300k Give Away - Ends August 25th

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Revanrose6, Aug 18, 2014.

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  1. StoneIronZ

    StoneIronZ Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 24, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Username: StoneIronZ
    Rank: President
    What you want the money for: Invest in my shop.
    Why do you deserve it?: I dislike this question because it is asking me to /brag/ a little, but, I like to help out new users. Mostly to residents in the town of FairBorn who have asked me various questions about ECC. I also like to help out builders who ask questions at spawn and in the global chat channel.
    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: AdmiralD
    Why do you think they deserve it?: He is a generous user. This guy has donated tons of money to ECC. Also, he says nothing but kind compliments in-game and on the forums.
    #41 StoneIronZ, Aug 18, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  2. Maco20047

    Maco20047 |-《□》-The Medievalist-《□》-|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 29, 2013
    Trophy Points:

    President | Terminator | Captain | VIP

    What you want the money for:
    I would like the $50,000 to help not myself, but new users on the server. Too often I see builders lost in chat, with no one there to help them. They need help making money, need to find a town to live in, or buy tools go get them started, but because they're builders many people don't trust them. I will do my own 10k builder raffle in which I will pick 5 lucky builders to win $10,000. I will do more as time surpasses.

    Why do you deserve it?:
    I don't like to idolize myself, but I do feel as though I have positively affected the server throughout the last year on the server. Whether it was through donations, moderating, or just helping around in chat.

    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?:

    Why do you think they deserve it?:
    When I go mining, almost every time I'm there I see Clarinet mining. One day I had a chat with her and it seems as though she's been working head over heels to get an Eff7, and I would like to help her out if I win this giveaway. She is a positive user and is always being friendly in chat.
    #42 Maco20047, Aug 18, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  3. xHarambae

    xHarambae President
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 4, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Username: Shrinkwrap4me
    Rank: President
    What you want the money for: Towards a pre-built only town that will give builders a place to stay while they play ecc.
    Why do you deserve it?: Because I'm an awesome person.
    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: @austinsplaneguy
    Why do you think they deserve it?: He's a lad, mate, and friend that's a poor beggar In need of money to buy an efficiency 7 Diamond pick
  4. DeMacca

    DeMacca Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 22, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Mayor | Survivor | VIP

    What you want the money for:
    As of recently, I have made the decision to save up for a somewhat prime/prime spawn shop. I currently have 235k and counting. This money would definitly give me a large boost on my way to purchasing a well run Spawn shop.

    Why do you deserve it?:
    I know there are alot of people, out there, who deserve this money more then me. From the others doing giveaways to moderators to the people who give up their time in exchange to help others. I do my best to be a positive part of the community and "play my role". I also welcome users especially builders who show a passion in this Economical server, I offer them a position as co-owner of my current new project where we both have an opportunity to make money together.

    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?:

    Why do you think they deserve it?:
    d I Co-Own a Melonsword and Eff7 together. MrJiggle always listens to my opinions and is very co-operative, he is also just a great guy to chat to in general.
  5. jassimq

    jassimq Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Dec 24, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Username: jassimq
    Rank: Mayor, Survivor [VIP]
    What you want the money for: To buy a prime spawnshop and Buy aether
    Why do you deserve it?: I think there are people who deserves/needs this more than i do
    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: @konan200x
    Why do you think they deserve it?: Helpful, smart, kind and an otter
  6. stoler202

    stoler202 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Aug 3, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    when i do /seen it says you are banned. umm does that mean disqualifications @Revanrose6 ? just saying
  7. la44y

    la44y Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    May 10, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: la44y
    Rank: Resident

    Why I want the money
    I want the money for getting myself mayor

    Why I deserve the money
    I deserve the money because I have helped some builders get jobs and have food and the items for their ECC journey

    Who else deserves the money
    Anybody the judges think

    It's their money
    #47 la44y, Aug 19, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
  8. BaccaAMP

    BaccaAMP Bacca Mafia
    EcoMaster ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 4, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Username: BaccaAMP
    Rank: President, survivor, $$$
    What you want the money for: A. So I can help construct my town, B. so I can better help builders with their starts, C. Help Get me closer to Tycoon
    Why do you deserve it?: Because I have helped users and im not your ordinary Bacca, id like to be a little more versatile on the fields of how I help users.
    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: @SBTS @romper83273 @desgagne
    Why do you think they deserve it?: Because they have helped me and other users out so much and they help keep me on track
  9. _______F________

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 8, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    What you want the money for:Buying a town portal for my town.
    Why do you deserve it?:I help builders find their way out of PvP alot and answer their questions.
    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: @Shadow_112013
    Why do you think they deserve it?:He donated a ton of money to me and he has helped me from the very beginning. :)
  10. pocketMAD

    pocketMAD Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 4, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Username: pocketMAD

    Rank: Resident

    What you want the money for:
    I am considering staking a town quite soon when I become mayor. Only thing is, it won't exactly be a town. It will contain a farming business that will be unlike anyone has ever seen. I unfortionetly cannot relay anymore information because I do not want this idea to be 'spoiled.'

    Why do you deserve it?:
    It's a profitable business system with realistic goals. If I do this, I'm sure it will open up people's eyes to the true potential of this beautiful server.

    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?:
    Other fine gents whom I have been contacting, and will rename nameless for obvious reasons, have been working with me.

    Why do you think they deserve it?:
    They have put a lotta time into this project.

    Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
    #50 pocketMAD, Aug 19, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
  11. Keeper_X

    Keeper_X Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 25, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Username: @Keeper_X

    Rank: President, Survivor, [$$$]

    What you want the money for: It would probably go into my savings, I don't know yet but im thinking of either eff7 or Tycoon.

    Why do you deserve it?: I always try to help in any way that I can, I try to guide builders through the basics if they need it.

    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: @konan200x

    Why do you think they deserve it?: Konan's help is to over powered, She is always helping, She helps everyone anytime she can. She even help-blocked me from helping a builder one time.

    Konan200x help > Keeper_X help > Everyone else help
  12. GamecockFanatic

    GamecockFanatic Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 12, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Username: GamecockFanatic
    Rank: President
    What you want the money for: i plan to use the money to buy a town and make it a builders only town to add since i currently have a res+ and mayor+ town i will hope to have a farm in the town and give cheap perms i also plan on selling and giving away plots for very cheap
    Why do you deserve it?: i have been playing on this server for over a year now have donated and i am often helping new players with sg
    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: @BackToThePast
    Why do you think they deserve it?: he is my role model on ecc and is to many other players he is also a great mod
  13. Mysticgoli123

    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐⭐ X ⭐⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 18, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Username: Mysticgoli

    Rank: Mayor $$ ...could be $$$

    What you want the money for: I would use the money to make it further in ecc, the money may go towards features or towards an activity that interacts with the ecc community

    Why do you deserve it?: I think i deserve the prize because i am a valued member of the ecc community, i do not cause trouble and give advice and interact with people

    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: @block_crusher

    Why do you think they deserve it?: I believe that my friend block_crusher is a very loyal friend, he is very helpful and contributes immensely to the community and to projects. He does not hog money and always looks to spend it efficiently and as soon as he gets it. He is a very nice guy and a helpful friendly player
  14. Emau

    Emau Anti-PVP Miner
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 9, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Username: Emau
    Rank: President
    What you want the money for: I don't
    Why do you deserve it?: I don't
    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: origamimaster10
    Why do you think they deserve it?: He continuously goes out of his way to help others. Recently he gave up his portion of his winnings in a server wide contest just because he felt other players were overlooked. He has opened his town to builders (at no cost), and has, on more than one occassion, spent his entire time ingame at spawn just helping new people instead of furthering his game. He truly deserves to be recognized for this.
  15. mattybillo1

    mattybillo1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 21, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Username: mattybillo1
    Rank: President
    What you want the money for: Purchasing a spawn shop.
    Why do you deserve it?: I don't really do anything out of the ordinary, I answer question and be helpful in chat, but do not go to extremes like some members of the community. I would love to have the money as it would allow me to begin trading with people more effectively and just be more active in the economy. I also spend so much time just chilling reading chat and forums that I never make money.
    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: Any ECC staff member.
    Why do you think they deserve it?: Slightly obvious, they put in so much time and dedication to make ECC awesome.
  16. mista_J

    mista_J Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Mar 30, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Username: Mista_J
    Rank: Tycoon
    What you want the money for: I would like this money just because I really don't have much money at the moment, I just got through paying g a big debt and I've had nothing for quit a while, this will just really help me get started, I'm starting to try to get my own melon sword, I haven't had a star tool since my melon sword got scammed. This will give me a big boost.
    Why do you deserve it?: I don't think I do deserve this money, but I have helped the community just by generally trying to be a good person and create a positive energy for everybody else in ECC. I often do free e-repairs and teleports for users for hours at a time. I always answer users questions in chat to the best of my ability. I used to have a 200x200 farm (but later sold it due to debts) where I would give builders free perms. I also had a 200x200 town where again I would give users free perms. I would also do random in game trivia giveaways, with small prizes of $200 but that still can help somebody out.

    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: Shadow2497
    Why do you think they deserve it?: Because he is my bro, and he really doesn't have a lot of money right now, and he is trying to save up for his next rank, President
  17. Shadow2497

    Shadow2497 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 11, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Username: Shadow2497
    Rank: Mayor
    What you want the money for: I want this money so that I can get president, well help towards the fund of me getting president, so that eventually I can get another town and build a farm in it.
    Why do you deserve it?: I don't, but I am a very commited player on ECC and I love this server, I haven't helped give back to the community as much as I have wanted, but I'm sure that will hopefully change once I get president.
    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: @mista_J
    Why do you think they deserve it?: I feel he deserves this because he plays on the server a lot (I should know he's my brother) he's also donated a lot of money to this server, and he's a nice guy who tries to help users out.
  18. Cardinal3

    Cardinal3 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Aug 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Username: Cardinal3

    Rank: President, Survivor, Pilot, $$$$

    What you want the money for:
    I would like to use the money to save up for an Efficiency VII star pick. I've had one before, but unfortunately it was lost when I had rented it out. To today, it has not been paid off by far. I have actually bought all my previous features to equip myself to becoming more secure if I were to own my own pick such as the features Fly+, ExtCommands+, Pyro+... Etc. And with the fluctuating netherstar market prices, it's only made it more difficult for me to achieve the star pick pricing. When I had first directed myself to owning the pick, it was valued at 500k. As of now, it's somewhere around 800-825k. Now in no means am I complaining. It is a hardcore economy after all. It's the second thing I love most about the server though.

    The second thing I would like to use the money for is to fund my towns. Most of the money I have is going towards the top priority goal of buying a star pick. But besides that, I would like to fund my towns. I currently own 7 towns and co-mayor 3 more. It's hard for me to keep up with, but it's completely worth the interaction I encounter from them. Going back to my previous comment about my second favorite part about the server being its intensity, the first is the interaction between players. The social communication I experience between my town members and co-mayors has earned me not only friends in-game and IRL, but memories forever tied with ECC. Memories that enhance the word "community" in EcoCityCraft. I'd love to renovate the towns to help attract more new users.

    The last thing that I'd like to use the money for is towards my giveaways. So far, I've only given away 225k. Although a fair amount, it's not comparable to what others have given. Exhibit A, this single 300k giveaway vs my accumulative 225k. As I have explained in other giveaways, my goal is to start chain reactions among the community. I believe in the concept, divide and conquer. Now let me further explain the topic I've initiated.

    The 4 members included in this giveaway are either current staff members (Welcome back PB) and former staff member(s) (Onscenereporter). Players new and old look up to staff members as examples or means of power. I like to think that it's sometimes a greater influence to see other users that are not staff members performing acts of generosity. Players "just like us" giving. A "Robin Hood" story if you will. Without the greedy king of course. A member of the same power giving to those of his/her similar power. Another example I'll give to further clean up this metaphorical mess, there was once a man that passed another man who has not eaten for, what it looked like, a few days. He gave his bread to the homeless man. The homeless man then broke the bread in half, and said "we can share it". The reason I'm sharing this example is to explain it's influence. I believe it's a greater influence because it shows that the homeless man can still give a little even though he is on the shorter end. It's still a great thing for the longer end (nobility in a sense) to give to the less fortunate. But again, it would be more influential from the less fortunate. It shows that everyone is capable. Even if it's something as small as bread. Same works with the community. The staff members work as the nobility and government. One of the reasons I have not yet applied for staff is to become the/a "Robin Hood" of ECC. My ultimate goal is to give away at least $1 mil. To the community. It's something the community deserves.

    Why do you deserve it?:
    The definition of "deserve" is

    Definition of term:'deserve' is:'to be worthy of, be qualified for, (reward, punishment, etc.); merit.'.

    "To be qualified for". To me, there are no qualifications for a giveaway. As others have already put in their applications, I am the same as everyone else. So, why me over others? A requirement I noticed for this giveaway is that the user submitting the application must not be a banned user. So maybe that's something that qualifies myself for this. Maybe the fact that I've never banned? But then again, I wouldn't count out previously banned users. I'm a believer in second chances. My belief in second chances must be because of my experience of being given such.
    Now should I deserve the 50k? Maybe. That's completely up to the judges. My opinion on me "deserving" it is that I'm just as "qualified" as everyone else. I'm a supporter within the community. I do my best in aiding new players. I am a respectable player. Me being chosen over others is out of my power. I have yet to become a staff member or become a VIP+, EcoLegend... Etc though. But it's all definitely on my to-do list. Becoming a two year member (4 more days!!), I hope to achieve these goals sometime soon. Maybe my goals qualify myself more as a candidate for the prize? Then again everyone has goals. But it's also how people treat their goals.

    I also like to think of myself as a rule follower. I don't like to break rules. If I were to ever break a rule, it's always unintentional. I don't take breaking rules lightly either. Out of my two years on ECC, I've received exactly two warnings, and remember them all. The first, was when I was telling someone in global to try BJ's ice cream (Ben and Jerry's)... But forgot the ice cream part. Konan then warned and PMed me about it. The second, on August 22, I was trying to help inform a user of auction rules. Trying to get a staff members attention, I continued to talk in the auction channel. I was then warned by Revan. It's important to remember situations like these to prepare yourself for a similar situation. For example, number 1, I could've been more precise with my wording. Number 2, I could've taken the informing of auction rules to PM with the user rather than talking in the auction channel or trying to pm a staff member than trying to get their attention through the auction channel. Long story short, I hate breaking rules. I always feel... Melochany or/and ignominious... To say the least. I am deeply sorry for my insipid and impulsive actions.

    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: @MSU_SPaRtAns321

    Why do you think he/she deserves it?
    Msu, you're a mess :bag:. Banned... more than 4 times?... for the stupidest of things. You get on some people's last nerve sometimes. You even made me revoke your co-mayorship from Ironview once too. But I couldn't imagine spending this summer on ECC without you. People make mistakes all the time. Some people more than others *cough "you" cough*. But one thing I know about you is that your heart is in the right place. One of my best choices on the server was taking the leap of faith to hire you as my co-mayor. Ironview wouldn't be the same without you. I loved watching you grow from a resident to a president $$$$ (not to mention your crazy lotto victories).
    I believe you deserve this 50k. Not for what you've done, but what you've become.

    As Albus Dumbledore once said, actions speak louder than words, but it is your choices that define you as a person.
    (Haven't read all the Harry Potter books so don't ask. I just liked the quote).
    #58 Cardinal3, Aug 20, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  19. FiFyFoFumOtter

    FiFyFoFumOtter does NOT eat mayo on chipotle burritos
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    May 2, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Username: FiFyFoFumOtter
    What you want the money for: Building myself a nice town out of promethius and buying more skyscrapers to get more profit

    Why do you deserve it?: I lost all of my items when I came back including my farms, melonsword and money. I am finding it extremely hard to make it now with almost nothing. I am struggling now and am only digging myself deeper. I really need a good amount of money to invest in profitable items.
    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?:I dont have many good friends who are poor...I guess @officep
    Why do you think they deserve it?:Officepwnz has been my friend for atleast a year on me. He has almost always been there for me. He was kind enough to lend me his msword when he had it and made a co-owner of his farm and let me build a vault in his farm too! Put shortly he has helped me through so much
  20. floffle123

    floffle123 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 28, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Username: floffle123

    Rank: Mayor Survivor [$$]

    What you want the money for: I would like to money to help me buy a town warp for my town. Also I would like to buy a Heal sign for my town.

    Why do you deserve it?: I think I would have a chance at winning this money because, I welcome new members into the forums, give people food when they need it, give builders cheaper plots if they need them, and donate to builders to help them get resident.

    Who do you think deserves it besides your self?: If anyone deserves this money it's definitely @leo_valdes!

    Why do you think they deserve it?: I think that leo deserves the money because he's always helping people out. When I died and lost my fortune pic, leo went and gave me another one. When someone scammed me from a pumpkin ax, leo gave me one for free. Leo's always giving me money and other things. I think that he defiantly get this money.
    #60 floffle123, Aug 20, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
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