Hello! I am alivar and today i am selling my old house in kyoto the house was custom built for me and looks great. The location is in a great town And the neighbors of the plot are joliver, PBrassat, skylexia and annyonion (the mayor). The house rests on a 20x20 plot and has 3 floors. The house also comes with a cooking pot in the house, LOTS! of storage, Very close to a market and near a store owned by me. The town also has stuff like free e-repairs, water placement, and tps. The town has no other towns around it and the land is almost completely ungreifed. Also the town includes a bunch of local farms (warning they are a bit small) Price! I want around 25-30k for this house. (Photos below) For Town rules or more info click HERE! Pm alivar if interested
You don't have permission to sell the house. If you wish to leave the town annyonion, Nikorayu, origamimaster10 and I seize the house. annyonion
eekelmo I have special permission from anny to sell this house because i am buying a new one i n the town and anny gave me permission to sell it if i split the profit with her. So the house is basically still for sale.
eekelmo It's okay, I gave Alivar special permission. :3 BTW why are the photos so small? Can't really see the details. D: