75k Weekly Giveaway #9

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Falconaire, Oct 13, 2013.

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  1. Mr_Doom_Bringer

    Mr_Doom_Bringer Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 22, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Mr_Doom_Bringer
    Rank(s): Mayor!
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: Giveaways and helping
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: To be a mod and help
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: Help me give away more and be friendly toward the ecc even more!
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: *Cough* Falconaire *Cough* Becuz he's nice and he might think so because uhm, turn around *Falcon sees a vault worth 500k
    Other?: I liek cheez?
  2. xNoxEscapexJase

    xNoxEscapexJase Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 9, 2013
    Trophy Points:


    Mayor and Survivor
    How have you been positively affecting the server?:

    I would like to think that I have been helping the server by helping builders residents and any others that may need help. I have helped others by explaining rules, explain commands of certain features and commands of resident+ commands to users, along with general showing users how to make money by doing things they find interesting or for the most profit.

    What are your plans for the future on ECC?:

    My plans for my future in ECC is to (by Christmas) save 3.6 mil so that I may purchase the "all features" donation (with igm from a user) so that I would have all features. The reason I wish to do this is that I feel I would better serve and help others with all donation features and would be able to provide more services to users such as fly+ jobs, erep's, ext creations+ jobs, for those in my future towns, the public and new users.

    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?:

    Even though small to the needed 3.6m this would still greatly benefit my approach to my goal on being able to help users with anything they may need.

    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:

    I would like to say that Jikkzz should win this prize (yes I know he hasn't filled this out). I was just a resident when jikkzz first joined the server but through time we have helped each other with in game problems and he has always been eager to help me (and vise versa) with anything we could. Not only has he helped me but he is always seen helping new users along with current users. In helping others he sells pumpkin axes (pretty cheap 6k compared to others as high as 8k) as a means to make more money . With all this said I feel his time spent helping others has taken away some time he could have spent making his own money but has chose to do both so this reward should be a gift to him as appreciation for his help to all those who needed it.
  3. SaGeRobbA

    SaGeRobbA Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 27, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: SaGeRobbA
    Rank(s): President, $$
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: Helping people with there towns, Selling items to people for a cheap price, helping some builders out with questions they have.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: To be the #1 Source for help on ECC, and be able to buy at least one builder Resident every week, and also help them progress on the server by selling them cheap perms on a 200x200 every crop farm, also giving them tips and help when they need it. Also helping out people that have been scammed.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: I will be one step closer to getting my own melon sword (So i can earn more money to help out builders) It will also help me pay for materials on my 200x200 every crop farm (Which is to help builders get money)
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: AJCowLover, Because he is the most non-selfish/greedy person I know he has helped out many and even helped me buy my president rank, he helps people that need help and he wants the best for this server.
    Other?: This is a great thing that your doing and i just wanna say keep it up!
  4. Coolacdc

    Coolacdc Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 8, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Coolacdc
    Rank(s): Resident, and Pilot
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I do my best to vote every day, (Sometimes I am busy with family/sports and can't). Other than this, I try to come on to the server each day with a good, helpful attitude.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: Well, I want to become mayor and make a couple of helpful towns to help builders/residents. I don't really want Ecoleader or Tycoon or that stuff because it doesn't help other people (Or even me).
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: With the prize I get, it would get me very closer to my 85k for mayor. When I get mayor, (As stated above) I would make a town to help Builders/Residents.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: I think that since this isn't random, then the person with the best application should win the money. I think this is fair because you clearly stated it at the top.
    Other?: Thanks SO much for putting up this money. Its a lot of money for you to give away and I very much appreciate it. I think it's a great way to encourage forum usage, and for people to get to know ECC!
  5. oreo1227

    oreo1227 ℓαριѕ ℓαzυℓι
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 15, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: oreo1227
    Rank(s): I am currently President, survivor, pilot, and $$$$
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I have been positively affecting the server by helping new players learn their way around. I have them pm me asking for help, and they always end up better off happy. At times I give them the $1000 they need for a 10x10 plot so they can safely lock their stuff up and have a place to call home.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: I plan to buy myself some donation features, buy friends donations features, help other users rank up and much more. My goal is to get VIP at some point. I am currently at $305 and my plan projects me to end with $440, needing $61 USD more. I also plan to in the near future have rental homes for players who need a nice looking home, and I will need money to get the supplies for the homes as they will not be cheap little dirt homes, but mini models of my current home, which has been seen by many. They will be 10x10's most likely and nice and cheap so they can call a place home :)
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: It will help me purchase more giftcards for my friends and for myself. It will also help me further help others rank up and find a place they can call home.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: Theholystick22. Though I have helped him a lot, he has helped me a lot. We help each other learn about things, serious and not serious. We have both raised money together so we can afford to donate to people who may want/need the money.
    Other?: I really like how you do this giveaway EVERY WEEK. It helps people greatly! Keep it up Falconaire :D
  6. qqwg1234

    qqwg1234 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Aug 5, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: qqwg1234
    Rank(s): Survivor, Resident
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: Yes I have
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?:My plans are to have at least [$$] and have a successful town
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: I am trying to get a donation feature called Multihome so I can get to all the places that I am alot more easily, I am also saving up for tp so I can tp people to my town, also I am trying to get a successful town but there is the donation features I am trying to get so it will be easier for people to join it and buy plots and things like that
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: I think that Pdegnan1 deserves it because he is my brother and he has a town which is very cool and he bought a town, fixed it and sold it for more which was smart of him so he can buy more towns have his friends help him fix it and sell it
    Other?: I really want to win this because I gamble money in things like crazy lotto, it is very stupid of me and I am stopping doing it until I reach my other goals
  7. Pdegnan1

    Pdegnan1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 15, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Pdegnan1
    Rank(s): mayor,nether
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I have been positively affecting the server through giving builders a pay little now rest later policy for plots in my town. The thing is with that most of them dont even come back on so i have a plot i cant touch for 5-6 days while people really want plots close to the portal. Also i have been positively affecting the server through giving builders 100 when they are asking for money donations in trade.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: To sell plots in my town, lots of them, to get CC, and also to get to be president and then be like you one day with mod. I am also not really liking buying town that i am not original of so i stick to being the original owner of the town and stuff, but also would like non greifed and just normal towns, so maybe i might buy non original ones that arent old and greifed.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: The giveaway will help me reach my goals in the way that i have just gone on and accidently spelled someones name wrong selling a town i worked on for 2 days while i was sick, and if andrew cant fix it, well then there goes all my money.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:
    Other?: qqwg1234 because he is my brother and he just got a new town. Right now he really needs tp for his new town he just bought which is very important for selling plots in my opinion.
  8. gunnerx1

    gunnerx1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 8, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: gunnerx1
    Rank(s): $ Mayor
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: Yes i have been. I like to support alot of people to make they happy and to make them have a good day.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: I think of many Creative ideas for the future. For example, for Halloween we could make a haunted house or even go trick or treating in different town. For Christmas we could donate money to the builders that need stuff. I am also thinking of getting a new town.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: This giveaway will help me alot because i can't do all of these events and getting my town without money. These events would be fun and helpful to people.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: I think qqwg1234 because he has been helping me of with tons of things. He gave me advice and food when i needed it.
    Other?: I just want to say Good Luck to everybody else! ;)
  9. RealRunakilli

    RealRunakilli Call me dad
    EcoMaster ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    May 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: runakilli
    Rank(s): President, Pilot, and Survivor.
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I can't say I have done big things to affect the server, but I have been supporting of what other people do on the server. I am also a donator of $300. Which will be raising if I win this give away. (See next question)
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: To be completely honest not much, other than play SG. I've completed almost all my goals on ECC; I have yet to go on an sg rampage. If I do win, the money that I win will be going towards gift cards. I will be purchasing SG kits. Which will also be affecting the server. (See above question)
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: My current goals are to get VIP, and to get some SG kits. The money will be helping me get giftcards so I can do so.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: I simply think that the person with the best application should receive the money. I do not choose favorites, so everyone should have a good chance of winning.
    Other?: I think this is a really good thing you're doing, Falconaire.
  10. TheN00BISHPanda

    TheN00BISHPanda Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jun 1, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: TheN00BISHPanda
    Rank(s): President [$$$]
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I have been giving free plots to users who need them most. I have also helped new player info if they need help. And given builders money for resident.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: My future plans are to make more towns for future users to come and to be a EcoLeader and a mod
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: It will give me money for my new towns and town portals and town accessories.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: umm I would have to say Mr_JustinBlaise because he works hard and he has to pay people for jobs and he cant afford it but if he wins he will be super happy
    Other?: Not really except for Grats on Mod :p
    #30 TheN00BISHPanda, Oct 19, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2013
  11. Starleana

    Starleana Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jun 25, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Starleana
    Rank(s): Tycoon, [$], and survivor.
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I help people in global for their questions, and when people pm me for questions I can normally answer, and I have helped friends in the passed with their debts. (with no pay back) I try the best I can with my limited supply of money.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: Once I get fly, I will build my town into some really cool buildings. I plan on getting my own melon sword, and plenty more donations. I would also like to become staff on ECC.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: If I am picked, I will have the funds to help me buy fly and or a melon sword. (fly is the next donation I would like to get, TP is right behind it)
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: Oh so many! ECC is very full of wonderful people, the list could go on very long. Here are just a few: _nameunknown_, jokerboss99, mcg1, therandomowl624, zeek87, then00bishpanda, Mr_doom_bringer, and the list goes on.
    Other?: Thank you for being so helpful to the server!
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • List
  12. trini8a

    trini8a Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 13, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    How have you been positively affecting the server?:

    I have owned a town since I have been a resident and have been selling cheap plots to players. I have been helping/assisting Builders and Residents earn/save EcoDollars. Also, I have give perms to my 100x100 2 floor pumpkin and melon farm to Players to use to make more money so they can enjoy EcoCityCraft and earn higher ranks. I love helping around and giving newer players tips on what to do on EcoCityCraft. Even one of the Builders in my town received Mayor before I did. This money would also give me more of an opportunity to help players.

    It's a good feeling helping others, especially on this wonderful server where help is needed. I know when I was a builder I did not know how this server worked. So now i try my best to help players grow on this server and encourage them to help others also. I like to always have a positive attitude to set an example for new players on EcoCity. Whenever one of my towns members is in need of assistance I do my best to help and solve the issue or question. If I still can't help them, I find someone who can. I put other players before my self.

    When I joined EcoCityCraft, I was used to players on other servers scamming all the time, but on ECC it's a whole different story. I have never been scammed on ECC, the players (for the most part) are trustworthy and obey the rules. I highly encourage players to keep the tradition going and trust more people on this server. This is also my motivation to help others. I want them to know that they can trust me for help, and others on this server. I have helped others, and it has also helped me. That is why I enjoy putting effort into others also.

    What are your plans for the future on ECC?:

    My plans for the future on EcoCityCraft include: Creating a massive 200x200x20 underground farm under my town of LosSantos. LosSantos is going to be a town where I'm going to sell modern pre-built homes to simulate the American city of Los Angeles, or in the new game, Grand Theft Auto V, it's now as "Los Santos." Another project that I have been thinking about is to create a town with Japanese style homes/prebuilts. Classic and modern Japanese homes. This town would be located next to LosSantos to create a feeling where you can walk to two entirely different scenes of Japan and California as if simulating a real world.

    I also plan on getting some of ECC's donation features so I can help other players with water placement jobs, Teleportation services, or using other donation features to help fellow ECC players for free. It is enjoyable to meet new people and see new places on this massive server and to help those people and places develop is even better! I currently own a town that has only half of it used. I would love to give a resident access to be Mayor to that 100x200 peice of land so they can feel how it is to become a mayor and enjoy it.

    Back to the towns that I wish to create, I want to start a nation where each town is going to be themed after different countries and places from around the world. I think it would be neat to start a large-scale project like that. It would take lots of time and money (of course) and I am really hoping to start building soon. I have already started flattening my town of LosSantos and have made some nice progress by myself.

    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?:
    Winning this giveaway will lead to help me reach many of my goals. Those goals include complete flattening my Town of LosSantos, saving up to buy another town (president rank or buy from a resident), building all the pre-built themed homes and materials for them, and also donation ranks so I can help others with things and help the server by donation. Those are my main goals of what to do with the winnings from this contest.

    What I plan to do first with the winnings of this giveaway is to hire a team of land clearers to start clearing my town of LosSantos. This will open up a few jobs for the new players of this server. Second, I plan on getting the materials and plan what the town is going to look like. Once that is done, I will hire builders (not the rank) to start building the structures that I will have came up with in the locations specified within my town.

    Last, after that is finished I will use whatever money I have left to start paying for ECC $10 gift cards to eventually purchase a donation which would be able to help other players. I was thinking of starting with the teleportation feature which would allow me to interact with other players (which I love doing) and help teleport their friends or workers to the area specified for either really cheap prices, or even free if I’m bored atm and in a good mood.

    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:

    There are many other wonderful players on EcoCityCraft and a lot of them would be in my book as people who would deserve this prize. The player that I think would be most qualified is you, Falconaire, for all your dedication to the server and hard work. You have even earned the proud title of Moderator, which is a great milestone on ECC. It shows how hard working and dedicated you are to the server. Also the fact that you hold giveaways of this generous amount of cash every WEEK is an amazing and most courteous thing.

    As we all know, you can’t win at your own hosted giveaway, so another choice of who should earn this prize would be Essidi. As she says in her own entry form “I have been nothing but an antisocial, introverted lump on this server.” I would agree on that (sorry essi :b) but she IS a hard working and dedicated player on this server. When I owned a town as a Resident, she bought one of my plots and was a new player to this server. She ended up working hard and eventually surpassing me. She ended up getting the Mayor rank before I did! She is a dedicated player and also deserves this reward.


    I think I have said it all, I wouldn’t want to keep you any longer if you took the time to read this (which I’m positive that you have) but if there was one other thing I would like to add in here it would be, once again, congratulations on mod and you deserve it the most. Thank you for constantly hosting these wonderful giveaways and good luck to all other player! Congrats to whoever ends up winning this thing!
  13. Avowin

    Avowin ανσςα∂σ
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Have I REALLY not applied yet? :/
  14. TheKDshowz_Kevin

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jul 21, 2013
    Trophy Points:

    Mayor ($)

    How have you been positively affecting the server?:
    I have been sharing the server ip at school, and I am currently helping builders with tips. I given builders a place to live in an apartment. I gave away a little cash to builders, and I have give them free tp services.

    What are your plans for the future on ECC?:
    My plans are to get more people to join. ECC has a 1000 user slot, so I think we should all try to make users join. I would want to see that ?/1000 be 1000/1000. It would mean so much to me and everyone.

    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?:
    I would be able to purchase a towns portal for my town. IF I have a remnant of the money then I would give it to some builders that I know.

    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:
    TheKDshowz. He is a very close friend of mine. Obviously, because we both have similar usernames. He is very desperate to get mayor. He is trying his best at farming to get money. I really want to help him out; We usually skype call together.

    Other: I think you are a very generous person. It is so amazing to see users like you giving away free money! I would appreciate if I win this giveaway. It would mean the world to me. Thank you!!! =)
  15. Essidi

    Essidi Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 20, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    trini8a Thanks for the reference; no offense taken. :p
  16. dgam02

    dgam02 ♫ Shitposting Ex-SA ♫
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 10, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    All I can say is that this fella deserves a reward for what he has done. He was my little apprentice and has grown up to be at my rank. His brother qqwg has always been with him and he has always taken care of him. Through all the shit he had to put up with when he was my co-mayor, he stayed strong and polite through the whole time. Hes grown up to be a good mayor who is responsible and takes care of his people. Good luck to ya kid.
  17. Pdegnan1

    Pdegnan1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 15, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Omg thanks so much means a lot dgam02
  18. Avowin

    Avowin ανσςα∂σ
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Avowin
    Rank(s): President, Survivor
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I have been positively affecting the server in many different ways. One of these ways is by helping people in need whatever the cause is. If someone has a question about ECC or minecraft, I try to be the first person to help. I also positively affect the server by being a good role model. I say I am a good role model because I have never once been banned on ECC, and for that matter on ANY server. I also (as I recall) never have had a complaint filed against me on ECC. I also have given 2 builders resident so far, and plan to give more.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: My future plans on ECC are to get donation features so that I can use them to help others in many ways. My first donation feature will either be pyro, tp, or (most likely other than tp) Excreations. I would give these features to builders and residents for free, and a VERY low charge for anyone even lower. I also wish to have a town that will give not only builders a chance to have somewhere safe to live, but to have somewhere where presidents will buy their house to show that they are better than others.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: Winning this giveaway will help me reach my goals in many ways. One will it will help fund donation features. The other way is it will also help fund my town features.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: I think that Falconaire should win this prize along with myself because he has been a great friend and has always helped me when I have needed helped. Falcon is a great friend that will help others in the blink of an eye, all for the greater good. I could go on and on on how falcon is a great player who deserves this prize, but there is no need to.
    Other?: Potato and good luck to everyone else!
  19. Avowin

    Avowin ανσςα∂σ
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Just realized I put falcon as the other winner for me, when he is hosting it haha
  20. skittlesbanana

    skittlesbanana Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 24, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: skittlesbanana
    Rank(s): Resident
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I have given away small loans to builders to help then earn resident and I gave them extra time to pay me back if necessary. I have also solved many griefing problems and rebuilt peoples' houses because they could not afford to do so. Because of this, I opened up an office where I accept every grief report I get in my mailbox and I go figure it out. I have never backed out of a situation.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: My plans are to become a Moderator after a while of working and I will do giveaways like this one!
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: This will help me reach my goals because I really want to get mayor and all I need is 1rst place so I can own a town, and then sell plots.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: deserves a prize because he is very kind and is always there for me and all of my friends.
    Other?: If I win, I promise not to spend a dime on lottery!
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