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  1. WolvieD2GMark Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 3, 2011
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    I'm appealing a ban from the Ventrilo server.

    I said someone was "Full of shit" due to there cracked comments and advertising of a cloud system which i didn't agree with.

    I made it clear that it was just my opinion and that chances are he was telling the truth.
    I stand by what i said because i believe it to be true. If it that can't be accepted then I'm sorry, nothing i can do about it, I never forced my opinion down his throat and i didn't dismiss it to other users, I believed that cloud computing is quite possible but what he was saying about his system was flawed and he lied several times while explaining it.
    Hence i believe he's still "Full of shit".
    Call it Disrepect, but he banned me for voicing my opinion and my justification. So Disrespect is a two way street.
  2. WeWinAgain Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Firstly: - was what I was referring to. So in fact its not a lie, everything I said was true, its all in the documentation for that website.

    Moving on, it was not your opinion I banned you for, i'm a strong believer in being strong willed, it was how you went about projecting it. You could of said you didn't believe me, and that would of been fine, you have every right to not believe a word I say. But at the same time, you didn't once give any reason for not believing me, and just kept calling me "full of shit" so I took it as being very rude to staff and banned - simple procedure. I'm fine with unbanning you, but I'd like to hear your response to this first, so I can feel comfortable that the issue is resolved, or further work to resolve it if it isn't.
  3. WolvieD2GMark Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 3, 2011
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    @wewinagain "Firstly: - was what I was referring to. So in fact its not a lie, everything I said was true, its all in the documentation for that website."

    Its not your system that I'm calling a liar, had you heard anything except my chorus "Full of shit" you'd have heard that i clarified to the other users that it was quite possible and you were most likely telling the truth. My Problem is that you started informing me on your system after i had asked a question then u left gaps in your comments... Leading to my understanding of YOU to be a Lie.

    I can understand you being offended by a word "Shit". But its similar to racism, to be racist it takes two people, the first to be racist and the second to see it as racism. Similar it Takes one to swear and one to be offended by the swearing. I am sorry that you've been offended by my swearing but its who i am, you can ask Sios or any of the other guys I've been talking to over the past few days. I swear every second word without context or aggravation.

    As for my reasoning for not believing you; the gaps you had left with your previous comments then later patched up when i asked more questions led me to believe your as i bluntly put it "Full of shit". You can only go off what you've experienced or what you've been told.

    That's what you've done and what I've done. If i started lying too you or you thought i was lying to you wouldn't you feel disrespected?
  4. WeWinAgain Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Alright, I read what you said a few times, and i'm fine unbanning you. It took me a bit, but i'm able to see this from your side of the argument :). Though, you do bring up an interesting point.

    If I had known that, I probably wouldn't of been so quick to ban, but as I had a brief absence from ventrilo, I hadn't gotten a chance to properly meet you, so as you put it

    But in closing, no, I was not offended by swearing, and I can handle that sort of dialogue in ventrilo, I was just acting based on an interaction with a player I had never met before. With that said, the only thing I can ask is that we both
    put this behind us and do what we are both here to do - play minecraft. :laugh:

    Which i'm more then willing to do if you are.

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