Ign: Jetscat Town lived in : BlueCoast Town mayor: Was Sios, still Sios, however Tommy is redoing the town. Is it still active today..? Sort of.. Tommy_t has taken over the town I think, and is doing some wicked builds inside it.
Undertown was remade, but it's completely deserted.. Some chests here and there, but that's about all.
I was a co-mayor anyway. So instead of choosing my own 200x200 area I chose the town I lived in instead. It was before the current rules were in place.
Ign: alltheway87 Town lived in : Bunschoten Town mayor: ReDnAx1991 Is it still active today..?Yep! And I still live there! Though, it was inactive for a while when Red was busy with real life stuff. I still use my house there for storage (mostly because I'm too lazy to move all the stuff to my other chest area ).
ign: sssplayer12345 town lived in: watergate town mayor: iceman1347- probabaly wouldn't still be playing in this server if he hadn't helped me Is it still active: nope, most the towns around that one are pretty dead but I like to look at them every once in awhile
Ign: the one and only Town lived in : Rift Town mayor: me! Is it still active today..?: no, I sold it and now the guy I sold it to is inactive... but thanks to kukelekuuk00 for helping me get my first town!
Town lived in : cowcity (or something like that) Town mayor: ceej_deej (but I never saw him) Is it still active today..? Nope not really, there are few residents, I personally go to farm. Epislen and boston81 are the only active co-mayors I see. Fairly griefed up. I now live in my amazing 50x50 mansion in my own town
There honestly needs to be a town auction system for long inactive/perma banned mayor's towns...there are TONS just sitting around abandoned.
Town lived in : *Clears Throat* Dragonious. Town mayor: Clob1296 Is it still active today..? I wish. I started living at this town as soon as I got Resident. Until that time I farmed at Shelter, owned by Sizsizma10
I lived in the wild with my brother all the way through builder and resident. Our wild house got found and raided the day I got my first spawn shop (#20). We both lived out of the second floor of my spawn shop for about 3 weeks until I was able to get mayor. I miss those noob days lol
I travelled a couple of thousands blocks and began building a house in a taiga biome. I was too stubborn to 'waste' money joining a town, and instead decided to try making my own pumpkin farm using merely an underground water lake. I went a bit crazy during that weekend, and played a bit too much . I'm not certain, but I have a vague memory of killing a cow in the main world, and thinking nothing of it at the time. Just kept mining and farming in complete wilderness for 3 days, and then got resident and ran off to Crannington. Felt like a complete idiot when I saw a gigantic pumpkin farm with like 20+ floors. Good 'ol times.
Ign: Lee1104 Town lived in : Anorlondo Town mayor: poptartlol Is it still active today..? I think so.