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  1. kenny0011 Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐

    Aug 12, 2019
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    What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for:
    All Main Servers
    Short title for your suggestion:
    Mayor Bonus / Revamp Plot Towns
    What are you suggesting:
    A system to reward mayors who own and run plot towns with both ECD, and various perks to further assist in running of said plot towns
    Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?:
    The Problem As I See It:

    At the moment, running a free plot town is a huge task for mayors that provides no real financial positives. Many plot towns are left abandoned simply due to the amount of effort required to put into them, with constant evictions needing to be done, plot clearing etc. To top it off, ironically enougth, the only way to really profit from builder plot towns is via LWC removals. It seems counter intuative that realistically mayors would want players to leave the server in order to gain money.

    This has left /warp plots - the staff run town - to be the default start for new builders wantig plots. I personally hate /warp plots. I think it is extremely unpersonal, and quite frankly I believe staff have better things to do than give out plots, and manage plot towns. As staff, doing plots work was always my least favourite part of staffing. Internally it was always hard to motivate staff to deal with evictions (myslef included), and often was left to one or two staff members to deal with evictions.

    As such, several shortcuts were taken in managing of the staff plots town. These were:
    1) LWC removals were not filed. SMod's typically dealt with evictions (who could just /unlock), and Mods who did evictions usually just had to ask in staff chat or poke on discord for locks to be removed.
    2) Usage of spawned in items. Basic blocks like stone, grass and dirt were spanwed in by SA team for clearing of plots. Additionally, star tools (to be used only for plots evictions) were also spawned in. FInally, the welcome chest items (basic crops, food and torches) were also spawned in.
    3) In extreme cases of large builds, world edit was used in order clear plots. which was requested to the SA team.

    This provided huge advantage to the staff run plot town, creating a very uneven playing field. As such, a whole culture has now devloped that staff are now the sole providers of plots to new builders, going against what I believe the reason for the staff plots town (a place to be used as a last resort).

    The Solution As I See It:

    The core of this suggestion is a financial "reward" for plot town owners for taking in new builders. That being a small reward for when the builder ranks up to resident (say $5000 given to the mayor of the town that the new user joined), and then an additional reward for if the new user later got mayor rank (say an additional $10,000 given to the mayor of the plot town). This gives financial incentive to the town mayor to not just take in new players, but also to look after them and create more community, helping them get on their feet so that the new user can enjoy ECC, and hopefully, stick around.

    As an extension of this system, perks could be given to the town depending on how many previous people have been ranked up through that town, with a tier system of rewards to help run the town. As an example of this could be:

    Bronze Tier (5+ users ranked up in a month):
    - Officially listed both ingame and on forums as an active plots town, with a portal at spawn linking directly to the town.
    - Access to basic building materials for help in clearing plots

    Silver Tier (10+ users ranked up in a month):
    - Access to "community chest" of star / magic tools for clearing of plots.
    - Access to basic crops / tools spawned in for starter chests
    - Access to request a world edit removal of large plots

    Gold Tier (20+ user ranked up in a month)
    - Ability to request LWC removal directly to staff team without need to file on forums
    - Reduction of cost of town features such as town-exclusive portals. (Could be done as a "claim back money" thing)

    This tier system would give back to the very best mayors, and would also create competition between towns in order to actually entice users into their towns.
    Other information:
    While this no doubt would increase work load on certain staff, I feel the reliance on /warp plots would be dramatically reduced. As such, staff would be spending less time doing plots related work in the long run.
    Plugin or custom addition:
    No plugin changes. All parts of it are already possible with current setups.
    One suggestion per form:
    I Understand.
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    #1 kenny0011, Dec 27, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
  2. TaylorBros22 ***Ex-EcoLegend***
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I like the idea of giving incentives to players for helping builders and running plot towns. I do have a few questions/comments however:
    • Would SAs be in charge of giving out the money for rank ups?
      • If so, would the user ranking up have to state on their application who's town they were in, so that that town owner could get the money? I think this would require a lot of cohesion between the SA/GA team, as I doubt GAs would be given the /eco give command.
    • Would the list in game be a wall of signs or a 'portal room'?
    • Would there be a thread on the forums to list the different towns and their tiers?
    • I like the idea of having a community chest, however I do feel like this may be abused, i.e. people taking for things other than clearing plots. Maybe if they were restricted to one or two Star Picks, Shovels and Axes it might help?
    • Would the W/E request be a separate forum application?
    • I would oppose having people come to staff directly for LWC removals. The LWC removal section of the forums gives a workflow for SMods/GAs to work through and have the information all there in front of them, rather than it being fed adhoc by players. I can also see this getting rather annoying being pestered for LWCs in game. Just to this part, -1.
    • A reduction in cost of town features would be a great incentive - would there be a separate thread set up for people to claim back money?

    I do think that if this suggestion is implemented SAs would see a dramatic increase in their workload, as, at current, they are the only staff rank who can give players money and W/E.
  3. ClarinetPhoenix She does what she wants.
    Owner Events Manager ECC Sponsor Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IX ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade Wiki Leader

    Jun 23, 2014
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    The way I see it, without some sort of automated/implementation into applications system, this requires more work on Staff, especially Administration to determine who is worthy of the rewards, as well as managing the reduced price and the management of active towns.

    Also, questions:
    How does one determine an active town....and who will be keeping up on whether towns are remaining active and keeping up with the adding of new players. Some towns are choosier about who they add, and don't just add every user who wanders onto ECC, will this impact their prospects.

    How does one determine who gets the reward for the player eventually ranking up. Especially since a new user is quite capable of joining as many towns as they like/can afford. Who gets to claim that new player?
    There is also the fact that players do often sell their towns to others for the rank up, does it count then for the rewards since a user is part of that Mayor's town?

    Not to mention, even with this incentive program running a plot-town is still a phenomenal amount of work for a single or couple of users without the hope of too much reward for the amount of effort that goes into housing, teaching, ranking up and finally processing the eventual eviction/removal and restoration of a plot. On that note, what happens to all of the incentives if a group of users are making a collective effort to run a town or a nation.

    Its an interesting idea but I'm not sure this incentive program as is will actually solve the problem as is.
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  4. kenny0011 Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Yes, SA's would still be incharge of the /ecogive command, as I do not see this being downgraded to a GA command. For the getting of the money, I invisage the town mayor making the "application" to get their money, is some sort of thing that links the users resident app / what plot they are part of etc. This can be verified by SMod+ via usage of mod /rg list -p <user> commands, and by logblocking the plot (as to confirm residency in the plot). The staff member could give the "go ahead" so that SA can just give the money, and not nessesarily have to check themselves,

    Personally I would like to see as part of this a "/warp towns" which would take a player to a curated portal room of partnered towns. These would take a player directly to active towns, and give information on the town owner. I know the idea of a portal room does bring PTSD to some people, but this would be heavily curated as to only have active towns on.

    Could do yeah! Again, users often ask "where are towns", and the response is usually "check /warps", which are full of inactive towns. Having a centralised updated list of active towns results in a better response to new players who are looking for plots.

    I might not have made this clear in the suggestion. This chest would be similar to the current /warp plots set up, with a star pick, axe, shovel, and maybe the addition of a magic L1 shovel for particularly annoying blocks (think obsidian portals or glass panes)

    Somewhat yes. My initial idea would be some sort of private discord server where the requests could be made. Personally I think it could get quite cluttered having it on the forums, but I absolutely get that having everything on the forums. Either way, there would be an app of some sort with coords, user of plot previously etc. (I believe plots can be rolled back in a manner similar to how grief is rolled back).

    I fully get your point here. Realistically potentially only one or two towns would actually qualify for this top tier however, and some sort of streamlining of the application proccess could be done. Realistically someone whose put in the effort to run a town to achieve gold status know what they are doing, and doesnt need the same scrutiny as a new town mayor.

    I can imagine so yes. Again, the number or towns at this top tier would be very limited however, and usually these features would only be done once. Personally I can't see it being a routine thing, and can be done very much on a case by case basis.
    #4 kenny0011, Dec 27, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
  5. kenny0011 Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Activity of a town can be vaguely monitored by if users are being promoted, or if evictions are being done. Obviously there is a huge "honesty policy" revolving anything like this, but I think if someone is going as far to make and setup a successful plottown, then they are unlikely to be profiting much in the short term by attempting to scam the system.

    Hopefully this sytem will increase the number of plot towns present. If one town rejects a person, then another town will seize the opportunity to take the builder on. If truely no town wishes to take that person on, /warp plots can still exist as the option of last resort it was initally set up to do.

    This isn't actually something I thought of when thinking of this original idea! Personally however, If both mayors helped set up a new user, I don't see why both shouldn't recieve the bonus. (I.E. in the case of a new user getting a free plot in one town, getting resident, moving to a different town that has a larger plot, then getting mayor, then the person who owned the first town still had an impact on that users experience)

    Personally I believe it would be up to the owners of the town to division up the money between themselves. I historically helped run a plot town by adding people to plots, and in return loot from LWC was divided up in the end. Furthermore, the monetry rewards are placeholder values from when I initially sketched out this idea a few months back (based on when the builder bonus was $5000). With inflation, this can be adjusted.

    I agree. This suggestion is not 100% perfect, and there is probably is a hundred things that I haven't actually considered. But the issue of the lack of active plot towns is present, and the current system doesn't reward running one. I hope as a commuity we can discuss and brainstorm ideas on how to make plot towns more viable. No "magic town manager" can be coded to solve this issue, so it is ultimately a community driven thing.
    #5 kenny0011, Dec 27, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
  6. Nicit6 N6
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Let me being by pointing out that I absolutely LOVE this idea. In fact, I've done similar before in my personal capacity. So obviously I didn't use spawned in money, tools, etc (although I was pretty wealthy on archive so funding wasn't an issue).

    Unfortunately, overall, it was a resounding failure. I paid out very few rewards. Perhaps the 10k (in late 2016/ early 2017 - in which features sold for about 9k/USD, so just adjusting for inflation tracked by feature prices would be equivalent to about 50k now) was simply not enough.

    I think the biggest issue you'll run into here is that this really isn't any money at all. It takes a lot of work coaching a builder and most experienced players simply have better things to do. I mean, it takes at least an hour to set up a builder to a point where they can earn any amount of money on their own.

    ...except hold up, you can't give out more than 15k, since after that people will likely just pay off builders to buy resident and pocket the difference.

    The tier system is an innovative take which could also help with the right prizing. Exclusive tools or raffles or both for meeting certain milestones? I think you'll need more incentive than "run your town faster" since ultimately 0 money faster is still 0 money.
  7. Fr0zenTiger Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 2, 2019
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    +1, I think something needs to change about the current system :)
  8. Nicklepot18 Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐

    Oct 8, 2020
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    +1 this could be helpful
  9. ufxr Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Dec 7, 2020
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    +1 I run an town in main-north but have lately un out of motivation to spend hours o giving plots and telling the how to make money? then I realized I'd be better off farming/grinding experience, the idea of an community chest of some sorts would make it more motivational and profitable, a good way to possibly avoid people taking advantage could be making them untradeble, this would mean they can only be /owned and preventing to put in trades, of course people could still sell but buying an owned item has an too high risk, personally I'd love to see this being added in 2021 as it would make it more profitable and it would have a positive response on the server! also would this be more fun for new players, if they get introduced by a player and get peached how to do stuff, there would be a higher chance they stay on the server.
    #9 ufxr, Dec 30, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  10. Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    This is asking for a total server revamp, loads of added staff work, and a huge project trying to figure out how to automate/manage such a system, for something that, let's be real, barely anyone would care about in the current economy.

    Everything clarinetphoenix listed above is basically why this is being denied.
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