Minecraft Username: johnathon2144 Reason: grieve in miragecity Counter-Reason: i was evantually told why i was banned, i was banned because i was too greedy and robbed some one's gold ores. i was new to this server, and all my friends were rich. they said i suck and never helped me. i was sad...... then i was robbed. i couldn't do anything. so i make this mistake. i'm truely sorry. i will give the gold back when i get unbanned. please let me keep my plot and my money!!! Evidence: all i know is that i'm sorry. and kukelekuuk banned me. i will return what i took ! Thanks so much
I understand that you're new, but if you're ever treated unfairly, talk to a Mod or one of your closer friends, there's never a right to steal no matter what the situition. Good luck.