1. Drazuam Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Although I'm having fun on this server, there are a couple of things that really bother me. I've been hesitant to speak out before, but I'm considering moving servers now, so I thought I would share my thoughts.

    First of all, I assume that lava and water are disabled due to greifing, pistons are disabled due to bug abusing, and cactus are disabled because of... the incident. I'm getting frustrated that I can't use any of these materials, and I thought I would make a case for them.

    I believe that any person who attained the status of resident would no longer be interested in griefing. The sheer amount of time put into getting 22k is ridiculous, and I'm sure nobody would risk getting banned after that much time put into the server. Hey, even if somebody donates to the server then greifs, I know from personal experience that water greifing isn't too hard to clean up; I would gladly clean up a large area for the $20 it would cost to get residency from donating. (look up zone mod, its useful for things like that)

    This is why I suggest that water and lava be allowed to place by residents+. You could even take it as far as Mayor+, but that's a bit extreme in my book.

    To fix the cactus problem, simply make it worthless to the server store. Nobody will have incentive to grow a ton of it- only that which is needed for mob trap, etc.

    The piston bugs are fixed now, so that problem solves itself. To prevent lag-griefing with pistons (if that's possible), you could offer it to residents+.

    Now here's the kicker- Giving more incentive to attain residency will make the server more money. People will want to place water and lava and pistons, so they may end up donating that $10 or so to get halfway to residency, or maybe the full amount. In any case, residency purchases will increase, which means more money being dragged out of the economy, and probably more ecodollars being bought.

    Please consider these ideas, and thank you for your time.
  2. SynWannabe Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    May 30, 2011
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    ok, i highly doubt andrew will let any1 carry lava, cause it can burn things, burn down ur house items and alot more.

    now with the water buckets it still it hard to clean everything cause wat about al the torches and the paintings that could get knocked down, we would have to place them all down get the right painting back and everything, i doubt even a roll back would work for that matter so we would have to take our time fixing that.

    Now with pistons, and still needs to test out to see if they completly have no expliots. this is and will take a while, by the time we get in 1.8 i bet it will be fixed and implemented to the server, just wait and it will be added, he said so him self.

    Now i like the ideas of being able to buy them, but maybe have the lava and water as a donator perk? idk

    Edit!!!: Forgot the cactus

    Now this idea i like, i think we should beable to have cactus or have a mod/admin place it for us, i think he should make it not sellable to the server. but there would be 1 problem, the mass demand for it there will still be people making massive farms and selling it to people sooo.... there is no way to stop that so idk how that would end up not happening. but i like the idea of being able to have cactus :D like i said maybe a new mod/admin perk? ;)
  3. Michaelwm Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    I dont belive cacti will ever come back, because you could still make money off it, and cause lag
    Ex: Burn cacti -> Cactus green dye
    And the only way to fix this would be to make green dye worthless, so I wouldnt get your hopes up on cacti.
  4. SynWannabe Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    May 30, 2011
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    ye i agree with mike on his last statment about makin green dye worthless
  5. SynWannabe Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    May 30, 2011
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    ^ i agree hope u had a good time here, enjoy ur new server :) come back if u cant find any as good
  6. Drazuam Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Let me just make it very clear that I am NOT planning on moving servers. I'm just saying I'm getting a little bored with this one, and wish things could be different. I understand what you're saying about the water and lava, andrew; I wasn't thinking about Residents placing the wate/lavar for other people.

    As for the Pistons, I also understand and am waiting eagerly for the bugs to be fixed.

    And I'm completely fine with the residency price, by the way- I think it should be that much for somebody to be... trusted?

    In any case, I'd like to present (in hopefully a pure, debate-like manner) a counter-argument for lava/water. Please stop reading if it would piss you off =P

    The main point of having no water and lava is to prevent griefing, as I understand. Allowing residents to place lava and water (even for non-residents) would still accomplish this goal. The point still stands that a resident would not place water somewhere that would get them in trouble.

    As far as the economy goes, what economy are you talking about? What trading really occurs? Diamonds are the only thing that are traded by players, and even that is rare. Everything else is sold at basically server price and never changes. We're going through massive supply-inflation with no demand for the sole traded good. People really only gather money to buy residency, mayor, portals, and town plots. They gather everything else themselves or buy it from the Ecocity shops. If you want a balanced economy, you're going to have to do something different. And let me tell you right now that allowing residents to sell water and lava placement to non-residents should be the least of your worries with this economy.

    I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way; That was not the intention of this post. I'm trying to help this server by reflecting the views of several members, and the minecraft community. There are too many other servers with all of these things implemented, and I think you're going to lose traffic because of this. Personally, I think this server has an amazing setup. The only things missing are water, lava, and pistons.

    I actually really like this server and its community, and would love to be a part of it for a good, long time. So thanks for wishing me luck here ;D
  7. welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Personally i have to agree with Drazuam.

    Since the dawn of the server, water and lava haven't been place-able, only by Andrew at the start(Unless he gave you Ice to do it on your own), or later on in the server, could it be placed by staff members. I myself have seen things on the server change time and time again, despite people, especially staff, saying it would never change. I specifically remember people saying that Mobs would never be added, but now we have mob hunts. (Edit Into this Paragraph): The Same thing with the Nether. Andrew once said that Nether would absolutely NEVER be added to the server, and now it is added.

    Making the case for water, and Even Lava, has been something many of us have wanted to champion. While i understand your hesitation against allowing people to place water themselves, Why not allow it and see how it works for say, a week or two? You said the same thing about the mob-hunts, and even several other additions which you've made to the server, and they now all work perfectly.

    Allowing water to be placed by Residents + is easily managed, and also removed a hefty weight off of the staff who are often times ridiculed(I myself have done some scolding), for not placing water Perfectly, or right after the application has been made. I myself have prettymuch avoided anything that needs water, because whenever i ask for a small favor from a staff member, 75% of the time im told to go make an application, and even when i ask the favor of another staff member, other staff members see it and still tell me to go make a Water Application.

    Lava, while i understand your hesitancy, does have its own problems. I've begun to have to hide the placed where i have Lava as a decoration under my city, for fear that people will ask for lava-removal, or that you may see it and remove it despite my wishes, and then the whole place is useless. Perhaps you could allow Mayors+ To place lava, by using a Kit of somesorts like you have for terminator, where they get a specific amount an hour that they can place, and then you can eliminate Buckets? This would be the same for water, and thus would eliminate most of your fears about people "selling water and lava". In addition, you could still even have water-apps available for builders and residents/mayors who used up all their water.
  8. welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    Would it be something you have to purchase to do, or would you simply get it as a donator, after you've donated towards something else?