By andrewkm on Dec 28, 2018 at 6:34 PM
  1. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Attention all ECC Sponsors.

    As an ECC Sponsor you are able to sticky one thread in our classifieds section, as well as apply the ECC Sponsor thread prefix to it.



    As a fully verified ECC Sponsor you are able to sticky one thread in our classifieds section, as well as apply the ECC Sponsor (Insured) thread prefix to it.


    To be eligible for the (Insured) ECC Sponsor sticky you must:
    • Be a current ECC Sponsor already.
    • Have passed our legal verification process.
      • Requires photo identification
      • Requires financial verification
      • Requires approval by our financial department
      • For more information contact me via PM or via [email protected]
    All ECC Sponsors are allowed to have 1 sticky in the classifieds section at any given time. This is not automatically enforced and we trust our sponsors to honor this rule without the need for us to step in and remove stickies. You can remove and add stickies as much as you desire. As well we trust our sponsors to use the correct thread prefix. Current verified and insured sponsors can be viewed here.

    Stickies can be for anything you like. A one off "feature sale" or a long-term service you offer. As long as you have one sticky in this section at any given time, it is allowed.


    When dealing with a verified & insured ECC Sponsor, you are promised an insurance policy by myself personally, up to a reasonable extent, in the very rare case a sponsor gets permanently removed from our community due to any sort of financial / fraud issues. I will do whatever I can, once again to a reasonable extent to make amends for you, as you have dealt with a user that EcoCityCraft has verified and vouched for. We of course hope this insurance policy is never needed.
    #1 andrewkm, Dec 28, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2019


Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, Dec 28, 2018.