An interview with Cyrus Xander.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by outerlocal, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. outerlocal

    outerlocal Builder
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    Sep 2, 2011
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    (This post is part of The Zodiac's Living Story. To follow the story from the beginning, click here:

    Welcome back.
    My next guest is one of The Zodiac Nation's wealthiest citizens, CEO of a multimillion dollar business, and voted Canceron's most attractive male. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Cyrus Xander!

    The camera pans to man, whose appearance is welcomed by a crowd of cheers.

    Thank you for joining us Cyrus.

    The pleasure is all mine.

    Now, forgive me for getting straight down to business, but I have to ask what every viewer at home is thinking... how do you do it?

    More cheers emanate from the crowd.

    I'm sure that everybody here remembers that only a few short years ago, Canceron was, forgive me for saying it, but... sort of the no-mans-land of The Zodiac... but now it's quite clearly emerging as a serious contender, with some even suggesting it could bag a victory during next year's Colonial Day vote.

    I'm not quite sure whether I would have ever considered Canceron as a 'no-mans-land', but it's no secret that it had never exactly made much of a splash in Zodiac politics...

    But now things have really turned around. A change that many people largely credit to you.

    Cyrus lets out a little laugh.

    Well, I'm not sure whether I can take credit for that.

    Oh he's so modest. Isn't he modest?

    Laughter fills the studio.

    But in all seriousness, you must feel slightly responsible? Cyrus Industries is the largest exporter of manufactured goods, overtaking Caprica which for years has dominated the market. Your company was responsible for much of the reconstruction of Aerilion - which I must say is truly breathtaking - and most recently you've been commissioned for the construction of The Zodiac's new political station. That's quite a feat for somebody of your age.

    I've been lucky.

    Well, that actually brings me on to my next question. Many of your critics suggest that you have profited off of Caprica's recent... turmoil. What do you have to say to those people?

    Well, firstly I'd like to start off by saying that nobody is more saddened by the terrible situation in Caprica than I. I actually spent many years living there when Cyrus Industries was just starting up as a business, and I even knew @outerlocal personally. To see what has happened to a colony that I held so close to my heart is truly devastating.

    And whilst I would never usually comment on conspiracy theories, I do feel that this time it is particularly relevant to mention...

    I'll actually stop you there. I'm sure everybody has heard some of the ridiculous accusations made against me; of my supposed involvement in the disappearance of the delegate, or even that I somehow orchestrated the situation which led to the rebellion in Caprica. I want to assure any of these 'conspiracists' that whilst Cyrus industries may be the leading technology company in The Zodiac, we are hardily super villains, and certainly not capable of the things you seem to think we are.

    Now that that's all cleared up, let us move onto a slightly more exciting topic... your running for Quorum delegate?

    Yes, yes. The rumours are indeed true. I will be formally running for the position of Canceron's Quorum delegate in the Fall elections.

    How exciting. I know who I'll be voting for this year.

    The two chuckle.

    Well, I'm afraid we've run out of time, and we were just getting started. Thank you so much again for coming onto the show.

    Stay with us because after the break I'll be talking to two workers from Sagittaron, who will be discussing their views on the suggested workers strike. Don't miss it.

    #1 outerlocal, Aug 26, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  2. stoler202

    stoler202 Builder
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    Aug 3, 2012
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    Luv it! Its sooo good! I still want more :D
  3. Monkeyz505

    Monkeyz505 Builder
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    Feb 11, 2013
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    I'm sorry, but the host I only imagine looking like this.
  4. steveshizzle

    steveshizzle Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Nov 18, 2012
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    I imagined Ellen Degeneres first tbh