sios, i only sold 2 storage rooms, and both of them are not to new players.

    At the time of writing this appeal, i didn't know that i was actually banned. As said before, i am really sorry for the inconvenience of this, and am willing to refund the players offered plots supposed to be safe their money.
    I swear i wasn't trying to scam anyone.


  4. Sios

    Sios Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Chat logs say otherwise - But I won't stretch into that.

    This thread will be LOCKED for now and pending for approval by Andrewkm.

    When he would reply back? - I do not know, although use this time to reflect heavily on your actions.
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