In Game Name:
BigBrolicBigManHave you read the in-depth application instruction:
I have read the instructions.Do you have the applicable cost in your balance:
YesHow did you make the funds for this application:
Selling Magic tool, Haybales, and Emerald BlockWhich server is this application taking place in:
MainWhich additional town will this be for you:
Additional Town #4What will be the name of your new town:
pooplandWhat is the size of your town:
200x200Post A:
-4760 133 11657Post B:
-4700 151 11857Post C:
-4960 132 11857Post D:
-4960 132 11657Additional information about your town:
land of pooHave you read the server rules:
Yes I have read the rules.Processing time within 24 hours:
I Understand.
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BigBrolicBigMan ECC SponsorECC Sponsor EcoMaster ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Premium Upgrade
From a quick glance seems there's a slight discrepency in your coordinates
Post a and post b ,
I'm guessing that the issue is post b , as all the other cords seems to match up,
I'm not around to set this town rn but have a double check on those cords and give this an edit
-Coow -
BigBrolicBigMan ECC SponsorECC Sponsor EcoMaster ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Premium Upgrade
Post A:
-4760 133 11657
Post B:
-4760 151 11857
Post C:
-4960 132 11857
Post D:
-4960 132 11657
Typo on Post B
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