We are a friendly and active town, with big anti-greifing laws. To uphold these values an application must be submitted and reviewed before any perms can be added.
Copy and paste the following and answer the questions.
How long have you played ecocity?
How long have you played minecraft?
What plot size are you looking to buy?
Do you have the funds for it right now?
What do you intend to do with your plot?
Do you know what greifing is and have you ever been banned for it? (It doesn't bar you from entry, I just need to make sure you know what it is.)
*End of Application*
8x8 shop=1.5k
for larger spaces pm me. (FabledArtist)
If you want to live in an active town, with awesome people this is the right town for you. We have a few rules that will be put in place to make sure everyone feels welcome. I reserve the right not to tell you if you have been rejected, it is nothing personal. Thank you for your time and I will hopefully see you on the inside :)
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FabledArtist BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
tomicalover BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
brooksiejr23 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️
IGN: brooksiejr23
How long have you played ecocity? about 4 days
How long have you played minecraft? umm.... probably about 5 months
What plot size are you looking to buy? 20x20
Do you have the funds for it right now? yes
What do you intend to do with your plot? build a house with a farm in the basement
Age? 19
Do you know what greifing is and have you ever been banned for it? (It doesn't bar you from entry, I just need to make sure you know what it is.) yes i do, and no i havent