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  1. Bmanvman Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Dec 6, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): Bmanvman
    Why do you feel you deserve this:Because i have tried to help ecc in all I can. By applying for mod, by giving builders some money so they can rank up. By making a town for builders to grow and learn about the game and to make friends so they can enjoy the game even more! I have given away free plots in my town to them. I also try to help other people on the server by giving them the loans that they need. By giving some free perms to my farm. And because I will continue to help ECC in any way I can.
    What you plan to do with the winnings: I plan to get president so i can have another town and make a 200x200 farm and give away free perms to builders and make the perms cheaper then most. And if I have extra I will make a lucky builders day by giving them the 15k they need to make resident.
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: I helped someone make a 200x200 farm, I have given people free plots in my town, I have helped a mayor build his town, And i have helped people rank up.
    Other? (optional): I think it is really nice of you to do this for people. You are doing a good thing by helping people this way. Good luck with your future in ECC.
  2. Lothuial Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 11, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name):
    Why do you feel you deserve this:
    I am a hardcore dedicated builder. I (usually) use good grammar and talk with proper punctuation in chat. I am not annoying with short abbreviations and acronyms. I already have collected 50k in the week or so I have played and want to continue to grow as a player and contribute to the community by building a massive Ancient Greek town. I have big plans but don't have much money to work with. >Yet<
    What you plan to do with the winnings:
    Put the money towards creating a chain of towns that entertain visitors for long periods of time.
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed:
    Jason1964 provided me a free 30x30 plot in his town that I plan to build a skyscraper on. Joliver1998 sold me a plot in Swagridge and helped me get on my feet in this entertaining server.
    Other? (optional):
    I have great plans and would love some help in my efforts. ^-^
  3. HelixInsight Surgeon
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 1, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): MCHelix3000
    Rank(s): President, Survivor, Donator [$$$]
    Why do you feel you deserve this: I deserve this prize because of the recent losses that I have had. I have lost my Melon Sword due to my mistake of trusting an infamous user. I have helped several builders get a home in my town; I have directed many, many new players in the path they should go in order to succeed; I have also donated time and money to my army to help them become better at PVP.
    What you plan to do with the winnings: I plan to buy nstars towards the purchase of a nstar tool, and this time I won't lose it.
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: I have donate to many builders, and SolaceDevotio donated 179k to me; OmniCrafter donated 130k to me; Riddick64 donated 50k to me; Sreepathi12345 has donated 40k to me. Donations were all for the good of the community.
    Other? (optional): I would like to say thank you to Dewsy92 for giving me support during this time of loss and grief.
  4. DinosxRawrrr Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Aug 10, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    I deserve this because I got severly griefed. a long time ago and now im middle-class (not completely broke) I farm a lot, and I feel a little bit of jealously because of how much people are rich. if I win or lose, idc anyway, if I don't win, is hope a broke person in debt has it. too cheesey?
    ive experienced david_torento gave me a free pump axe and perms to a farm. on another server id give broke people 1k-5k. before I was griefed, sometimes id help new people with the ways of ecocity. sometime I donate as well.
  5. DinosxRawrrr Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Aug 10, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    oh and I also have water perms
  6. surferkev Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 1, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): surferkev
    Rank(s): resident
    Why do you feel you deserve this: I think i deserve this because I spend alot my my online time helping out builders who just joined and don't know what to do or how to make money. I go far beyond the "/help money" by showing then how to mine/farm which ever their more interested in and then sell them very good tools ie: silk-touch/fortune picks and/or pumpkin axes.
    What you plan to do with the winnings: With the winnings i would get mayor so i can further help builders with large public farms and free plots. I would also be able to sell more discounted tools to the new members of the sever so we can continue to have a fun, helpful and large community here on ECC
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: Helping builders in the ways listed above
    Other? (optional): I really appreciate the contests because it also people to help the community in the best way possible
  7. Tycoon ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 3, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): outragedzombie

    Rank(s): President,Survivor,Pilot

    Why do you feel you deserve this: I don't deserve this I have the same chance as anyone else. I could win or not it wouldn't matter cause making someone else happy is better then wasting it on me.

    What you plan to do with the winnings: I plan to store it away for my friend as he is builder and needs to rank up.

    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: last week I had 320k from winning lotto and I bought Caz_B mayor. And then gave some of my winnings back to people.

    Other? (optional): I do want to win this as I am dirt broke but if I don't win this please give it to someone who is struggling or deserves the money more.
  8. ArisenBatman ECC Sponsor
    ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Aug 23, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): ArisenBatman

    Rank(s): President, [VIP], Survivor

    Why do you feel you deserve this:

    I feel like I deserve a place in this giveaway because I support the ECC at every chance I get; even with things aren't going well for me. I try to the best of my ability to be unbiased toward any player and I try to keep things fair among the entire community.

    What you plan to do with the winnings:

    If I win a position in this giveaway the money will go toward improving my town and town features - I'm currently working on a town that the whole community can enjoy and my hopes are that it will benefit all players. If I end up with a little excess money, then I will use it to supply my next giveaway.

    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed:

    I have given out over 5mil ECD to the community via random giveaways, I do my best to support Builders and Residents by providing cheap plots and always willing to help them, I'm friendly and negotiable with everybody in the server (even if we have had our differences).

    Other? (optional): I would like to say thank you for hosting this giveaway. It's good to see people that want to reach out and support this server and it's community. I personally have invested near $2,000 USD into this server by donating and selling features - What do I have to show for this? My generosity.
  9. Original_Jackson ♕ Ecoleader ♕
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 5, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): Original_Jacksom
    Rank(s): Mayor, VIP, Survivor, Pilot
    Why do you feel you deserve this: I am a nice guy and I truly do try to help everyone I can with whatever I can, money, advice, tools, anything they need.
    What you plan to do with the winnings: put it in a sign and save for president.
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: Witnessed: You doing this giveaway! Preformed: a very specific and large one was I loaned a friend 1.5 mil for rising, and the payback is 1.1mil whenever he wants.
    Other? (optional): Thanks a bunch for this giveaway chance!
  10. roostermc22 Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 24, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: roostermc22
    Rank(s): Mayor and Survivor
    Why do you feel you deserve this?: I think i deserve this, because I am very active and I am very nice to other players on ECC.
    What do you plan to do with the winnings?: I plan to use the winnings for my farm that I am building and my town.
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: An act of kindness I performed was helping you with your farm and I also gave free plots out to new Builders of the ECC community.
    Other? (optional): I think you are very kind and you TP'd my friend to me for free and with no wait. Thank you very much for that.
  11. katy345 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 2, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name):Katy345
    Why do you feel you deserve this:I feel I deserve this because I have been kind for everyone on this server .
    What you plan to do with the winnings: With this Money first: I will probably buy a town portal, and then I will buy a donation feature.
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: I am doing my best to help the community:
    1ºI am giving Money for someone who needs it
    2ºI gave food for builders were starving
    3ºI have helped mayor building theirs towns
    4º I am hiring builders and giving them jobs (like placing water, if anyone builder want to work for me just pm me)

    Other? (optional):Thank you for this giveway and I wish you and I wish you a lot of happiness.
    #31 katy345, Jan 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
  12. PandaManiack Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 30, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): PandaManiack
    Rank(s): Resident [$]
    Why do you feel you deserve this: I feel I deserve this because I am working on a town project and I almost have enough for tp and i'll give free tp's to anyone who does not have tp.
    What you plan to do with the winnings: I'll use it for tp but I have some money towards tp I only need a little bit and i'll use the other bit to help with my friends town/supplies.
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: Well I regularily pay/help builders on how to get money on ECC and often give anyone who wants kit cc.
    Other? (optional): Well choose the best, and may god give you the wisdom to choose. :p
  13. 0TheRedHerring0 President
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐

    Jun 2, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Ign: 0TheRedHerring0
    Ranks: Resident, Survivor
    Why do you feel you deserve this: I am a kind player. I never swear, spam, or scam. I give back to the community by doing my own give-aways. I help builders cheerfully.
    What do you plan to do with the winnings?: I plan to get mayor. With the preview map of rising, it has been confirmed there are going to be three Mesa biomes. I plan on claiming one as Mesa national park to preserve its beauty. I will have a visitor center and a wide variety of trails. I will employ builders to help me build trails and make maps. The maps and access will be free. To support itself financially, I plan on building a large underground mine and farm for workers and myself. I plan on one day expanding my national park system to other biomes. I will also give shop space in the visitor center for my staff to sell whatever they would like, for whatever price they would like.
    What act of kindness have you seen?: Falcons give aways.
  14. Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): APORTH
    Rank(s): Resident, Would have mayor but am saving for EFF7 pick
    Why do you feel you deserve this: I am wanting to do giveaways in the weeks to come this would help fund it, while at the same time funding my EFF7 fund.
    What you plan to do with the winnings: Help builders get resident
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: It saddens me for users to be scammed and or manipulated, that is why I am trying my best to make everyone's experience on ECC a good one. I strive to help new players reach their goals as soon as possible. highlighting the worst in ECC, I am trying to make a difference is User experience see this link
    • Like x 1
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    #34 BigFatDonkeyHead, Jan 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2014
  15. spaenjj Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 30, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): spaenjj

    Rank(s): prez

    Why do you feel you deserve this: I love this server too, and am always looking to help improve the experience of the users. I give people money who need it. I offer my donation services for free. I often pay people to do jobs. Right now, I'm holding a Build Contest and giving away $160k in winnings. Next week I hope to host a parkour tournament and give away more money.

    What you plan to do with the winnings: I am working on building Minetopia. I hope this to one day become the greatest city in Legacy. It has been built almost completely by other users who were all paid well for their work. I would like to use the winnings to host more contests.
  16. Olinova Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): INQUISITIVEeric
    Rank(s): Resident Survivor
    Why do you feel you deserve this: I've been a resident on ecc for a good year and a half now. I struggle to make money easily but I hope getting some free giveaway money will encourage me too get my mayor fund.
    What you plan to do with the winnings: It will all go to my mayor fund
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: Erm... I'm sure theres one somewhere I really cant remember :p
    Other? (optional): Also Specter01 This guy really deserves this money... He's helped me out so much if anyone deserves it, its him
  17. Kinghudsonwhite Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jan 11, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): kinghudsonwhite
    Rank(s): Resident
    Why do you feel you deserve this: I feel that I deserve this because I help other people out all the time, even when I don't get payed.
    What you plan to do with the winnings: I will buy myself a town and surprise the girl of my dreams by giving it to her so she can make it into what she always wanted to do, a farm. <3
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: I have helped a lot of people build homes, play sg, and much more!
    Other? (optional): I would be pleased with any amount of money <3
  18. ElChapoJrr EcoLegend
    EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐

    Mar 13, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): lukewhicker
    Rank(s): President , [$] , and the rank for nether!
    Why do you feel you deserve this: I feel that I deserve this money because I am trying to completely destroy a town and make a new town for the great people of EcoCityCraft, Also I love to help out the community any time I can, Ive only been banned once , and that was long ago. I feel that I really do need and deserve this ammount of money.
    What you plan to do with the winnings: If i do win this money I will but it in a sign and not do lotto with it Nor shall I spend it on something stupid, I'd build my town that I am currently working on which is a Midevil theme town, with a castle , It needs a Portal and I think I will save up for the /warp to it also. The portal is very expensive so I plan to use whatever this competetion gives me and use it for that.
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: Ive gave plots away in my town for builders before, also for my new town I am making plots expecially for builders to get so they can get started. Also, I've done many giveaways when I have won big lottos before (Now I am broke) Once when i won 350k from lotto I give 50k of it away to Residents and Builders. : D Thanks for Reading this.
    Other? (optional): I think it is amazing that you have done this giveaway and props to you for doing this! Thanks and love you <3
  19. skittlesbanana Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 24, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN (In-Game Name): skittlesbanana
    Rank(s): Mayor, $
    Why do you feel you deserve this: I deserve this because
    What you plan to do with the winnings: If I win, I will have enough money to purchase extracommands+, the rest will go to my President fund.
    An act of kindness that you witnessed or performed: I helped CutieCat123123 build her home in LasVegas. I then bought her Resident afterwards.
    Other? (optional): I want to thank you for doing this and even if I don't win, you will still be considered a kind person in my heart.
  20. Revanrose6 Sith Lord
    ECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Aporth Kinghudsonwhite please keep these types of things out of other peoples threads. There is no reason to turn this into a flame thread or derail it. I have deleted both of your posts related to these issues. Any further posting from the two of you that is not related to the give away or is flaming one another, will result in a forum warning.
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