In Game Name:
Coow_CoowShort title for your report:
FastPlaceWhat client are you using:
Fabrics - typing macro - Minimap - auto clicker 3.0Which server were you on:
MainWhich world were you in:
Main risingWhat time did the issues and/or kick take place:
17:30 GMTPing on kick:
83Code/Codes received:
FastPlaceDescription of the issue:
Placing blocks with auto clicker 3.0 (has never been a problem before) - kicking me every 2 seconds for fastplaceReproduction instructions:
I was placing dirt blocks like this for 12 hours yesterday no problems at all .. (take into account the programme i used to record doesnt have good frame rate there is nothing wrong with my connection/lag or frame rate game runs alot smoother then u see in footage) I understand if the solution is dont use auto clicker - but why has it only become a problem now? and not the last 90+ hours ive spent building my farms
Autoclicker on ANY MS 50ms or 80ms ectHow many times did you recreate this:
8-9 timesVideo evidence:
Thread Tools
Thread Tools
We do not attend to any bug reports done outside a vanilla environment (no mods whatsoever).
If this is a problem in vanilla, without any mods, let us know and provide a video of you doing so.-
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Our Anti-Cheat is currently having quite a few issues internally.
These have been identified as of yesterday and an update should come within 1-3 days.
After this update we will update those who have issues via their H/S threads and see if the issues continue.-
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