250k Weekly Giveaway #10

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Falconaire, Oct 20, 2013.

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  1. HelixInsight

    HelixInsight Surgeon
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 1, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: MCHelix3000
    Rank(s): President, $$, Survivor
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: Here goes! Starting from the rank of resident, I have been staying at spawn for 15 mins per day, giving out free advice to anyone who needs it. Recently, since my orange name has been attracting so much attention, I have been asked by several new builders to help them out on the server by telling them where to start, how to play, and what donation features there are to offer. This may show that I would love to be a moderator, like Falconaire, and help out on the server. When my two friends, Sreepathi12345 and Falcon2552 started on the server, I helped them out by buying them both resident, so they could start selling items of their own, and rank up/buy donation features with ECD. I usually help out players with jobs, and I pay money to people just for the heck of it. Random amounts of money spent on other players go from $0.01-1k, usually everyday I play ECC. I like to keep my balance even, which is why I do this a lot. To go on another topic, I have been a co-mayor of many towns to help the mayors continue with their own towns. TheN00BISHPanda, dwite12, legoking236, coffelatte2 are just some names of the people I have helped out.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: In the future, I plan to get the donation title of "VIP" through EcoDollars, by getting ExtCommands+, Investigator, TP+, Multihome+, etc. I also want to get $EcoLeader$, and maybe even $$$EcoLegend$$$ if possible. A 200x200x35 floor all-crops farm is my second most ultimate goal, and lastly, I would like to make Sreepathi12345 and Falcon2552 mayor. rk2002 will get mayor as well. In addition, I am creating a builder-friendly town that EVERYONE can enjoy and live in.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: This giveaway will allow me to reach my goals by allowing me to buy the donation feature of TP, so that I can get my friends and any other player where they need to be, and I do not have to take a long time to help others. Rather, I can instantly be on the scene when a problem, project, or anything arises.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: I feel that legoking236 and SolaceDevotio both deserve a prize along with myself, because legoking236 is the person who allowed me to grow on this server. He gave me a free plot, and he also gave me free access to a 200x20x3 wheat farm so I could earn resident. Solace, on the other hand, deserves a prize as well, because she bought me president for FREE. She also gave me FREE fire protection 4 diamond armor, and a FREE Eff5 Unb3 Fort3 Diamond Pickaxe, all out of the goodness of her heart.
    Other?: I would like to congratulate Falconaire on getting Moderator, and also because he is giving away 250k in total to 3 people, out of the goodness of his heart.
    #81 HelixInsight, Oct 24, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2013
  2. Avowin

    Avowin ανσςα∂σ
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:

    You should make it a bright blue color Like this :D
    #82 Avowin, Oct 24, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
  3. brandbauer

    brandbauer ℬeacon ℒegend
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 25, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    • blowtube123

    • President
    • Survivor
    • Pilot
    • VIP
    • Beacon
    How have you been positively affecting the server?:
    I have positively been affecting the server by…
    • Since the beginning of my ECC adventure, I have been voting daily. As you may have noticed, I have been in the top voters more than once, which I am very proud of.
    • About 3 months ago, I was a member of the Minewars Staff (Credits to Jetscat for adding me). Here I helped out with filling lockers, preparing for Minewars, and then hosting it with Jetscat. Anyways, this Minewars happened to make the most money Minewars has made in a long time, about $700,000.
    • I finally started to create my town of Efficient Farms! Efficient Farms will be a 200x200 farming town. This town will have 6 farms that are each 12 stories high. This includes pumpkins, melons, wheat, potatoes, carrots, reeds, and nether wart. So far the town is going wonderfully, I have all 6 farms aligned in the correct areas for the best growth efficiency. As of right now I have created the full pumpkin farm and I am ready to move on to the next! Hopefully soon I will be selling perms which will only be $10k with or without a payment plan for any users.
    • Recently, I have been helping with ECC Museum. For example... so far, I have helped recreate/fix many buildings in one of ECC’s more historic towns. I also informed the owner that I would be willing to help with this by creating a few major ECC replicas in my near-spawn town of “Bekana” (which I mention below).
    • I am currently creating MineDerby. It is in the process of being built in the town of “Bekana” which is quite close to spawn. Here, I will be hosting horse races/obstacle courses for many users to compete. I am looking forward to having a large crowd, hopefully as large as MineWars.

    What are your plans for the future on ECC?:
    My plans for the future on ECC are…
    • First of all, I really want to finish Efficient Farms in order to help the community make money the fastest way possible.
    • When Rising comes along, I am looking forward to getting a town close by to spawn that will be more of my creative town. Here I will make it very appealing to users, so that more users stick on ECC because of some of the great spawn builds!
    • I am looking into making my own YouTube channel for helping other users with any common Minecraft/EcoCityCraft problems, mishaps, Mods, Resource Packs, etc. I will hopefully be creating this channel soon, this idea really gets my blood flowing and can help many users in need of this kind of assistance. Hopefully this can make a new aspect of ECC, with many tutorials on Youtube.
    • In the long run, I really do want to become a moderator someday, just like Falconaire. I have tried many times yet failed, but now I do realize what I need to fix. With this money I can fix many many things.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?:
    Winning this giveaway will help me reach my goals by…
    • All money will go straight for building Efficient Farms. No doubt, I want to check that of my list first because helping users means so much to me.
    • If money is left over after Efficient Farms, I will definitely use it for a town by the “Rising” spawn!
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:
    • If I could pick another player who I think deserves a prize along with myself, I would pick Falconaire. About a month or so ago, I barely knew Falconaire. Now that Falcon has become an ECC legend for doing giveaways, I cannot imagine not knowing a better guy than Falcon. In total (Including this giveaway), Falcon has given away $845,000, not to mention all of the diamonds and iron ingots he has also given away. $845,000 is a crazy number. Any ECC user would die for this much money, but Falcon amazingly just keeps giving it all away. Other than the giveaways, Falcon is also a new mod and he has been killing it. He is online everyday helping out every user that he can. Wow Falcon, at 15 years old, that is a pretty amazing achievement.

    • I do understand that I have one first place already, but I figured I would still try for second being that Falconaire deserves all the love I can give him! All thanks once again, go to Falconaire for being one of the most generous, outgoing, and supportive members on the ECC community by far. It is truly an honor to know him. He is the next generation of ECC. Love you Falconaire! <3
    • Like Like x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • List
    #83 brandbauer, Oct 24, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
  4. Falconaire

    Falconaire Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 19, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    I actually don't even check if the applicants are online before I select winners. I'm looking for the best applications/players, just because you're not online when I'm reading through the applications doesn't mean that you won't be picked, the only thing you'll actually miss is me "/shout"ing the winners in-game. If you win and you're not online, simply PM me whenever you get on at a corresponding time as me, and I'll give you your prize then.
  5. SnDxCH4RG3R

    SnDxCH4RG3R |Technical Tycoon|
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Feb 27, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: SnDxCH4RG3R
    Rank(s): President, Warrior, Donator [$$$]
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I always try to spread word of the server whether it be telling my real life friends to join or encouraging internet friends to try it out that I know have minecraft. Along with this I like to sit at spawn and help some of the more confused builders who either can't contact a moderator because they just don't know how to or are just asking in chat with no repsonses. This can be as simple as a two word answer like "Diamond Portal" or spending 30 minutes going through the tutorial with them to ensure that they understand and then giving a free plot away.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: I'm currently dedicating a lot of my time to America, where I had the privelage of co-mayorship. We are working on a project there currently that will take a long time. Some long term personal goals for me though, are getting an Efficiency 7 Pickaxe, finishing my 1:1 mockup of spawn, and saving towards my 3rd town or Tycoon, not so sure yet.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: I would start by putting %60 of winnings towards my Efficiency 7 fund. From there I would put %20 into my and the last %20 into helping America. The money would help me get more nstars (So I won't have to rent your pick as much :p ) and from there, buy materials drastically needed for supplies on these projects I am participating in.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: If I had to say one other person it would be Vintage_Gamer. I met him when he was just a Builder and bought a plot in my town. Now we're both Presidents and we've cooperatively worked together for a long time now. He is always there to lend a hand for me and same for him.
    Other?: The best of luck to all and thank you Falconaire for holding this giveaway.
  6. Evanj421

    Evanj421 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 20, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Ign: Evanj421 How have you been positivley affecting the server: Ive been helping builders out and given out money to people in need What are your plans for the future on ecc: Make a town like no other and let the ecc family enjoy it How will winning the giveaway help you reach your goals: Well first of all Id give a builder res and Then id make the rest of my town and help community Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself who and why do they deserve an reward: well i think Westenj does cause he has always been there for me and is a great freind Other Falconaire is the best best best best mod ever
  7. Original_Jackson

    Original_Jackson ♕ Ecoleader ♕
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 5, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    I'm more excited for this than I was for staff apps :p
  8. minecraftninja05

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Aug 16, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    how have i been positively affecting to this server?- well i have helped many builders that just started off and got then from quitting and giving up on server i told them about everything on this server and what it offers and now they told me this is their favorite server. I have donated to builders/ new members to the server and have give out free plots in my town to new members to help then get started out. I have donated to this server also to show my support.

    plans for future of ECC?- i plan on getting mayor eventually and when i can get enough $ will host parkour challenges big ones with prizes such as 10k first 5k second 3k third. i can only have 12-15k an hour but when i can gain the $ i will do this. i will always be active this is my favorite server.

    how will $ help with my ECC goals?- i was considering buying some builders resident so maybe they would be more active on the server. i plan on maybe buying mayor or gift cards n save up for fly.

    anyone else i think deserves $?- i think any mod deserves it but do not need it if u do not pick me please pick a resident or builder any unless very inactive or wont stick with server it will help them greatly.

    other- as always thanks for doing this again very generous of you to give away your $ especially since your mod now and don't have as much time very generous. thanks for this and good luck to whoever wins!
  9. TheKDshowz_Kevin

    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jul 21, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Mayor [$]
    How have you been positively affecting the server?:
    I have introduced 36 builders so far. Since minecraft is a very famous game, it was easy for me to convince them to join the server. Most of them are from school. I have been helping out a lot of new users lately. I showed them the tutorials, and they understood it very well. I played survival games with them to get them to have the feel of ECC. I gave them free plots in my town too.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?:
    I want to help ECC to get more donations processing. I would sell and buy donations, so that Andrew would use that money to help the server out. I also want to see ECC have 1000/1000 max people online. Would it not be amazing to see that? Another plan is getting my town to have a BIG farm. I want to get president too.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?:
    I would be able to purchase donations and help my town out. I am saving up for a portal. so that the builders that I introduced will have a very comfortable way to get to my town. I do have tp feature, but they also need one /sethome to a mine or some sort of thing like that. I really feel sorry for them. I really do. This is why I want a portal really bad. With the spare money I have, I might be able to have enough money to build a farm in my town. My town mates really need money. They don't have enough money to get permission to a farm, so I want to build one for them. I really want them to have enough money to get resident. I was once a builder like everyone, and I know how it feels like. I appreciate them for joining my town.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:

    No, unfortunately. All the people I know very close are very greedy. They have scammed users, so I learned from their mistakes. They just spend ALL not some but ALL their money on lottery. This is why I do not think they deserve to win this generous competition.

    Other?: Thank you for reading my application. I wish luck to all of the other participants because they need money too, and I am sure they are doing it for good. And Falconaire thank you very much. I appreciate you giving out money to users. You make us smile.
  10. trini8a

    trini8a Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 13, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Mayor, [$]
    How have you been positively affecting the server?:

    I have most recently been positively affecting the server my helping people with TP’s , selling super cheap plots to builders and I also held a snipe event the other day. With the previous winnings, I have already purchased the Teleport donation feature, and have started hiring people to clear the land of LosSantos. Also. I have added more dirt to flatten out the town of water7, for the sole purpose of selling extremely cheap plots so builders can start making profit with farming, or have a place to put their stuff. I am not interested in the money from the plots and that’s why I’m going to sell them for about half the price of what plots usually cost to builders only.

    I love to help others, and I’m sure you already know what I have to say from my previous giveaway application, but I will say it again. I love to help others, and am constantly helping others whenever I get the chance too. I like to explore the massive world of EcoCityCraft and with the teleportation feature that your previous giveaway allowed me to get, I can help others while exploring the world as I wish. I keep trying my best to make this great and friendly server even better by helping others and interacting with others, it creates a sense of a real community, scratch that, ECC is a real community.

    I don’t like it when higher ranked players Alienate Builders as if they are their own race or species. I actually kind of find it kind of funny but either way it’s just stupid. The only way to prevent this and also keep builders to stay playing on this server is to help them upgrade their rank/social status. So I love to help them whenever I get the chance too. That is also why I sell plots for so cheap, or give them access to my farm so they can start making money. I know I can’t win first place again, but winning any of these prizes would greatly help me progress in putting effort into this server.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?:

    My future plans for myself on EcoCityCraft include bringing to life my city of LosSantos. It is going to be a town where I'm going to sell modern pre-built homes to simulate the American city of Los Angeles. Another project that I have been thinking about is to create a town that has Japanese style homes, Classic and modern Japanese homes. This town would be located next to LosSantos to create a feeling where you can walk to two entirely different scenes of Japan and California as if simulating a real world. I plan on making a beautiful nation once I get president.

    I also plan on getting some more of ECC's donation features so I can help other players with jobs needing some of the available donation features on ECC or using the donation features to help fellow ECC players for free. It is enjoyable to meet new people and see new places on this massive server and to help those people and places develop is even better! With my builder town that I own, I sell plots to builders for cheap, and I am currently creating more space in that town to sell even more plots and hold plot giveaways for builders. I enjoy getting new players started on this server because there is so many possibilities on ECC.

    I am motivated in creating a town as nice and amazing as yours! I realized how much more work and thought I need to put into these things before I just go out and do it. I am really going to try and simulate the real world in my town as much as I can. From real estate to farm access and stores. I want to share this place that I create with others most importantly, so I plan on working hard and getting my ideas done.

    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?:

    Winning this giveaway will help me reach many of my goals in many ways. To start off, I will hire workers to clear and flatten the town, and once that is done, I will start building the portal room for the portal that I plan on purchasing with these winnings also. From there, I will create the streets and mark the structure locations where I plan on where I will build bridges, parks, a mall, apartments, houses, the beach, etc. I have big plans for this and any amount of cash will count. I will appreciate every cent and dedicate it to my town and to the help of new players and existing players.

    I will also finish the flattening of my side town, and start laying out the plots to sell for super cheap, auction, or giveaway to new builders. I also plan to save up for Multi-home so I can buy Towns and be able to go back to them without a portal. Also, to buy a nice house in your town and set a home in there. This giveaway is the biggest one that you’ve held and that means that it will allow me to do even bigger things with whatever place price that I win. I’m not one to look past opportunities and this is another great opportunity for me.

    I have almost all the cash required for the rank of president, but have decided to put my money and effort into my plans that I have for the future of ECC. After my goals are complete I will get to focus on getting president and adding the other town(s) to LosSantos. Winning this giveaway will allow me to get to my goals twice as fast and it would really be appreciated and it will motivate me even more than I already am to put my utmost effort into this project.

    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:
    It’s always hard to choose 1 player out of the hundreds and hundreds that play ECC. I don’t really know what to say in this one that I haven’t already said in my last entry application but another player besides you (of course :b ) would have to be “Welikeike22” because he plans on holding such a huge giveaway! I think it’s amazing for him to also want to help the server from holding an amazing giveaway like yourself. I would understand if he won the most because he is also trying to contribute to the server and I would also look forward to the giveaway.
    Another player that I would also like to put on my “to win list” would be any resident or builder. Just so those guys that talk to them like they’re better than them would just shut up already. It irritates me that this is just a game, and they alienate other players based on their “rank.” As if it’s a whole different entire species or race. It makes me laugh sometimes too. I have even seen examples of this one of the contestants for this prize. So that’s why I want a lower rank person to win.


    I just would like to thank Falconaire for giving me 1st place in last Sunday’s 75k Giveaway. With those earnings, I have been able to purchase the Teleportation donation and was able to hire someone to flatten my town of water7 and LosSantos. I have also started selling plots too builders for 500 each, and have been helping them get a good start on the server. I have worked hard and put effort to make another good giveaway application the best I can. Also, your town is pretty awesome and I’m glad I bought a house there! I’m looking forward to winning second or third place in this giveaway and will continue to put the winnings to good use. Thank you once again and good luck to all the participants!
  11. dork1877

    dork1877 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jul 29, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: dork1877
    Rank(s): President, Survivor, Pilot, Donator, Master of Sarcasm
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I officially forum ignored Shotgunboy yesterday :) ummmm... I try to keep KnightBomb from trying to auction a melon and a diamond sword for 50k.... ummmm... I try to give people a good laugh most of the time. Oh, and my town devoted to builders and making the transition from being brand new on the server to being a fully functioning member of ECC society as easy as possible. That includes buying/helping buy residency.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: Make a 200x200 Pump Farm for My BuilderBuddies.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?:I would probably use the money to pay someone skilled to make the pumpkin farm for me because I have very little experience/success with making large scale farms.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: If I were to pick another player (besides you) it would be a tie between Skylexia and Revanrose6. They deserve it because of all of the hard work they have done/do for the server. They have to take their time away from participating in the economy part of the the Economy Server to deal with issues related to server moderation/administration.
    Other?: I think it's time to make a new trailer for Aquila :) It's way more awesome now.
  12. Dry_Water

    Dry_Water Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 29, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Owenfox7722
    Rank(s):Mayor, $
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I help builders in my town and I am currently getting funds to start a race track to bring fun to ECC
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: I plan to get donation features and bring new ideas to this server and bring the first ECC horse race to the server
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: It will help me get more materials and it will help me get more people to help me positively helping the ECC economy.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:I think minecraftbros0 or Drexle77 because they are some pretty sweet kids helping me out too
    Other?:If you pick me its going to help everyone on this server and make this server more enjoyable for everyone.
  13. DjCookiemaster

    DjCookiemaster Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: DjCookiemaster
    Rank(s): Resident
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: Helping new players get a start in the economy
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: Getting mayor and making and town
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: It will help me buy supplies and rank up
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:
    Other?: I would have to say gizzigoogle because he has been such a great friend to me
  14. Avaina1918

    Avaina1918 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 14, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Avaina1918
    Rank(s): Mayor, $$$$
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I help out Builders all the time on Ecc, and help get them started on the server and give them items and money. Some of the people I've helped and even given co-mayor in my town are scotalot100 (now res), missusboss, and shuellness625 (sadly inactive). I have also given people free e-repairs, tps, and other donation related things.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: Well, I really want to start a Builder only town, among other things. I also wish to host monthly giveaways once I get some Eff. 7 tools and gear. Also, I have lots of ideas for ways to improve the lives of my fellow ECC'ers and make better towns.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: I will use this money for some Eff. 5 things so I can make money to get an Eff. 7 pick. I'll also finish off a town I bought and start selling things to give money to Builders in need. I'll also start planning out a Builder only town (which will be awesome) and a farm town (discounts to Builders!). I will, finally, give some to my good friends.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: scotalot100. He's helped me so much since I took him under my wing, and deserves a bit of a reward, not only for helping me, but others.
    Other?: I know this is short, but I'm not making it all sappy and stuff, just cutting to the chase. Thanks for doing these, and good luck to the other applicants!
  15. Exellanela

    Exellanela Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Aug 21, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: From striving to reach my goals and through arduous working, It is still tiresome for the builds I had built. Without fly, the work is strenuous, but from the reactions from my colleagues, the delight comes back through. My builds have given sparks of new hopes and ideas for premature builders, and even from prolific architects, the spark lights within them when they see the builds I had built. As a builder, I have to admit I was ignorant, not knowing anything about the server (including where the sg arenas were) and was embarrassing. But ever since I had bought resident and met many new friends (maybe this is too weak of a word) such as joseph01234, skittlesbanana, physiscistmom, etc., my personality, builds, and, especially, the view of the server, shine under a new and positive light. I have positively helped the server in a way such that my new friends remember their present day of happiness, such as reminding them about loved ones or currently doing. One example of that when I asked phys, "Are you are Jakey married? How is the relationship?" She responded in a very upbeat manner, explaining to me their beautiful and positive current lives. In addition, I usually give tips when I strongly believe the person deserved it. As a example, RedWerk, a fair young lad, helped me fix the gate sign for my town. I paid him an extra 200 (I was very poor then, only having 1k) and continuously thanking him for his time. Therefore, I have not done many things to help the server, but each action was significant, changing the view of the present day server. But from the money, I hope to help other people, such as the poor, and promote the common good.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: For the future plans of ECC, I plan to get many donation features to help promote the common good-or to boost the positivity of the community as a whole. I plan to get the enchanted repair donation, and give free ereps sometimes because they can be very strenuous sometimes. As a builder, I had learned that ereps cost a lot for me, since I only had a insignificant amount of money, so I usually spent all my money on just one erepair. Also, I plan to create a glorious, new and luscious town where people could live in harmony. I plan to make everything prebuilt, so new players will not have to go through the stress of building and putting their stuff everywhere randomly. The town will help me earn money to even get more donation features, which I will then use to promote the common good. As a result from the money I can possibly receive, the money will be used wisely (unlike blowing it all in a lotto) and help both old and new players look at new builds in a different perspective so that they will give new ideas to plan for others builds. This builds are significant because there is a possibility this server will develop new concepts from the buildings. As one can see, the development of the new town can possibly promote new ideas, and help both new and old players live in a place such that they will feel content, and from the donation features, possibly less stress will be shown.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: This winning will help me reach my goals because I can finally afford new building materials and enough money to buy donation features. I am considered quite poor, and this money will be given to promote the good of the community as a whole. The building and donation features will be combined, helping both me and the community. Unlike some other people who just want this money although they have more than 100k, the money can be used to build a new paradise for both old and new players. This money will help me both find the materials I need to build and start a town, and provide enough money for donation features that will promote the common good.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: I think another person who deserves this prize is Exilenela. He is a fine young lad who will greatly help the community from his forgiving, and unselfish personalities.
    Other?:Good luck to all who entered. Nothing more is needed to be said :)
  16. MasterOPuppets

    MasterOPuppets Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 8, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Shaneman702
    Rank(s): Resident, Survivor
    How have you positively affected the server?: I try my best to be fair and kind. I can't do much because of my low rank. But I don't let that stop me!
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: I would love to follow in Lurkblader's step's of ECC, in buying all of the donation features I want in eco dollars, and get a melon sword.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: Like I stated above, this money can help get a melon sword and maybe with a lot of farming ext. commands!
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so why do they deserve a reward?: I would pick Dragracer2725, for being nice and working together in his town and sg, I would pick zedoker, for helping me a lot, he's also come a long way since I knew him when he was a resident, and last but, not least, Lurkblader for being a mentor and giving me advice.
    Other?: Thank you for having this giveaway and being all around awesome at everything!
  17. RailefBear

    RailefBear Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Oct 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: RailefBear
    Rank(s): Resident =( (yup, still)
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I think I've helped the server quite a bit (as much as a resident can of course. This even made me consider applying for mod but I realized I don't have that much time available). So, How have I've been helping the server? Well, every time time I see a person that needs help I go and PM them answering their questions and asking if they have more. Too many times to actually keep track of them I've helped brand new people to our server who are asking how does the server work/how do i make money/ how do I get a place to live/etc and I explain to them what the server is, in general, about and how to make money (Usually give them a quick tour through the tutorial section, just enough to get them started) and then always keep answering their questions if they still need help.
    Why do i do this? Well, I remember my first day at ECC, I really thought the server had potential to be what I had been looking for in a server for so long so I kept asking how I could get started and basically, I was one of those people I've been helping. I remember being in their position and it took about an hour before Clou logged in and helped me right away (thank you!! ).
    So I guess I've been trying to play the rol of a mod in that way... I really want to be one but I don't have that much time everyday of the week to actually do an awesome job as a mod (I like doing a job as perfect as I can, and for mod I don't want to be just good, so I'll wait until I have the time)
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: Well, I really want to build all the stuff I have in my mind. A lot of ideas about themes for towns! So I can't wait to be President haha. I'm currently a Resident because I had to postpone my Mayor application because I was really busy in RL back then (like 3 weeks ago). Now I'm working for every penny to get Mayor and get a boost on ECC to keep advancing and make it to President! I'm planning on building Greed Island which is from the cartoons I used to watch when I was a kid (Hunter X) and maybe a 4-city size Avatar themed city. (Avatar The Last Airbender / Korra legend... not the movie)
    Also, as soon as I get a job in RL I'll buy some donations (I currently have water haha). I'm thinking about Flying, multi home and TP (for my residents in my towns!). Might get others but I think those will help my citizens the most.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: Well, you already read my plans =) If I win, even if it's not first place, it will help me be one step closer to my goals. It would be a huge boost to get 1st place! Because I would be quite close to President after getting Mayor!!
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: If someone deserves a price, whether it is from this contest or another, is the people that have always been there to help me when I have needed it. These people have had a lot of patience answering my questions and helping me in general:revanrose6 clou44 and Physicistsmom. And actually you too Falconaire haha you have helped me quite a bit lately!
    Other?: Not really much to say other than thank you! I think it's great you are hosting this contest and that you actually take the time to read all those applications! (Must be quite a lot to read!). Honestly, later in the server if I had quite a bit of money I think I'd do the same or something similar. It's always awesome to help a person that has goals in this server and if you can help them get their faster the feeling is always quite rewarding. It'd be my way to keep helping the same way I try to help new people. (Every now and then I also give some money to those that need it. I think that's why I haven't gathered the money again for Mayor haha)

    Sorry for the long post!!!
  18. Expo13

    Expo13 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 21, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    How have you been positively affecting the server?:I am the co-mayor of kamouafarms witch I sell perms to
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?:to get a sg kit and become president
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?:it will help me get a sg kit and president
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:
  19. jassimq

    jassimq Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Dec 24, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: jassimq
    Rank(s): mayors, $$$$, survivor
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: Yes i have been helping builders by paying them 1k to get a 10x10 plot, i have been sitting in spawn for hours and sometimes i kill someone by tricking them inside to pvp and then tell them that they shouldn't get tricked like this way and i give thim their stuff back just to give them a lesson
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: Becoming a staff member and getting a melon sword and maybe other stuff.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: My goals is to get a melon sword if i win i would get maybe a pick or a pumpkin axe to farm to make more money. I have been wanting a melon sword y whole life.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:
    Other?: Yes, blowtube123 cause he have helped me with my advertising company by allowing me to put a board in his farm once it is done so thanks blowtube123 and falconaire u both have done alot to the community :)
  20. Craftychips

    Craftychips Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 19, 2012
    Trophy Points:

    Rank(s):I have president, water, multihome but later i am hoping to help the economy even more by buying more donations.

    How have you been positively affecting the server?:I have been helping people out in auctions so if someone was selling something really good i would make the bid high then other people would make a higher bid. Also I helped someone called colbydude1 out to get some money and helped him make a house on my town. Another thing I helped Almoace build his 200x200x20 farm but we didn't get to finish it as we ran out of money. I also help out buying peoples towns so they can get some money and i use them for buildings and farms.

    What are your plans for the future on ECC?:My plans are to get tycoon and then get loads of money and give it away to builders to get resident. Also to help people out by hiring them and pay them alot of money to help them out. Another thing i would wish to do is that when i have loads of good stuff i will do a item drop at spawn to help people out. As you can see i like helping people out to get money and will help them out if i win some of this money from the 250k giveaway.

    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?:It will help me because I have always wanted to help some builders out get resident and it will help me build up my town and then give some builders to live some where, where they wont get griefed and some where to put all there stuff and i would also like to teach them commands so they can go adventure and get materials to sell to get money. I would also give them 5-10k to help them out.

    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:I think Almoace deserves some of the money too as he helps people out alot and he helped me get president and he also helped other people out at spawn tips to get money.

    Other?:Also i would like to say thank you very much for giving away 250k and helping other people so thank you again!!

    P.S: Falconaire thank you for giving away all this money and i hope all the people who have applied good luck to all of you and i hope you win.
    #100 Craftychips, Oct 26, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2013
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