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  1. 10Jefferson10 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Minecraft Username: 10Jefferson10

    I was banned for advertising, and if this is a different "over looker" please read my last ban appeal posted about 10 mins ago for full info. I had incorrect formatting.

    Reason: I advertised, actually by accident. I was talking about Christmas with others but realized no one was responding because I was in local. I tried copying my message which was Christmas Eve Eve is a holiday but then when I switched to Global chat and hit control V (copy/paste) it was a server IP and I quickly hit enter, without noticing what the message was. I was panicking once I noticed I had just sent out and IP.

    Counter Reason: There is no counter reason for this ban appeal because this is my first ban and it was an accident. I was banned for only one reason, (therefore only one reason to explain).

    Evidence: I don't really know how I can support evidence for this occasion.

    If you have not read my previous ban appeal posted a little bit ago, please do. Thank you, I am very grateful for someone looking over this misunderstanding.
  2. Pab_Jr Former Staff Member
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Hello 10Jefferson10,

    I am glad you made a appeal for your ban. After having looked a bit further into your two appeals I have decided to give you a 3 hour tempban at this time. During this time I want you to understand that advertising is never ok, even if an accident. During the time that you are tempbanned I am going to ask that you read our server rules found here. Once you return to our server I hope that you can enjoy playing.

    Locked, user tempbanned for 3 hours.
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