Yes I know they'll be a few downsides, some of your reasons are realistic, but it's either that, or Economy going down the tubes.
Nether to be almost useless No one pvp's in the nether. I wouldn't know. I don't have nether access, but I assumed people pvped there. Pvp arena to be useless Spawn campers Already happened before, can't be avoided. Yes it can be avoided, it's called no pvp in mining world Builders wouldn't be able to get the resources to create armor and a sword to be able to stay and fight in the mining world. This would form an endless cycle of terror. They wouldn't be able to get into the mining world, only residents, and those residents could easily buy the materials. This was for if you admitted resident+ mining world was a bad idea. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Builders to not be able to make a profit That's where farming comes in. If you think they could just buy a plot and farm, think again. Where would they get the money to buy a plot?That's where voting comes in. Nobody wants to start off a server by being forced to vote. My parents never let me vote until a while ago. If they did vote, it would take over a week of only voting before they could actually play. I guarantee nobody would stay around that long. That would lead to plots having to be free Lol mayors ain't gonna give plots away free just because builders can't pay. If there were no newcomers with money to buy plots, they would have to.
We don't have to worry about inflation. We have about equal money coming in as we do out. Money coming in: Voting. Donations /sell Money going out: Shouts Lotto (1000 per ticket = 850 to the pot) Huge outgoing for ranking and applications Failed applications
There are people racking in tons of money, the only real large money sinks are lotto and applications. I haven't filed an application in months. I haven't shouted in months. I haven't played lotto, more then 5 times, last time was months ago. There's also a Huge incoming with /sell, a lot higher then applications.
If people started mining in the main world, it would be destroyed. Even if people would vote for a server they just started, that would be a very slow start to the server... Maybe you haven't used lotto, applications, or shout in a while. But let me tell you. A lot of other people have.
Okay, perhaps we can go with my other option of removing all the Eff tools. But in defense of this failing argument about the mining world (very nice counter-argument btw) it would not be a slow start to the server. $1,800 selling netherstars, $800 for a plot, $1,000 for farming materials. Buying dirt, hoes, ect, that's a lot of farm you can make.
The only counter-argument I have for removing efficiency tools is that it would make a lot of people unhappy. It takes a long time to acquire a melon sword or a pumpkin axe.
I'm afraid the damage to that isn't reverse-able though. Even if one guy had a melon sword, you couldn't lower melon prices or else he'd make 30k an hour and everyone else would be scrambling. That's why I still say, change the mining world.
Why keep deflating the economy I think we should consider inflation raiseing prices like in real like
The psychological effect of having a lot of money with little effort will make people get bored more quickly. People come here for the hardcore economy. for the difficult economy. Not to get whatever you want for little work.
I supose so but not to that point I just think it should stop going down because its making some players angry.
Better have angry players who stick with the game than a community with people who constantly leave because it's boring. And the angry players only stay angry for a week or two, they go back to normal afterwards.
Both of these are very true. Inflation however doesn't mean keeping income up without raising prices. Items won't come with "little work" even if we make 30K an hour normally, as long as the sinks are properly balanced for it. We already make far more than we could in real life. 12K an hour with 3 days per hour, is like 4K per day, and you can work as many days as you want. There is some psychological effect of feeling rich, even if the money buys far less per dollar. This is wanted, since people will also get frustrated and leave if they feel the game is too much like work. Star Wars Galaxies was an MMO that died partly because they designed the faucets and sinks poorly. Inflation was rampant, and running a business meant having to log in and take care of mandatory upkeep for a couple of hours each day. People with almost a billion credits didn't feel rich, because of the amount of effort it took to keep up. I like ECC, but the current deflationary economy means that I am better off spending my time doing menial tasks than hiring others or buying from other players. The longer I keep my money, the more I can get with it. Unless the actions needed raises your income, and you can make more currently than you have to pay someone to do something, you are better off not even logging in than hiring someone. You are better off yet to log in and work at your current income and ignore the other actions you want to take. This is from a pure economic, people are purely rational, point of view. In reality most people don't want to log into a game to work. They want those other actions taken, and will either take them, or hire others to do them. Most take the actions themselves to break up what would otherwise be monotonous, and to hang on to their current money. Getting something done quickly only matters if it raises your income, and even then in a deflationary economy you can't know how much you should spend to get it done quickly. Will your income drop anyway because prices drop? This is why people get upset, and why people will quit in a deflationary economy. In an inflationary economy you are better off hiring someone as long as it raises your income, regardless of your current income. Getting things done faster is better, because you know that you will have to spend more to get it done later, either in costs of your time (where you can earn more per hour later, so costing yourself more), or in the simple cost of labor, as the price goes up. You will always recover your expenses as your income is bound to rise, even if you don't do anything different. Inflation that rises too quickly is a problem. This will cause people to feel that they have to log in frequently or fall behind the curve. This leads to more work in a game. Very few people want that, even in a hardcore game. They still want to have fun, they still want to take a break if it becomes unfun, and have the option of coming back. This is why I appreciate the current price drops, even if they contribute to deflation, something I think is a problem. I do think you will need to raise prices soon on things like applications, or add new things to buy with money, as these will give people incentive to spend more money. People spending money on server items removes money, and is zero sum in a player/player trades, while still adding interaction, and therefore fun.