In Game Name:
What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for:
All Main Servers
Short title for your suggestion:
[Jobs] Nether Gold Ore in a job
What are you suggesting:
Nether Gold Ore has no job that it's associated with (that I am able to find), so either do one of the following to add it to some job:
1.) Add it to the Nether Terrain job (as it is a nether exclusive item)
2.) Make it a standalone job (just like how Quartz Ore has its own separate job)
Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?:
As mentioned, breaking Nether Gold Ore doesn't give anything with any job, so I feel it should be added. Both ways suggested are solid options, but it needs to be added as pretty much every other nether item has some job that it is associated with.
Other information:
I'm almost leaning towards option #2, but I had to mention both.
Plugin or custom addition:
One suggestion per form:
I Understand.