Hello there! Do you have adobe flash, and enjoy making videos from it? Well here you can post your very own adobe flash videos. I, am a very large Noob at adobe flash, as I started making adobe flash videos on Friday May 27th, 2011. In this post, you will find all of the adobe flash videos I make, and if you like, you may post an application in the bottom to have your flash video in this main post. My goal is to make my very own MC Comic series from adobe flash, but I'm hardly at that point. So, without further ado, I present the flash videos! Title: Minecraft Pick Author: Michaelwm Made on: Friday May 27th, 2011 Description: My first flash video! Personly, I think it amazing as my first flash video. I made it in about 1 hour, yes, Im slow, I didnt even know how to make a new layer and frame xD. Video: [will be posted later] Title: Magic Blocks Author: Michaelwm Made on: Saturday May 28th, 2011 Description: My Second flash video, was bored, so I just made some random smiley being made out of blocks Video: [Will be posted later]