1. RealNick123 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 12, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Hello everybody!! My nation is finally coming together, and I want to welcome everybody becoming part of my nation! Before I start, this thread is a thread for me to post other forum town related posts, and to explain this nations. This thread is also to go into depth about my specific individual towns. My nation's general theme is roleplaying, but you do not have be apart of the town to participate in our wonderful activities. I will also add that you do not also need to role-play with us to be apart of the community, yet I strongly encourage it. For me, role-playing is a fun, appropriate way to have fun, and to go further into the Mine-Craft World.

    Though this thread does not contain everything, it is still very big so I have arranged a table of contents to easily navigate this page. Before I finally go into this info, I would like to STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU READ THIS WHOLE PAGE!! I know it is long, but I can assure you it is time well spent when you are not banned from this nation and having a happy Arkenea Athem Life!

    ~~~Table of Contents~~~

    1. General Description of Nation
    2. Goals for this Nation
    3. Current status of Building completion for this Nation(Over all the towns)
    4. Nation Rules
    5. Recommended Server Rules to read
    6. Meloria
    7. Arkenea
    8. Nation Builder application format
    9. Nation Architect application format
    10. Nation Co-President Application Format
    11. Town Co-Mayor Application format
    12. Nation Lore
    13. Nation banned users(Server or Nation Ban)
    14. Current Nation Officials(Architects, Co-Presidents, and Co-Mayor)
    15. Other Town/Nation related thread links

    General Description of nation:
    A general description eh? Well I would say that this nation is a Role-Playing, strict building nation. I would also like to add that it shall one day go down in ECC history for great members of the community, and its awesome structures. This town in terms of rules is simple. First, you break any rules, and you will pay. Second, you follow the rules, and you will have a happy life in our community.

    Goals for this nation:

    *To be recognized by a town/nation reviewing group as a 9/10 or a 10/10
    *Have a thriving, friendly, stable community.
    *To eventually be able to have a "capital city" in which 6 200x200 towns owned by me are grouped together.
    *To have the nation thrive with out me being here 24/7
    *To have this nation recognized by a Super Mod +

    Current status of nation building(All towns overall)


    Nation Rules(Best part of this thread)

    I know this is a lot but read all of it, so you don't get removed from the nation

    1. NO GREIFING!!!!!! I can't stress this enough, if you even think about greifing I will personally file all the complaints needed to get you banned!
    #1 RealNick123, Nov 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013