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  1. Nicit6 N6
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Jul 13, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    America Applications are Closed!

    America is looking for new members! We now have a variety of interesting positions for new members to choose from, as well as many up-and-coming ideas! From our town management team to our Survival Games team, there are numerous opportunities for fame and fortune within America! Apply now, and join the team today!

    President of America: xpurexcorex

    The departments of America are as follows:
    Led by Iticip, the towns department of America will manage towns for America, with plots and the like. Ever wanted to run a plot town? Then the towns department is for you!
    Led by FuergrissaOst, the farms department has the job of building, upkeep, and sales of perms for America's farms. Do you like building farms or selling perms? Then apply for the farms team!
    Led by cdlawrence, the construction department plans and builds various landmarks for America, such as the Freedom Tower, the Twin Towers, and the legendary White House! Is building your thing? Then apply for the construction department!
    Led by nicit6, the media department has the task of promoting America across the server! Like journalism, or meeting people? The media department wants you!
    The departments below may only be applied for in addition with at least one other department:
    *Survival Games*
    Led by georgie0417, the America Survival Games team does exactly what you think it would! It represents all of America on a server-wide stage. Do you just love SG? Then join the America SG team today.
    The mcmmo team is dedicated to training mcmmo skills! This is for anyone dedicated to training there own mcmmo and helping others do the same! Want your power level to be over 9000? Join us today!
    Led by xpurexcorex, the PvP department defends Americans from hostile forces, whether in the nether, the mining world, main world, or good old fashioned PvP world PvP. Want to let your darker colors fly? Enlist today!

    Please copy and paste the following form:​
    [b]What part of America would you like to apply for?[/b] (Note, you cannot use the SG/mcMMO/PvP teams for this question):
    [b]Why would you like to apply for this part of America?[/b]:
    [b]Do you have any experience in working with a team?[/b]:
    [b]Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted?[/b] (Yes/No):
    [b]Have you been banned previously?[/b]:
    [b]If so, what for?[/b]:
    [b]Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?[/b]:
    [b]Would you like to apply for the SG/mcMMO/PvP teams?[/b] (Please say which):
    Have any questions? Comments? Concerns? Please PM myself or xpurexcorex!
    #1 Nicit6, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2014
  2. knears2000 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    I had perms there for a long time. Do I have to reapply?
  3. Schloty Professional Money Grinder
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: Construction, Survival Games, Farms, and MCMMO now :p
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: Construction because I believe I'm a pretty good builder and quite enjoy this task. I want to do survival games because I'm also quite good at this. I personally own Kit MIQ, CC, and PF. I want to do farms because... Well honestly it's quite easy and I can do easy things :D
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: Yes
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): Yes
    Have you been banned previously?: Sadly, yes
    If so, what for?: Scamming that was totally my fault but I am working to repay now. I am still trusted, I'm still the same me.
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: Yes
    #3 Schloty, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  4. OtterInAOnesie Owner of Otter Farms
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 4, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: Farms And Construction
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: Farms because I would really like to help with farming in Amercia. And I have water Donation so I could help The Builing of farms and Construction because I've been told by a lot of people I am a really good builder
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: No
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): No (It's a Personal Skype)
    Have you been banned previously?: No
    If so, what for?: Nothing
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: Yeah
    #4 OtterInAOnesie, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  5. JBuks Tycoon
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: Survival Games
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: Well I was on an SG clan previously, Legion. I enjoyed my time there but eventually it broke up. I would love to be on another team, especially a great one like TeamAmerica.
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: Yes, as stated above I was in Legion and I have been in multiple PvP clans.
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): Yes, but I do not skype very much.
    Have you been banned previously?: Once
    If so, what for?: Requested three day temp ban.
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: Sure
  6. knears2000 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: Farms department
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: Because I think the town is pretty cool.
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: Yes
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): I don't have Skype :(
    Have you been banned previously?: Nope
    If so, what for?: N/A
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: Yep
    #6 knears2000, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  7. MattBrpQc EcoMaster
    EcoMaster ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Feb 2, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: Survival Games
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: Because I sg and am tired of georgie killing me, plus pure knows I good at it.
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: Yesh, what kinda question is that? o.o
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): Yesh
    Have you been banned previously?: Ner
    If so, what for?: I wasn't, stahp asking :(
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: Well yesh, I already do to play on the server.
    #7 MattBrpQc, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  8. konan200x Otterly Otter
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 5, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: mcMMO and SG
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: For mcMMO, I have recently begun to work on my mcMMO levels and had so much fun doing it. I have the silver power medal, maxed out mcMMO Plus as well as mcMMo Bonus Plus and I'd love to contribute to this department. For SG department, although I haven't played many hunger games previously, I'm starting to get addicted to them and am planning to get kits so I can contribute more.
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: On ECC not yet.
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): I don't usually skype with people I meet online but if needs arise yes :D
    Have you been banned previously?: No
    If so, what for?: N/A
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: Yes.
    #8 konan200x, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  9. KingNdm ECC Sponsor
    ECC Sponsor Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: Sg, construction, mcmmo, pvp ( if i can only apply for one ill choose sg)
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: I feel like im experienced in all 3 sectores
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: Yes, i have been in many clans, also was once a co mayor of america, i have much experience working with others as a group.
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): Yes
    Have you been banned previously?: My most recent ban was 3 months ago
    If so, what for?: trolling harrasment.
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: Yes of course
    #9 KingNdm, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2014
  10. Lee1104 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
  11. credstone Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 8, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: Towns/Media/Construction
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: I have been getting bored of running my own town and I would like to spice things up!
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: Yes I do.
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): No, I do not
    feel safe using skype with MC & I hope this doesn't effect my application.
    Have you been banned previously?: Nope.
    If so, what for?: N/A
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: I would totally be OK with rules
    because it is a way to help keep the chaos away.
    #11 credstone, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  12. o_Hades_o Netherlord of the Underworld
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 9, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: Towns/Media
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: I want to be a productive member, game changer, idea maker, and eventually a leader.
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: Of course.
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): Yes. Just keep the creepy people away.
    Have you been banned previously?: Yep! It was a not-fun experience.
    If so, what for?: Blindly following a Mayor's suggestion and actions for selling yellowglass pane. *shudders*
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: Willing to agree? Yes. but I haven't read them yet.
  13. cmdr_shepard Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 14, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: the farm!
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: seems fuuun!
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: not reeeeelly :(
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): yes
    Have you been banned previously?: no
    If so, what for?: N/A
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: yes
  14. MIR121 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Feb 15, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?:
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?:

    I feel as though I am a good leader/manager.
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?:

    Yes, plenty
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No):

    Have you been banned previously?:

    If so, what for?:

    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?:

  15. StanleyMines [Resident] [VIP] [Semi-Active] [Ex-President]
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Aug 9, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1) SG team
    2) my friend is in it (konan200x), I like SG, and TEAM AMERICA seems awesome!!!
    3) yes
    4) Yes I have a small team of my own
    5) No, never
    6) Null Pointer Exception(not banned befor)
    7) Yes, Everything needs rules
  16. ZCSolstice Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Dec 25, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: Sg, McMMo.(If I can only pick one, I would choose Sg.)
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: I would like to apply for Sg and McMMO because, well let's start off with Sg, I'm very good at pvp and I would like to fight against TeamRheas and help out others in the arena. For the McMMO I want to help people get better McMMO like I would like.
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: Yes, I've worked with 2 clans so far, both small. That's why I'm looking for something big like america.
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): If I get accepted my skype is: ShanePvP
    Have you been banned previously?: Never, I have been kicked for spam however, but that was just because I accidentally messed up a macro.
    If so, what for?: N/A
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: Yes, sir!
    #16 ZCSolstice, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
  17. brandon9436 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 21, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for? Sg,Farming
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America? Sg because I love being with a team and I think I would be a great addition to America sg team. Farming because it's my main source of income along with sg and I love planting building farms and will help with any farm related work and I would also be a good addition to the farming team.
    Do you have any experience in working with a team? Yes I have tons of experience with teams working together compromises and solving conflicts
    Do you have a Skype that you are willing to share if accepted? No I don't have a Skype account.
    Have you been banned previously? No never
    If so, what for? N/A
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules? Of course
  18. Smorezs Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 4, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for? Farms, Towns, MCMMO
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America? farms because I like farming and building them. Town because I think it would be fun learning how to manage them. Excited about leveling MCMMO and eventually let others know how
    Do you have any experience in working with a team? : yes in game and real life
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): yes of course
    Have you been banned previously? nope :)
    If so, what for? n/a
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules? of course
    #18 Smorezs, Feb 26, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  19. JamieSinn Retired Lead Administrator/Developer
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: SG
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: I really need a good
    team that can hopefully get me some money in SG. Plus, I really have SG as my only way of income as I do not farm. Do you have any experience in working with a team?: Yes, previous staff member, leader of die:mund a while ago.
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): jameslsinn, yes
    Have you been banned previously?: Yes, twice. Once for my demotion of staff, the other for not knowing, and accidentally abusing a glitch.
    If so, what for?: See above
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: Yes, Always.
    Note: I am Canadian, can I still join ;)
  20. XNinjaXSteveX Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 28, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    What part of America would you like to apply for?: Sg,Mcmmo team
    Why would you like to apply for this part of America?: because i sg alot and it seems you need some help against TR :p
    Do you have any experience in working with a team?: Yes i skype with several friends in sg
    Do you have a skype that you are willing to share if accepted? (Yes/No): Yes
    Have you been banned previously?: Yes
    If so, what for?: Donation scamming and slandering
    Would you be willing to agree to a set of rules?: Yes
    #20 XNinjaXSteveX, Feb 26, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
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