People tend to post on ban appeals with either hateful, spiteful, rude, "I knew it/I told you so," or pointless posts. This is more of a minor suggestion, but could there be a thread in that section or something added to the forum rules about not posting on ban appeals unless you have serious, supportive/helpful information or words to say, or you were involved in the other player's banning (but KNOW you did something wrong/etc.), OR just state that users shouldn't post? Again, a more minor/small suggestion, but those pointless posts can hurt the user making an appeal, cause drama on that thread, and tend to get deleted half of the time, which wastes a moderator's time.
TRUE! Also, when people post thing like, "I knew you'd get banned" it starts flame wars, and then the topic has to be locked and all this other unnessecary crud. I think that youcan only comment if your gonna say supportive comments, etc, like Moo said. Otherwise, you keep quiet.