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  1. Clarkmarzec Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Builder ⚒️

    Sep 27, 2011
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    Hey, Clarkmarzec here, i was inspired by sios words. "You will become successful through hard work". well i was, but this is ridiculous.

    Story- I was in /Auc and i was buying 26 diamonds from channymanny1. I war in a bid war with another player, and i said 2000 for 26 diamonds. Well, Kuke doesnt belive me, but someone on that server said they would buy for 5k, and i was doing the math and realized what a rip that was. 2k for 26 diamonds, stupid. well someone said 5000 so i was like, ok cool i dont have to pay. but for some reason, Channy wanted me to pay up 2k, i dont know why, but he was like "Clarkmarzec you won haha!" and i was like "dude someone said 5k, so im dropping and not bidding" but he was like "Pay!!! Andrew!!!" and was upset because his scam failed on me. little did i know how stupid kuke could be, saying no one said 5000 which was such a joke, because even channymanny1 responded to his 5000 bid, and i quote said "Ohh! 5k!!" but then realized it was a lie, so he jumped back to me and forced me to pay, and kuke was in on with it too. Crazy and stupid. plain and simple, it was a mistake on his part, and i beg you sios or any other mod, because i know kuke is going to argue, since he thinks hes the better man, and that hes a senior mod, bla bla bla. Dont worry, id do that too, but come on kuke. :oops: So please, Sios, Andrew, Anyone, but mostly sios because i have faith he'll see the good in me, and give me a rightful judgement. Please..Unban me so i may reach my goal, and help out the fellow players of Eco.. :cry:

    kukelekuuk00 edit: i was wrong and i hereby apologize for my actions.
  2. Zeno78 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I'm sure "stupid kuke" has the chat log as does andrewkm... Remember "stupid kuke" is a Mod. And one of the more easy going ones.
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