((I know this is like my 3rd post this week but I seem to have lots of problems with my Minecraft or something lately)) It used to just be in the mining world and my friend and I started saying "The mining world ghost is out to get me!" But it stopped when I began to prefer farming. But now, after I got my town, I needed to flatten it. Then, as I was flattening it, it happened again. It starts with me being stuck in place, like when you're in SG, and u can't get off the platform? Like that. Then, if I try for longer than 30 secs to move, I will get hit by nothing. No one's there with me, and I'm not suffocating. There's nothing above me, usually. It even happens if I'm just walking. It'll take away 1/2 a heart or so, then stop. Now its getting worse, Where it will take away as many as 2 or 3 hearts at a time. This last time, I quit for an hour because it was happening so often to me. I don't know if its just a me thing or what but annoying isn't even close to describing it. I asked in chat but no one had an answer, someone asked if I was fishing but thats it. I tried playing on my sisters computer with my account and it still does it. What could be the problem? It's a little more than just a joke with my friend anymore. Now it's actually killing me, and I'm defenseless and clueless.
So, this is something called "Rubber Banding", basically, the client thinks it's in one location, and the server says it's in another, this gets to the point where you are "inside" a block, and then take suffocation damage. The simple fix to this is relogging. It's a client issue with your internet connection.
Wait so.... Basically I keep getting suffocated by blocks I can't even see? Thats rude of them. Well at least I know Ecc Isnt just out to get me lol... Thanks
If this happens try right clicking around you. You may have invisible blocks which will show back up when you do this. This is caused by lag and mining/farming faster than mc can register.
i usally get it because the super breaker for pickaxe breaks the blocks too fast so i sometimes hold right click to make those invis blocks appear when i run into them.