In Game Name:
Mcguy65Have you changed your Minecraft username since being banned? If so, what is your previous name:
NoWhich of ECC's services are you banned on:
Main serverReason of Ban:
“Persistent Staff Harassment. No appeal until June 15th 2017”Rule Violated:
Harassment constitutes as any form of action (chat or game play wise) that makes another player feel threatened or otherwise ruins their game play.Please explain in your own words what the rule(s) means:
Griefing in the wild does not constitute harassment. Harassment in the wild is strictly chat/command based.
This includes, but is not limited to; blackmail, bullying or any other form of harassment that occurs through our chat system.
Attempting to kill other players in any non-PvP zone also constitutes as harassment, and succeeding in killing other players in non-PvP areas is a very severe offence that will result in a ban.
Harassment is absolutely inexcusable on EcoCityCraft. If you are engaging in this behavior expect to be removed from the server with little to no warning.
Disrespecting staff falls under this rule - They are players too.
It means ruining other players game experience on the server, luring players away and making them angry/upset, Causing players to even quit the server.Reason you feel you think you should be un-banned:
I would like to personally apologize to @JamieSinn for messing with him for the past couple of months, it was uncalled for, he told me to stop numerous times and for some reason I kept going. You do so much work for us and the server and there are people like myself take it for granted, you give us a place to play when you can just up and leave any time and we wouldn't have a place to play anymore. Again, I am very very sorry, I won't be doing anything like this again, to you, or to anyone. Staff or not, If you let me back onto the server I won't be acting childish like i have been again, this month being off of the server, I sat down and thought about it and there is no reason for any of this. I am going to keep to myself if I get back on, play the server how it's supposed to be played, not ruining other players experiences that just want to play the server.
This is my first ever ban on EcoCityCraft, I’ve never misbehaved like this here, and I don't plan to continue it ever again. I’ve always been quiet in chat and usually keep to myself but lately i’ve gotten carried away and began to troll, and I don’t like it. I apologize to all the staff members and community members that had witnessed or been involved in my trolling and harassment, it’s not me and I can assure you it will not happen again if I am generously let back on EcoCityCraft once again. Thank you for reading this appeal, my dearest apology.
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Hello @Mcguy65 thank you for filing this ban appeal. Due to your ban reason I will be tagging the @Server Admin team to handled it. Plese be patient as they do so.
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