Seeing im banned for 3 days 8( i thought id make all my suggestions now i have nothing to do.
Minecraft Name: 98brando
Suggestion: i have a few.
1. Make the compass with TP+ alot easier to use as when trying to go long distances with it, instead of a single click sometimes it takes up to 10 clicks for it to work.
2. change stealth thing as im really getting annoyed if im disguised as a mob some complete random would come and just click me to change me back which is really annyoing and they get fun out of it so if that can be changed to only way back is to type /u, /undis, /undisguise please
3. change the /kit mobs from ext creations to stealth as it would make more sense.
4. possibly have ranks in the clan like make your own ranks in clan and when you talk in clan chat /p your name appears and a rank made by the clan owner near it?
5. change the colour of the clan chat please? as the resident green is hard to see maybe &5 or the colour &3 maybe? so it is easier to see amongst all those words.
6. Possibly have scheduled superlotto's, snipes and things? instead of randomly appearing and going lets have a snipe in 5 minutes meet at spawn chest.
7. possibly a new kit per rank E.G. builder kit starter :: resident kit starter2 gives stone tools :: mayors kit starter3 gives iron tools :: president kit starter4 diamond tools :: tycoon now has a purpose with kit starter5 gives full diamond armor and diamond tools ?
Reason: IDK things i could think off
Any Other Information: i dont mind if you say no to any its a suggetion right? just dont get angry or start a war saying oh that be crap so on hopefully explain why wich ones wont work please
Link To This Plugin: I am not the best mod/plugin person so idk
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scottyang1323 CATS and PresidentBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade
number 7 will never ever happen
1. Powertool /jumpto to something.
2. No, since it's made this way for pvp.
3. No, as it was done to compensate for loss of mob spawning.
5. Andrew's too busy for this.
7. Will never happen. -
andrewlstephan BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
Yes, number 5, it's too confusing in resident green, how about a dark blue color, or maybe light purple? Neither one of those colors are used, so it wouldn't be as confusing.
#6 Most of this is best the way it is now. Its a bonus for those who are online at the time. Andrew has a full schedule and to ask that he is online at (whatever) time, every day/week, to do (whatever snipe/party/tp) for everyone will never happen.
Supper lotto has a chance but only if the plug-in is modified to allow a super lotto to happen on a certain schedule (like every 60 lotto's the next 6 are 10 second super lotto's) or something. Andrew has control over the plug-in but I doubt he can code what your asking so it'll be up to whoever made it. Again assuming the suggestion doesn't get flatly denied to begin with hehe.