Hai all, so this is meh idea.
As we all know, melon swords make ALOT of money. As we also know there are ALOT of melon sword scams. Now, there are ways to help ensure your sword won't be scammed, like only allowing players with at least $$$$+ to rent it. But this is not rock solid. Many high donating players have had complaints against them for scamming, and have been banned accordingly. Now here's my idea: to have collateral for your sword.
Now how this would work is when you rent your sword, you take the necessary precautions like making a contract and taking a bunch of screenies, and also having the said user give you something to hold as collateral that is worth 100k+, such as the full and entire ownership of a few towns, or a few hundred nstars, or even just having tha said user give you 100k plus your renting rate for the sword. After they have used your sword, they will give it back to you, and you will give them back their collateral, what ever it may be-the ownership of the towns, the nstars, the 100k etc.. This would all of course be written into a contract to ensure that scamming doesn't go the other way around.
This would ensure that if someone were to "scam you" that it wouldn't be a 300k loss But 200k. Oc course you could make the collateral as much as you want to further minimize the chance of loosing big time.
I truly hope this prevents some percentage of scamming here on the server I love. Please leave your feed back here, and thanks for reading!
(P.s I will be the first one to be doing this. I will require a 100k collateral to rent my melon sword. Pm me in game if interested!)
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Revanrose6 Sith LordECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade
Then according to this idea, you wouldn't get to rent the sword.
Friendly x 1 - List
WreckitRalphed The Wise Old ManBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade
I thought about this a few weeks ago and next to no one is willing to paybthis which is annoying but I guess they feel like they are going to get scammed either way what I do is rent my swords for 24 hours at a time for 50k or so depends on what I want to charge.
Smitedyou1 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
I give a collateral often, or at least offer to. I have a rare unobtainable that I just use as a collateral.